Tests on dermatology with 1 correct answer

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Red zoster

  • Simple herpes

  • sycosis

  • Impetigo*

  • no correct answer

    681. Variety of strep impetigo:

    1. Zayed*

    2. furuncle

    3. Simple herpes

    4. Epidemic pemphigus

    5. no correct answer

    682. The ability to localize boil:

    1. Neck*

    2. Oral mucosa

    3. Lips

    4. Soles

    5. no correct answer

    683. Clinical signs typical of staphylococcal deep pustules:

    1. Liquid pus

    2. Located on the smooth skin

    3. Surrounded by a rim of hyperemia

    4. Riddled hair*

    5. no correct answer

    684. hydradenitis localized:

    1. Palm

    2. Shin

    3. Soles

    4. Armpits*

    5. no correct answer

    685. The main clinical forms of staphylococcal skin lesions:

    1. Chromophytosis

    2. shingles

    3. Ecthyma vulgar

    4. Folliculitis*

    5. no correct answer

    686. Clinical varieties of strep impetigo:

    1. Bullous impetigo*

    2. sycosis

    3. Deep folliculitis

    4. Simple herpes

    5. no correct answer

    687. Complications occurring in patients with the localization of boils on his face:

    1. Phlebitis cerebral vessels*

    2. Neuritis of the facial nerve

    3. endocarditis

    4. neuralgia

    5. no correct answer

    688. Deep streptococcal form:

    1. Strep impetigo

    2. Vulgar ecthyma*

    3. Bullous impetigo

    4. Lichen simplex

    5. no correct answer

    689. The factors that cause toxicoderma:

    1. Sulfa drugs*

    2. Acid

    3. Alkalis

    4. Metals (cobalt, nickel, chromium)

    5. no correct answer

    700. Clinical symptoms of hives:

    1. Blister*

    2. Node

    3. pain

    4. Pustule

    5. no correct answer

    701. stimuli, causing a simple contact dermatitis:

    1. Drugs per os

    2. Nutritional

    3. Physical (high and low temperature)*

    4. Psychoemotional

    5. no correct answer

    702. For atopic dermatitis is characterized by:

    1. Bumps

    2. Units

    3. blister

    4. Erythema *

    5. no correct answer

    703. Symptoms characteristic of true eczema:

    1. Blisters

    2. Scar atrophy

    3. True polymorphism*

    4. Bumps

    5. no correct answer

    704.Dlya eczema is characterized by:

    1. Moisture "serous wells"*

    2. Bumps

    3. Units

    4. Gumma

    5. no correct answer

    705. Clinical manifestations of fresh secondary period of syphilis:

    1. Roseola*

    2. Bubbles

    3. Blisters

    4. Extensive warts

    5. no correct answer

    706. Clinical signs of syphilitic roseola:

    1. Itchy

    2. Painful

    3. Does not merge*

    4. Purple

    5. no correct answer

    707. Clinical signs of tinea versicolor:

    1. Defurfuration*

    2. Papules

    3. Bumps

    4. Units

    5. no correct answer

    708. The source of infection at mikrosporii:

    1. Cats, dogs*

    2. cattle

    3. Rodents

    4. Water

    5. no correct answer

    709. candidiasis affects:

    1. The muscular system

    2. Follicular unit

    3. Skeletal system

    4. Mucous*

    5. no correct answer

    710. The primary elements in the herpes simplex:

    1. blister

    2. Abscess

    3. Bubble*

    4. Bundle

    5. no correct answer

    711. For viral diseases include:

    1. Herpes zoster*

    2. eczema

    3. lupus erythematosus

    4. Vulgar sycosis

    5. no correct answer

    712. For zoster is characterized by:

    1. Units

    2. Damage along the nerve endings*

    3. Blisters

    4. Nodules

    5. no correct answer

    713. Clinical manifestations characteristic of occupational eczema:

    1. Bumps

    2. Units

    3. Moisture *

    4. Vegetation

    5. no correct answer

    714. The bubble is allowed to form:

    1. Lihenifikatsiya

    2. Vibitsess

    3. Erosion*

    4. Ulcer

    5. no correct answer

    715. Have cavity morphological elements:

    1. papule

    2. blister

    3. spot

    4. Bubble*

    5. no correct answer

    716. The rash polymorphic at:

    1. Psoriasis

    2. Eczema

    3. Lichen planus

    4. Molluscum Contagiosum*

    5. no correct answer

    717. Monomorphic rash when dermatoses:

    1. Erythema multiforme exudative

    2. eczema

    3. Dermatitis Duhring

    4. Psoriasis*

    5. no correct answer

    718. Clinical features of psoriasis:

    1. The presence of papules*

    2. Haemorrhagic spots

    3. Bubbles

    4. Bumps

    5. no correct answer

    719. Clinical signs of lichen planus:

    1. Biett collar

    2. umblicuous depressions in the center*

    3. Blisters

    4. Node

    5. no correct answer

    720. The main clinical forms of psoriasis:

    1. Subacute

    2. Atrophic

    3. hemorrhagic

    4. Vulgar*

    5. no correct answer

    721. The histological signs characteristic of psoriasis:

    1. Spongiosa

    2. Acantholysis*

    3. Parakeratosis

    4. Ballooning degeneration

    5. no correct answer

    722. Clinical stage course of psoriasis:

    1. Subacute

    2. Progressive*

    3. Acute

    4. Chronic

    5. no correct answer

    723. Clinical varieties of lichen planus:

    1. Arthropathic

    2. Atrophic*

    3. Pemfigoidnaya

    4. Papulose

    5. no correct answer

    724. The most common form of psoriasis with the flow:

    1. Autumn

    2. Offseason

    3. Winter*

    4. General

    5. no correct answer

    725. Psoriasis must be differentiated from:

    1. Pemphigus

    2. Eczema

    3. Warts

    4. Lichen planus*

    5. no correct answer

    726. The phenomena characteristic of psoriasis:

    A. Blood dew

    B.Besnier Meshcherskiy


    D.Of asbestos Hansen

    727. For the characteristic symptoms of lupus:

    A.Net Wickham

    B.Follicular hyperkeratosis


    D.A symptom Kebnera

    E. No correct answer

    728. Stages of scleroderma:

    A. peeling




    E.No correct answer

    729. Drugs used to treat scleroderma:

    A.a nicotinic acid

    B.+ Lidasa



    E.No correct answer

    730 Connective tissue diseases:

    A.+ Lupus erythematosus


    C.Allergic vasculitis

    D.Lichen planus

    E.No correct answer

    731. Clinical varieties of lupus:





    E.No correct answer

    732. The period of syphilis:




    D.All right

    E.No correct answer

    733. The main clinical forms of leprosy:





    E. No correct answer

    734. For tinea versicolor is characterized by:

    A.Sample Balzer*

    B.A symptom Besnier Meshcherskiy

    C.Green glow of the luminescence


    E No correct answer

    735. Clinical forms of athlete's foot:





    E. no correct answer

    736. Diseases related to dermatophytes:

    A.Athlete's groin*


    C.Lichen simplex


    E. No correct answer

    737. What kind of pustules:





    E.No correct answer

    738. What kind of spots:





    E.No correct answer

    739. The lesion with indistinct borders, the size of 45 cm, pink, not protruding above the skin. When the pressuresensitive element disappears.

    A.Specify the morphological element:





    740. The spot size of 45 cm in diameter. Specify the kind of morphological elements:





    E.No correct answer

    741. What dermatological manifestations may be markers of AIDS:

    A.Dermatitis herpetiformis Duhring*


    C.Lichen planus

    D. KS

    E.No correct answer

    742. At the stage of established AIDS observed:



    C.Dermatitis Duhring

    D.Triad Hutchinson

    E.No correct answer

    743. The patient on the skin surface of the forearm extensor bespolostnoe proliferative precipitation measuring 0.5 0,7sm diameter, thick consistency, raised above the skin. The elements are clear lines, flat, dull shape.

    Specify the morphological element:





    E.No correct answer
    744. What morphological element has the ephemeral:





    E.No correct answer

    745. In place of the node is allowed:





    E.No correct answer

    746. Which skin diseases characterized by monomorphic papuleznayasyp:



    C.Vulgar sycosis


    E.No correct answer

    747. papulosus proliferative cavity element towering above the skin, often ulcerate and end up with scar or scar atrophy

    Find erroneous statements in this definition:




    D.Ends with scarring

    E.No correct answer
      748. Find the right signs of tubercle:




    D.Ends without scar pigmentation

    E.No correct answer

    749. The tubercle is:

    A.Infectious granuloma occurring in the reticular dermis*

    B.Cavity element occurs in the epidermis

    C.acute inflammatory edema of the papillary dermis

    D.Acute inflammatory cavity element of the papillary dermis

    E.No correct answer

    750. When any skin diseases occur tubercles:


    B.Secondary syphilis

    C.Dermatitis Duhring


    E. No correct answer

    751. The patient in the face and chest are abdominal elements protruding above the skin filled with serous fluid, the size of 0.30.5 cm in diameter.

    Identify morphological element:

    1. abscess

    2. vial *

    3. papule

    4. bubble

    E.No correct answer
    752. In the formation of the bubble histologically observed:

    1. vakuolnaya degeneration *

    2. acanthosis

    3. granulosa

    4. akantolizis

    5. No correct answer

    753. The patient in the forearm skin lesion size of 5x6 cm, bright red, do not rise above the level of the skin. Specify the nature of the morphological elements:

    1. bump

    2. knot

    3. Spot *

    4. Lichenification

    5. No correct answer

    754. The size of 5x6 cm, towering above the skin, bright red color:

    1. roseola

    2. erythema*

    3. purpura

    4. Lentigo

    5. No correct answer

    755. Specify the characteristic morphological element sulfa erythema:

    1. spot *

    2. knot

    3. Node

    4. Bump

    5. No correct answer

    756. The patient in the back of the neck lesion size 5x6 cm. The neck skin is dry, rough, thick. Skin pattern in the outbreak is significantly strengthene

    Specify the nature of the morphological elements:

    1. ecscoriacia

    2. vegetation

    3. lichenification*

    4. scar atrophy

    5. No correct answer

    757. Lichenification character for:

    1. shingles

    2. simple bubble stripping

    3. pruriginous eczema

    4. neurodermatitis*

    5. No correct answer

    758. Lichenification appears:


    1. a second time at the confluence papular elements*

    2. primarily due to prolonged irritation of the skin when scratching

    3. primarily as a result of burns

    4. guticar

    5. No correct answer

    759. The patient in the tibia lesion, accompanied by a deep defect in the epidermis and dermis, the size of 23 cm oval, smooth edges, with seropurulent discharg

    Specify the nature of the morphological elements:

    1. Erosion

    2. crack

    3. ulcer *

    4. excoriation

    5. No correct answer

    760. In place of the ulcer will been resolved:

    1. scar *

    2. pigmentation

    3. excoriation

    4. lichenification

    5. No correct answer

    761. In what appears ulcer skin diseases:

    1. tertiary syphilis*

    2. lichen planus

    3. scabies

    4. psoriasis

    5. No correct answer

    762. The patient skin rashes torso multiple pale pink in color, the size of 0.30.5 cm, towering above the skin, disappearing when presse

    Specify the kind of morphological elements:

    1. roseola*

    2. erythema

    3. petechiae

    4. ecchymosis

    5. No correct answer

    763. Specify the nature of roseola:

    1. vascular hemorrhagic spot

    2. primary lentigo

    3. inflammatory vascular spot*

    4. lenticular papule

    5. No correct answer

    764. What are the diseases of the skin accompanied by roseola:

    1. erythema multiforme exudative

    2. secondary syphilis *

    3. psoriasis

    4. planus

    5. No correct answer

    765. The patient in the skin of the trunk multiple lesions rounded shapes, the size of a penny coin 2, proliferative, protruding above the skin surface, dens

    Specify the nature of the morphological elements:

    1. nummular papules*

    2. lenticular papules

    3. Spot

    4. Blisters

    5. No correct answer

    766. papules located:

    1. AV epidermis with the capture of the papillary dermis

    2. the reticular dermis

    3. Surface only within the epidermis*

    4. in the subcutaneous fat

    5. No correct answer

    767. The patient in the red border of lips abdominal accumulation of small items that contain

    serous exudat

    Specify the nature of the morphological elements:

    1. bull

    2. vesicles *

    3. urticaria

    4. pustules

    5. No correct answer

    768. To what morphological elements include vesicle:

    1. primary effusion*

    2. primary proliferative

    3. secondary exudative

    4. specific granuloma

    5. No correct answer

    769. At what diseases of the skin may appear vesicle:

    1. lichen planus

    2. microsporia

    3. leprosy

    4. simple herpes *

    5. No correct answer

    770. At the site revealed the remains of vesicles:

    1. erosion *

    2. excoriation

    3. scar

    4. ulcer

    5. No correct answer

    771. Histological examination of the preparation of the skin revealed a significant thickening of the granular layer of the epidermis.

    Specify the nature of the disease process:

    A vacuolar degeneration

    1. granulёz *

    2. acantholysis

    3. hyperkeratosis

    4. ekcimatosys

    5. No correct answer

    772. The granular layer comprises:

    1. 24 series *

    2. 510ryadov

    3. 56 rows of cells

    4. 1012 rows of cells

    5. No correct answer

    773. The cytoplasm of the cells of the granular layer comprises:

    1. eleidin

    2. keratin

    3. keratohyalin *

    4. net correct answer

    5. No correct answer

    774. In the study of skin biopsy revealed fusion of epithelial intercellular bridges in the spinous layer of cells found epidermisa Ttsank

    Specify the nature of the disease process:

    1. parakeratosis

    2. papillomatosis

    3. acanthosis

    4. acantholysis *

    5. No correct answer

    775. The spinous layer composed of:

    1. 36 rows of cells*

    2. 1018 series

    3. 1215 series

    4. 2025 series

    5. No correct answer

    776. The skin biopsy revealed a violation of keratinization epidermotsitov, thickening of the horny layer without structural changes in the cells.

    Specify the kind of pathological process:

    1. parakeratosis

    2. gipergranulamatosys

    3. hyperkeratosis *

    4. spongiosa

    5. No correct answer

    777. The cells of the stratum corneum are in the form:

    1. ball

    2. Records *

    3. cylinder

    4. cube

    5. No correct answer

    778. The cells of the stratum corneum are filled:

    1. eleidin

    2. keratin *

    3. keratohyalin

    4. glycin

    5. no correct answer

    779. What disease is characterized by a true polymorphism:

    1. eczema *

    2. pemphigus

    3. vulgarnogo sycosis

    4. shingles

    5. No correct answer

    780. The biopsy of the skin marked intracellular edema in the Malpighian layer with signs of pyknosis of nucle

    Specify the nature of pathological changes

    1. spongiosa*

    2. vacuolar degeneration

    3. akantolizis

    4. acanthosis

    5. No correct answer

    781. The Malpighian layer includes:

    1. basal layer *

    2. mesh layer

    3. papillary layer

    4. shiny coat

    5. No correct answer

    782. What disease is characterized by itching night:

    1. Eczema

    2. Real vesiculosys

    3. scabies *

    4. dermatitis Duhring

    5. No correct answer

    783. Patient urticaria rashes on the body, accompanied by itching.

    Specify the kind of morphological elements:

    1. papule

    2. blister *

    3. Bubble

    4. Bubble

    5. No correct answer

    784. Specify the nature of the blister:

    1. primary effusion*

    2. primary proliferativny

    3. secondary exudative

    4. secondary proliferative

    5. No correct answer

    785. The child of 1.5 years in the congested skin face multiple microvesicles. Otmechaetsyamoknutie bothers severe itching.

    Select the method of external treatment:

    1. 2% solution of brilliant green*

    2. sernayamaz

    3. ichtiol ointment

    4. salicylic ointment

    5. No correct answer

    786. Variety of eczema:

    1. children's eczema *

    2. strofulyus

    3. vulgar impetigo

    4. strep impetigo

    5. No correct answer

    787. The appearance of eczema in children is usually preceded by:

    1. exudative diathesis *

    2. Scabies

    3. pneumonia

    4. anemia

    5. No correct answer

    788. Patient neurodermatitis by mechanical stimulation of the skin with a blunt object appears neurovascular reaction in the form of a white lin

    What do you call such a reaction:

    1. dermographism *

    2. "goose bumps"

    3. erythema "embarrassment"

    4. Strengthening kozhnogorisunka

    5. No correct answer

    789. At what diseases of the skin, a change in dermographism:

    1. versicolor Gibert

    2. psoriasis

    3. neurodermatitis *

    4. scabies

    5. No correct answer

    790. The patient in the skin of the trunk, limbs, multiple milliarnye, lenticular, numullyarnys papules, plaques, covered by silvery scales.

    Determine the nature of the rash:

    1. monomorphic, proliferative*

    2. monomorphic, exudative

    3. monomorphic, urticaria

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