Tests on dermatology with 1 correct answer

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secondary syphilis pigmentosa

  • versicolor tinea*

  • dry streptoderma

  • No correct answer

    874. For samples Holds Balzer used:

    1. 50% potassium iodide ointment

    2. 5% tincture of iodine*

    3. A 1% solution of nicotinic acid

    4. 5% salicylic acid

    5. No correct answer

    875. What factors are important in the etiopathogenesis of candidiasis:

    1. sweating

    2. Corynebacterium

    3. streptococci

    4. Mushrooms *

    5. No correct answer

    876. Select drugs for the treatment of candidiasis:

    1. mikozolon *

    2. tetracycline

    3. erythromycin

    4. deksametozon

    5. No correct answer

    877. The patient on the scalp are ocheryellow rind with impression in the center, when removing crusts visible scar atroph Hair dull, as if "eclipsing" comes "barn" smell.


    1. trichophytosis

    2. favus *

    3. erythematosus

    4. streptoderma

    5. No correct answer

    878. Which way happens infection favus:

    1. A noncommunicable disease

    2. sexual contact

    3. airborne droplets

    4. in direct contact with the patient*

    5. No correct answer

    879. What is striking in this pathology:

    1. A hair

    2. smooth skin

    3. nails

    4. All of the above *

    5. No correct answer

    880. Specify the clinical varieties favus:

    1. A pustular

    2. squamous

    3. disgidrotic

    4. skutular *

    5. No correct answer

    881. The child of 7 years diagnosed trichophytosis scalp.

    1. What features are typical for this disease:

    2. breaking of the hair at the level of 12 mm in the outbreaks*

    3. whitish, defurfuration

    4. imposition of silverwhite scales

    5. Case consists mufflike at the base of the hair

    6. No correct answer

    882. Specify the clinical varieties trihofitia:

    1. A sharp

    2. infiltrativesuppurative *

    3. disgidrotic

    4. pustular

    5. No correct answer

    883. The patient on the face, forearms and feet are ulcer size 2x2,3x3 cm with uneven scalloped edges on the bottom of the ulcer has granular granulation as "fish eggs". Ulcers were 6 weeks after the arrival of Turkmenistan, where he was on a business trip in Ma


    1. rural type of cutaneous leishmaniasis*

    2. abrasions

    3. ecthyma

    4. tertiary syphilis

    5. No correct answer

    884. What research is needed to confirm the diagnosis of cutaneous leishmaniasis:

    1. study on the pale treponema

    2. research on calf Borowski *

    3. Wasserman

    4. All of the above

    5. No correct answer

    885. What other clinical signs are characteristic of cutaneous leishmaniasis:

    1. symptom of "beads" *

    2. symptom of falling through the probe

    3. symptom of "fisheye"

    4. cimptom ladies Heel

    5. No correct answer

    886. Select drugs for the treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis:

    1. monomitsin *

    2. ampicillin

    3. prednisolone

    4. Nizoral

    5. No correct answer

    887. A patient diagnosed as leishmaniasis skin, rural styl

    What are the symptoms characteristic of this disease:

    1. The presence of ulcers with scalloped edges

    2. symptom of "the head of Medusa"

    3. ulcers with even steep edges

    4. symptom of "fish eggs"*

    5. No correct answer

    888. Specify the source of infection of cutaneous leishmaniasis:

    1. A cat, dog

    2. gophers *

    3. chickens

    4. Bird

    5. No correct answer

    889. Who is the carrier of cutaneous leishmaniasis:

    1. Mosquitoes Phlebotomus genus*

    2. flies

    3. sick person

    4. cockroaches

    5. No correct answer

    890. The causative agent of cutaneous leishmaniasis is:

    1. mycobacteria

    2. Leschmania tropica major *

    3. Fungus

    4. Virus

    5. No correct answer

    891. A patient diagnosed as leishmaniasis skin, urban styl

    What is the incubation period for this disease:

    1. 26 months *

    2. 23 days

    3. 24 hours

    4. 5b years

    5. No correct answer

    892. Enter the characteristics of the skin leyshmanioz, city type:

    1. A rapid development pathologic process

    2. slow development process*

    3. appearing of furunkullike infiltrate at the bite site

    4. scar formation after 6 months of infection from moment

    5. No correct answer

    893. Who is the source of infection in the skin leyshmanioze, city type:

    1. A prairie rodents

    2. Cattle

    3. sick person *

    4. cats, dogs

    5. No correct answer

    894. A patient of 16 years diagnosed metaleyshmaniosys

    Specify the clinical manifestations of this disease:

    1. The appearance of tubercles on the scars*

    2. predominant localization on the extremities

    3. on the scars do not appear

    4. predominant localization on the face

    5. No correct answer

    895. What are the symptoms characteristic of metaleyshmanioz:

    1. symptom of "apple jelly" *

    2. symptom "necklace of Venus"

    3. symptom of "thimble"

    4. symptom "lady’s heel"

    5. No correct answer

    896. Specify the prevention metaleyshmanioz:

    1. A fight with flies

    2. Competition mosquito *

    3. control of stray cats and dogs

    4. strict isolation of patients in specialized hospitals

    5. No correct answer

    897. A patient of 22 years on the skin of the face, there are bumps the size of 0.70.8 mm in diameter, brownred, soft pastry consistenc In place of the allowed elements are marked atrophic scars resembling tissue paper. In the words of a patient sick since childhoodpresumptive diagnosis:

    1. tertiary syphilis

    2. lupus *

    3. leprosy

    4. planus, warty form

    5. No correct answer

    898. What are the symptoms characteristic of tuberculosis of the skin:

    1. symptom of "apple jelly"

    2. symptom of "falling through the probe"*

    3. symptom of "thimble"

    4. symptom of "fish eggs"

    5. No correct answer

    899. At the slaughterhouse worker on the skin back of the hand and fingers were bluishred bumps the size of a pea, on the surface of which there are warty growths. Onsite allowed members celebrated scar atroph

    1. presumptive diagnosis:

    2. Syphilis

    3. lichen planus

    4. psoriasis

    5. warty lupus *

    900. What is important in the etiology of warty tuberculosis of the skin:

    1. contact with sick animals

    2. pale treponema

    3. mycobacteria Koch*

    4. Hansen bacillus

    5. No correct answer

    901. Select the drugs to treat TB warty skin:

    1. rifampicin

    2. tubazid *

    3. acyclovir

    4. orungal

    5. No correct answer

    902 in patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis in the mucosa of the lower lip has an ulcer 2 cm in diameter, with scalloped edges, a pale red color with grainy uneven bottom, having a sluggish, gray, granulation, bleed easil At the bottom there are sores around the yellow lumps.

    1. A presumptive diagnosis:

    2. ulcerative tuberculosis*

    3. simple herpes

    4. shingles

    5. StevensJohnson syndrome

    903. What other symptoms characteristic of ulcerative tuberculosis:

    1. localization have orifices

    2. localization only in the mouth

    3. painless

    4. apple jem *

    5. No correct answer

    904. In the face of the patient in the brow, forehead, cheeks, nose, there are infiltrates nodes. Broken facial expressions, has a fierce infection, hair loss is noted in the lateral part of the eyebrow. There incomplete closure of the eyelids, hoarseness golos The patient marks a change of pain and temperature sensitivit

    1. A presumptive diagnosis:

    2. lupus

    3. leprosy *

    4. tertiary syphilis

    5. dermatomyositis

    905. What other symptoms characteristic of leprosy:

    1. triad Auspitts

    2. "lion face*"

    3. symptom butterfly

    4. «crown of Venus"

    5. No correct answer

    906. What kind of research is necessary to clarify to leprosy:

    1. scraping from the nasal mucosa on the shelves Hansen*

    2. sputum on mycobacteria Koch

    3. Sample production Jadassohn

    4. Thompson production sample

    5. No correct answer

    907. Specify the clinical kind of leprosy:

    1. warty type

    2. Tuberculoid type

    3. lepromatous type *

    4. hemorrhagic type

    5. No correct answer

    908. The patient 38 years on the skin in the chest area, the lateral surface of the abdomen are sharply defined plaques size 3x4 cm. On the periphery of the plaques are dense polygonal flat papules with a purple tint in the central part of the atrophy and depigmentation observed in the lesions is not the temperature, and pain sensitivity .

    presumptive diagnosis:

    1. lupus

    2. lichen planus

    3. leprosy *

    4. lupus erythematosus

    5. No correct answer

    909. Specify the clinical kind of leprosy:

    1. City type

    2. Rural Type

    3. tuberculoid type*

    4. milliar type

    5. No correct answer

    910. A patient diagnosed lepromatous type of lepros

    What are the clinical manifestations characteristic of this disease:

    1. logoftalm

    2. lion face *

    3. aksifoidia

    4. labyrinthitis

    5. No correct answer

    911. What is the basis sample Minor:

    1. hypofunction of the sweat glands*

    2. hyperactivity of the sweat glands

    3. hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands

    4. hypertrichosis

    5. No correct answer

    912. What are the diseases carried diff. diagnosis of leprosy:

    1. with all of the *

    2. tertiary syphilis

    3. lupus and multicolored shingles

    4. vitiligo

    5. No correct answer

    913. Enter the result lepramin sample at lepromatous type of leprosy:

    1. negative *

    2. Positive

    3. The early positive

    4. Late positive

    5. No correct answer

    914. On the skin of the perianal area warty growths like "color cabbage" on a narrow basis. PB negative cells Ttsanka absent. Diagnosis:

    1. genital warts*

    2. extensive warts

    3. warty lichen planus

    4. pseudosifilis papular

    915. Which group of diseases is genital warts:

    1. buleznym dermatoses

    2. fungal infections

    3. viral dermatoses*

    4. vasculitis

    5. No correct answer

    916. Manifestations sharp ended warts in men most commonly are located:

    1. on the inner layer of the foreskin*

    2. around the anus

    3. In language

    4. Groin

    5. No correct answer

    917. What are the means used for the treatment of genital warts sharp ended:

    1. flutsinar

    2. selestoderm

    3. solkoseril

    4. solkoderm *

    5. No correct answer

    918. A child of 5 years on the face, neck, back of hands on the size of the nodules are 57mm in diameter with a pearlgray color, hemispherical shape, with "umbilicated" in the center. Subjective feelings are absent.


    1. molluscum contagiosum*

    2. vulgaris Warts

    3. verrucose psoriasis

    4. A warts

    5. No correct answer

    919. Microscopic examination of the contents of nodules when molluscum contagiosum determine:

    1. calf Borowski

    2. Hansen sticks

    3. shellfish calf *

    4. virus

    5. No correct answer

    920. A man 23 years in the border of the pubic area and abdomen are manifestations

    molluscum contagiosum. What rash characteristic of this disease:

    1. spherical nodules with umbilicated in the center*

    2. polygonal papules with umbilicated

    3. villous proliferation

    4. conical tubercles

    5. No correct answer

    921. In what way is transmitted molluscum contagiosum:

    1. animals

    2. casual contact *

    3. After insects

    4. transmissible by

    5. No correct answer

    922. Which group of diseases is molluscum contagiosum:

    1. viral dermatoses*

    2. dermatozoonoz

    3. pyoderma

    4. fungal infections

    5. No correct answer

    923. The etiopathogenesis of molluscum contagiosum matters:

    1. Hypersensitivity Koufo

    2. hypersensitivity to animal proteins

    3. filterable virus *

    4. simple

    5. No correct answer

    924. The patient 56 years old diagnosed with herpes zoster:

    What features are typical for this disease:

    1. severe itching of the skin appearance

    2. appearance of grouped polymorphic eruptions

    3. grouped blisters *

    4. paired vesiclespapular rash

    5. No correct answer

    925. Which group of diseases is herpes zoster:

    1. viral dermatoses *

    2. dermatozoonoz

    3. pyoderma

    4. fungal infections

    5. No correct answer

    926. The patient 62 years of age on the skin of the left half of the chest, along the intercostal nerve has grouped rash with blisters, is located on the hyperemic basis. Rash preceded paroxysmal pain, burning, fever.

    Prepolagaet diagnosis:

    1. pemphigus vulgaris

    2. dermatitis Duhring

    3. shingles *

    4. bullous toksikodermia

    5. No correct answer

    927. Which group of diseases is herpes zoster:

    1. viral dermatoses*

    2. dermatozoonoz

    3. pyoderma

    4. fungal infections

    5. No correct answer

    928. What medications are used to treat herpes zoster:

    1. Nizoral

    2. ceftriaxone

    3. diutsifon

    4. acyclovir *

    5. No correct answer

    929. The causative agent of shingles is:

    1. Streptococcus

    2. neurotrophic filterable virus*

    3. coli Dederleyn

    4. papilomatoz human virus

    5. No correct answer

    930. A child 12 years of age on the skin of the dorsum of the hands are nodular lesions, the size 0,81sm in diameter, significantly protruding above the skin, fleshcolored, dense consistency, without subjective sensations,


    1. lichen planus

    2. psoriasis

    3. vulgaris warts *

    4. warty lupus

    5. No correct answer

    931. Specify the clinical varieties of warts:

    1. verrucous

    2. infiltrative nagnoitslnye

    3. flat, Youth *

    4. Palmoplantar

    5. No correct answer

    932. B etiology of the disease is set to:

    1. HSV1

    2. Koch's bacillus

    3. etiology of the disease is unknown

    4. dermotropny filterable virus*

    5. No correct answer

    933. For the treatment of warts used:

    1. solkoderm *

    2. 5% ointment tebrofen

    3. 5% Naftalan ointment

    4. predinisolon ointment

    5. No correct answer

    934. The patient 35 years after supercooling on the red border of lips there was redness, swelling. After 2 days, the rash appeared grouped fine bubble filled with serous flui Worried tingling and burning.

    offered diagnosis:

    1. simple herpes*

    2. multiforme exudative erythema

    3. dishydrotic eczema

    4. Stevens Johnson syndrome

    5. No correct answer

    935. Onsite allowed rash herpes remains:

    1. atrophic scar

    2. mosaic scar

    1. dishydrotic eczema

    2. Stevens Johnson syndrome

    1. No correct answer

    936. What is important in the etiology of herpes:

    1. Human Papilloma Virus

    2. HSV1 *

    3. retrovirus

    4. cytomegalovirus

    5. No correct answer

    937. For the treatment of herpes used:

    1. 3% oxolinic ointment

    2. Zovirax *

    3. solkoderm

    4. tselestoderm

    5. No correct answer

    938. A woman of 36 years of casual sex in the mucosa of the labia minora

    there are small, the size of millet grain grouped vesicles, which are formed after the resolution of the erosion of brightred color with polycyclic outlines. The rash of bubbles accompanied by a feeling of pain, burning sensation, fever do37,8.

    presumptive diagnosis:

    1. genital herpes*

    2. Acute ulcer LyupshittsaChalin

    3. erythema multiforme exudative

    4. dermatitis Duhring

    5. No correct answer

    939. In the etiology of genital gerpesa matters:

    1. pale treponema

    2. retrovirus

    3. HSV2 *

    4. Cytomegalovirus

    5. No correct answer

    940. The patient addressed to the doctor with complaints of general malaise, weakness, fatigu Over the last month weight loss of 10 kg. A history of recurrent herpes. When viewed in the oral cavity, on the hard palate are solitary, sharply circumscribed, painless, bluishred, testovatoy consistency tumor formation size of a cherry ston

    It noted an increase in BTE and cervical lymph nodes.

    presumptive diagnosis:

    1. HIV *

    2. Pemphigus

    3. Tuberculosis

    4. StevensJohnson syndrome

    5. No correct answer

    941. For HIV associated diseases include

    1. syndrome SenirAschner

    2. Kaposi's sarcoma*

    3. Syndrome MelkerssonRosenthal

    4. Bazin induratum erythema

    5. No correct answer

    942. What laboratory studies are needed to clarify the HIV infection:

    1. Enzyme Immunoassay

    2. research on cells akantolic

    3. Wasserman

    4. Response immunoblotting*

    1. No correct answer

    943. Who is the main risk group for HIV infection:

    1. staff kitchens

    2. addicts *

    3. homosexuals

    4. Guides

    5. No correct answer

    944. The patient on the skin of the face there is a lesion, accompanied by a change in color, with indistinct boundaries, the size of 45 cm, pink, not protruding above the skin. When pressed elements disappear.

    Specify the nature of the morphological elements:

    1. vascular inflammatory spot *

    2. hemorrhagic spot

    3. artificial spot

    4. lentigo

    5. No correct answer

    945. When any skin diseases encountered inflammatory vascular spot:

    1. Psoriasis

    2. Syphilis *

    3. skrofuloderma

    4. fixed erythema

    5. No correct answer

    946. A patient diagnosed with HIV infection:

    What research is needed to confirm the diagnosis:

    1. Enzyme Immunoassay

    2. reaction immunoblotting*

    3. Wasserman

    4. RIBT

    5. No correct answer

    947. The causative agent of HIV infection is:

    A.renotrophic filtrative virus



    D.lymphotropic retrovirus *

    E.No correct answer

    948. The patient in the face and chest are acute inflammatory abdominal rash, protruding above the skin filled with serous fluid, the size of 0.30.5 cm in diameter.

    At a resolution of the elements left behind:

    A.pigmentation *

    B.scar atrophy


    D.hypertrophic scars

    E.No correct answer

    949. The bubble can be located:

    1. intraepidermal

    2. under the stratum corneum*

    3. in the reticular dermis

    4. in the subcutaneous fat

    5. No correct answer

    950 in patients with multiple skin lesions of the trunk round shape, the size of a penny coin 2, proliferative, protruding above the skin surface, dens

    Which diseases of the skin rash may appear like:

    1. scabies

    2. psoriasis *

    3. tertiary syphilis

    4. pemphigus

    5. No correct answer

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