Tests on dermatology with 1 correct answer

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951. Specify the kind of node:

  1. primary proliferative*

  2. primary effusion

  3. secondary proliferative

  4. secondary exudative

  5. No correct answer

952. In the study of skin biopsy revealed fusion of epithelial intercellular bridges in the spinous layer of cells found epidermisa Ttsank

For a skin disease characterized histologically by this:

  1. true pemphigus *

  2. shingles

  3. eczema

  4. erythema multiforme exudative

  5. No correct answer

953. Cells Ttsanka means:

  1. modified cells of the granular layer

  2. modified cells of the dermis

  3. Changes spinous layer of cells*

  4. Modification of the basal layer cells

  5. No correct answer

954. Patient urticaria rashes on the body, accompanied by itching.

Urtica this:

  1. pleural cavity element

  2. pleural cavity element comprising blood

  3. discoloration on the limited area as a result of vasodilatation surface

  4. choroid plexus

  5. Limitation acute inflammatory edema of the papillary dermis*

955. Select the method for topical treatment of hives:

  1. lotions furacillin

  2. Water talker menthol *

  3. Sulfuric ointment

  4. Varnish

  5. No correct answer

956. Patient neurodermatitis by mechanical stimulation of the skin with a blunt object

neurovascular reaction occurs in the form of a white strip.

When any skin diseases often marked white dermographism:

  1. Cutaneous leishmaniasis

  2. atopic dermatitis *

  3. psoriasis

  4. lichen planus

  5. No correct answer

957. Which drugs should not be prescribed in the white dermographism:

  1. calcium supplements*

  2. sulfa drugs

  3. corticosteroid hormones

  4. Vitamin

  5. No correct answer

958. A patient of 22 years on the forearm painful knot the size of a hazelnut coneshaped with a necrotic cor

After allowing the element will remain in place:

  1. vegetation

  2. lichenification

  3. bridgelike scar

  4. atrophic scar *

  5. No correct answer

959. Select the drug for the treatment of boils:

  1. corticosteroid hormones

  2. antifungals

  3. Antibiotics

  4. Anabolic

  5. No correct answer

960. A newborn skin on the neck, back multiple nodes reddishbluish color, the size of a pea, palpation determined fluctuation. From penetrated nodes semiliquid purulenthemorrhagic content.

The disease occurs as a result of the defeat:

  1. pilosebaceous unit

  2. excretory ducts and glomeruli eccrine sweat glands*

  3. smooth skin

  4. follicle

  5. No correct answer

961. With what diseases conduct differential diagnostics vesiculopustulose

  1. abrasions *

  2. strofulus

  3. exudative diathesis

  4. hydrodeniti

  5. No correct answer

962. The woman on the skin of the chest, abdomen, multiple excoriations, nodules, abscesses, linear hatchlike scratching, intense itching, worse at night.

Some other symptoms are symptoms of the disease:

  1. The presence of paired vesiclespapular elements*

  2. symptom Hissar

  3. symptom BesnierMesherskogo

  4. Net Wickham

  5. No correct answer

963. Select the drugs to treat scabies:

  1. 90% sulfuric ointment

  2. 20% salicylic ointment

  3. 20% benzyl benzoate *

  4. 5% ointment naftolan

  5. No correct answer

964. A patient of 56 years on the skin in the groin creases clearly limited noninflammatory spot brickred color. There sweating.

After the resolution process is in place:

  1. depigmentation

  2. skin atrophy

  3. mosaic scar

  4. hyperpigmentation *

  5. No correct answer

965. Tattooing refers to:

  1. artificial stains *

  2. vascular spots

  3. hemorrhagic spots

  4. pigment spot

  5. No correct answer

966. The patient 10 years on the scalp rounded center 2x2 cm. Hair broken at 68 mm at the base of mufflike Case consists.

  1. What is important in the etiology of the disease:

  2. yeasts

  3. rusty mikrosporum*

  4. gipsoid trihosporum

  5. trihofiton Shonleyna

  6. No correct answer

967. The most vulnerable age for this pathology:

  1. 612 years *

  2. 4060let

  3. infancy

  4. 1620 years

  5. No correct answer

968. A child 6 years of age on the skin in the shoulder, chest and back are eritematosquamous lesions proper size 2x2,3x3 cm roundshaped lesions with clear boundaries, the edges of which are raised rollshaped and they can see small papules vesicular rashes, scales and position crusts.

What matters in the etiopathogenesis of the disease:

  1. Age

  2. pyogenic flora

  3. mushroom mikrosporum *

  4. Seasonality

  5. No correct answer

969. Select the drugs to treat microsporia:

  1. griseofulvin forte *

  2. Nizoral

  3. Ampicillin

  4. Zovirax

  5. No correct answer

970. The child of 7 years diagnosed trichophytosis scalp:

What the fungus causes this pathology:

  1. trihofiton ektotrix *

  2. mikrosporum rusty

  3. S. candida

  4. None of the above

  5. No correct answer

971. What is striking the fungus Trichophyton ektotriks:

  1. hair *

  2. joints

  3. oral mucosa

  4. nails

  5. No correct answer

972. A patient of 22 years on the skin of the face, there are bumps the size of 0.70.8 mm in diameter, brownred, soft pastry consistenc In place of the allowed elements are marked atrophic scars resembling tissue paper. In the words of a patient sick with childhood

What research is needed to confirm the diagnosis:

  1. sample of histamine

  2. Sample Pirke

  3. probaYadassona

  4. Mantoux*

  5. No correct answer

973. Clinical Pathology is a kind induratum erythema Bazin

  1. lupus

  2. skrofuloderma

  3. lupus *

  4. psoriasis

  5. No correct answer

974. A patient with active tuberculosis in the lung mucosa of the lower lip has an ulcer the size of 2 cm diameter, with scalloped edges, a pale red color with grainy uneven bottom, having a sluggish, gray granulation, bleed easil At the bottom there are sores around the yellow lumps.

What research is needed to confirm the diagnosis:

  1. direct microscopic research on mycobacteria Koch*

  2. crop on flora and sensitivity

  3. blood on RV

  4. None of the above

  5. No correct answer

975. Which way is most often infected with tuberculosis of the skin:

  1. lymphogenous

  2. hematogenous *

  3. airborne

  4. transmissible

  5. No correct answer

976. The patient 38 years on the breast skin, the side surface of the stomach, there are sharply defined plaques size 3x4 cm. On the periphery of the plaques are dense polygonal flat papules with a purple tint; in the central part is marked atrophy and depigmentation. In the lesions and no thermal pain sensitivit

What tests are used to confirm the diagnosis:

  1. sample of histamine

  2. Nicotine trial

  3. Sample Jadassohn

  4. lepromin sample*

  1. No correct answer

977. Select the drugs to treat leprosy:

  1. penicillin

  2. sulfetron

  3. DDS *

  4. acyclovir.

  5. No correct answer

978. A child of 5 years on the face, neck, back of hands on the size of the nodules are 57mm in diameter with a pearlgray color, hemispherical shape, with "umbilicate pressure" in the center. Subjective feelings are absent.

What group of diseases is the pathology:

  1. neyrodermatosys

  2. viral dermatoses*

  3. collagen

  4. pyoderma

  5. No correct answer

979. The patient 56 years old diagnosed with herpes zoster:

How often seen exacerbation of the disease:

  1. year in spring and autumn

  2. leaves behind immunity, relapses were not observed*

  3. exacerbated once in 34 years

  4. Each summer

  5. No correct answer

980. Shingles can be a manifestation of:

  1. Tuberculosis

  2. leukemia

  3. HIV *

  4. Rheumatism

  5. No correct answer

981. A woman of 36 years of casual sex in the mucosa of the labia minora were small, the size of millet grain grouped vesicles, which are formed after the resolution of the erosion of brightred color with polycyclic outlines. The rash of bubbles accompanied by a feeling of pain, burning, increased temperature do37,8.

  1. .What group of diseases is the pathology:

  2. STI: to viral dermatoses*

  3. cystic dermatoses

  4. etiology of the disease is unknown

  5. EpsteinBarr virus

982. For the treatment of dermatoses, viral used:

  1. acyclovir *

  2. Nizoral

  3. amphotericin

  4. Lamisil

  5. No correct answer

983. In what marked several dermatoses

 morphological types of primary elements:

  1. dermatitis Duhring*

  2. In atopic dermatitis

  3. Psoriasis

  4. Abrasions

  5. No correct answer

984. Under what dermatoses observed monomorphic eruption:

  1. A lichen planus*

  2. In erythema multiforme exudative

  3. On the Microbial eczema

  4. A dermatitis Duhring

  5. No correct answer

985. Under what dermatoses observed akantolizis:

  1. A true pemphigus*

  2. The herpes simplex

  3. With bullous form strofulus

  4. A shingles

  5. No correct answer

986. If there is any dermatoses

monomorphic papular rash:

  1. A lichen planus*

  2. In urticaria

  3. With Eczema

  4. A pink shingles

  5. No correct answer

987. In what marked acanthosis dermatoses:

  1. A lichen planus*

  2. In turniol

  3. With a simple zoster

  4. A simple herpes

  5. No correct answer

988. In what marked hyper dermatoses


  1. A wart*

  2. The bullous impetigo

  3. With Sycosis

  4. A folliculitis

  5. No correct answer

989. What dosage forms are

the most superficial skin:

  1. A lotion*

  2. The ointment

  3. With Pasta

  4. A patch

  5. No correct answer

990. What type of treatment should be external

choose when moist skin inflammation:

  1. A lotion*

  2. The ointment

  3. With chatterbox

  4. A cream

  5. No correct answer

991. What kind of lotion should choose

for weeping infected surfaces

minute skin:

  1. A rivanol*

  2. The zinc

  3. With lead

  4. A tannic

  5. No correct answer

992. What type of external therapy should be chosen with chronic infiltrative

inflammation of the skin:

  1. A 5% Naftalan ointment*

  2. The zinc paste

  3. With oil mash

  4. A water mash

  5. No correct answer

993. What external agents have antipruritic property:

  1. A menthol*

  2. The tar

  3. With sulfur

D.A salicylic No correct answer

994. What means external treatment

possess the following property:

  1. A solution podofillin*

  2. The solution of sodium giposulfat

  3. With the solution rivanol

  4. A solution furatsillin

  5. No correct answer

995. For the destruction of the skin are used:

  1. A liquid nitrogen*

  2. The zinc oxide

  3. With potassium permanganate

  4. A paint Castellane

  5. No correct answer

996. Cryotherapy is used for:

  1. A genital warts*

  2. In general warts

  3. With plaque psoriasis

  4. A limited neurodermatitis

  5. No correct answer

997. In the study of skin biopsy revealed to the melting of epithelial

  1. intercellular bridges in spinous*

  2. layer of the epidermis. Cells are found

  3. Ttsank.

  4. Smash

  5. No correct answer

998. Specify the nature of the pathological process:

  1. A acantholysis*

  2. The granulosa

  3. With acanthosis

  4. A parakeratosis

  5. No correct answer

999. The skin biopsy revealed violation

  1. keratinization of epidermocytes*

  2. thickening of the horny layer without structural

  3. governmental cell changes and thickening of the granular layer

  4. dermatosys

  5. No correct answer

1000. Specify the kind of pathological process:

  1. A hyperkeratosis, gipergranulosis*

  2. The parakeratosis, gipergranulosis

  3. With hyperkeratosis, acanthosis

  4. dermatosys

  5. No correct answer

1001. proliferative histomorphological changes include:

A. granulosa, acanthosis, hyperkeratosis *

B. hyperkeratosis, acanthosis, parakeratosis, spongiosis

C. parakeratosis, akantolizis, granulosa

D. acanthosis, parakeratosis, karyorrhexis, hyperkeratosis

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1002. There are no sweat glands in the skin;

A. soles

B. armpits

C. palms

D. red border *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1003. There are no sebaceous glands in the skin;

A scalp

B. nasolabial triangle

C. Breast

D. palms, soles *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1004. Which element is a kind of blisters:

A. telangiectasia

B. conflicts *

C. excoriation

D. vesicle

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1005. What kind of spots:

A Rupee

B. Acne

C.. roseola*

D. ecthyma

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1006. What morphological element is characterized by ephemeral:

A blister *

B. pustule

C. papule

D. tuberkulum

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1007. Where are the "tizonievye-sebaceous glands":

A red border

B. Internal sheet of the foreskin *

C. Leather breast

D. perianal

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1008. "Meybonievye" sebaceous glands are located:

A. on the red border of lips

B. genital skin

C. skin ears

D. By the edge of the eyelids *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1009. In what areas of the skin sebaceous glands open directly into the epidermis:

A. The skin of the nose

B. scalp

C. glans penis *

D. breast skin

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1010. Akantolizis (akantoliz. is:

A thickening of the granular layer

B. Strengthening cell proliferation thorny layer

C. Violations of keratinization

D. Loss of communication between the cells of the thorny layer *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1011. parakeratosis is incomplete keratinization epidermotsitov accompanied by dystrophy:

A basal layer

B. spinous layer

C. granular layer *

D. papillary layer

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1012. granulosa is:

A thinning of the granular layer

B. thickening of the stratum corneum

C. granular layer thickening *

D. Structural changes in squamous cell carcinomas

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1013. anaplasia is:

A loss of communication between the cells of the thorny layer

B. shrinkage nuclei '

C. granular cytoplasm of cells

D. atypia in tumors of epithelial nuclei *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1014. Spongiosis is:

A vacuolar degeneration in the Malpighian layer

B. intercellular edema in the stratum corneum

C. cheesy disintegration of tissues

D. intercellular edema in the Malpighian layer *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1015. Acanthosis not properties:

A. lichen planus

B. scleroderma *

C. neurodermatitis

D. psoriasis,

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1016. Under what dermatoses marked acantholysis:

A. Eczema

B. vulgar pemphigus *

C. contact dermatitis

D. vulgar ecthyma

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1017. Under what dermatoses granulosa notes:

A. lichen planus *

B. turniol

C. lichen simplex

D. simple herpes

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1018. What function is not peculiar to the skin:

A formation of toxins *

B. absorption

C. selection

D. thermoregulation

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1019. What morphological element is not proliferative:

A node

B. blister *

C. knot

D. bump

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1020. What morphological element is not proliferative:

A bundle

B. The Node

C. abscess *

D. bump

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1021. What morphological element is not proliferative:

A bump

B. The Node

C. knot

D. vial *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1022. What morphological element is not proliferative:

A bundle

B. The Node

C. bubble *

D. bump

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1023. What is exudative morphological element:

A papule

B. nodus

C. tuberkulum

D. vesicle *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1024. What is exudative morphological element:

A. tuberkulum

B. nodus

C. Bull *

D. papule

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1025. What is exudative morphological element:

A. tuberkulum

B. nodus

C. urtika *

D. papule

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1026. What is exudative morphological element:

A. nodus

B. pustule *

C. tuberkulum

D. papule

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1027. What is exudative morphological element:

A. tuberkulum

B. nodus

C. conflicts *

D. papule

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1028. What is the proliferative morphological element:

A bubble

B. bubble

C. Node *

D. blister

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1029. What is the proliferative morphological element:

A bundle *

B. bubble

C. Bubble

D. blister

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1030. What is the proliferative morphological element:

A bubble

B. bubble

C. tubercle *

D. blister

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1031. What is the proliferative morphological element:

A. urtika

B. vesicle

C. Bull

D. nodus *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1032. What is the proliferative morphological element:

A vesicle

B. papule *

C. Bull

D. urtika

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1033. What is the proliferative morphological element:

A. Bull

B. vesicle

C. tuberkulum *

D. urtika

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1034 for any symptom of the disease is characterized by Gorachakogo-Hardy:

A. Pemphigus

B. scabies *

C. leprosy

D. skrofuloderma

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1035. The causative agent of scabies is:

A. Flebotomus Papatachi

B. Sarcoptis Hominis *

C. Demodex folliculorum

D. Hansen bacillus

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1036. Angular stomatitis is a variation:

A. stafilodermii

B. streptoderma *

C. candidiasis

D. pemphigus

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1037. Shankriformnaya pyoderma most often begins:

A. with pustules

B. with erosion *

C. with the spot

D. On the bubble

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1038. Which group of dermatoses is Sycosis:

A viral dermatoses

B. disease, sexually transmitted infections

C. pyoderma *

D. cystic dermatosis

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1039. Ritter Eksfolliativny dermatitis is a type of:

A streptococcal

B. stafilodermii *

C. contact dermatitis

D. toxicoderma

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1040. When exfoliative dermatitis Ritter can be detected positive symptom:

A. Uikhsma

B. Nikolsky *

C. Gorchakov-Hardy

D. Sisto

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1041. When psevdofurunkuleze Finger in the pathological process involved:

A. apocrine sweat gland ducts

B. hair follicles

C. sebaceous glands

D. ducts of sweat glands ekkrinnyh *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1042. What factors contribute to the development of acne:

A frequent colds

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