Tests on dermatology with 1 correct answer

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B. hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands *

C. Violations of thermoregulation

D. exercise

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1043. With a variety of acne supporting factor are mites Zheleznitsa:

A. abscessed acne

B. acne vulgaris

C. rosacea *

D. spherical acne

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1044. What kind of spots characteristic of the erythematous stage demodekoza:

A. vibitsess

B. petechiae

C. ecchymosis

D. telangiectasia *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1045. For Rosacea is characterized by the absence of:

A. telangiectasia

B. comedogenic *

C. follicular papules

D. pustules

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1046. What are the morphological features characteristic of hidradenitis sup-:

A thick, welded to the skin painful nodes *

B. superficial pustules

C. firm, mobile, painless nodes

D. blisters

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1047. With the opening of units hidradenitis stands at:

A gummy exudate opalescent

B. creamy pus mixed with blood *

C. cheesy contents

D. serous fluid

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1048. favus called:

A. antropofilnymi fungus *

B. Virus Filter

C. korinobakteriyami

D. Chlamydia

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1049. The typical localization at erythrasma:

A scalp

B. nails

C. inguinal folds *

D. okolonogtevogo roller

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1050. What is a symptom characteristic of infiltrative-suppurative trichophytosis:

A symptom Pincus

B. glow under a Wood's lamp

C. Sample Balzer

D. honeycomb *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1051. With the laboratory diagnosis of fungal infections is used:

A. ELISA diagnostics

B. microscopy damaged hair and flakes *

C. histological examination

D. PCR diagnostics

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1052. Fungi affect all of the above except:

A. Skin

B. Internal organs

C. Hair *

D. mucous

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1053. The source of infection with the disease Borowski is urban:

A. The wild animals

B. rodents

C. Hymenoptera

D. people *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1054. The source of infection with the disease Borowski rural type is:

A. rodents *

B. People

C. Hymenoptera

D. wild animals

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1055. Enter the average length for urban cutaneous leishmaniasis:

A. 2 weeks

B. a year *

C. 3-4 months

D. 2-8 weeks

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1056. Enter the average length for cutaneous leishmaniasis rural type:

A few years

B. a year

C. 2-6 months *

D. days

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1057. The source of infection of leprosy is:

A. rodents

B. wild animals

C. pets

D. people *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1058. The material from which the patient is most often found Mycobacterium leprae:

A. in scrapings from leprosy and nasal mucosa *

B. secret sweat glands

C. urine

D. in sebum

1059. Which viruses cause genital warts:

A. herpesviruses

B. Virus Filter *

C. Herpes Simplex Virus


E. all answer’s are wrong.
1060 Molluscum contagiosum is ...

A pustule

B. erythema

C. papule *

D. vesicle

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1061. Enter variety of true eczema:

A varicose

B. nummulyarnaya

C. seborrheic

D. pruriginous *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1062. What is a symptom seen with pink zoster Gibert:

A symptom of the "mother" plaque *

B. symptom chips

C. symptom of tissue paper

D. symptom ladies Heel

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1063. Monomorphic rash may be at:

A. erythema multiforme exudative

B. psoriasis *

C. microbial eczema

D. dermatitis Duhring

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1064. Akantolizis observed at:

A. bullous form strofulyusa

B. herpes simplex

C. true pemphigus *

D. shingles

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1065. Monomorphic papular rash occurs when:

A pink shingles

B. urticaria

C. eczema

D. planus *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1066. Acanthosis typical for:

A. lichen planus *

B. turniol

C. lichen simplex

D. simple herpes

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1067. hyperkeratosis characteristic of:

Bullous impetigo A.

B. warts *

C. Sycosis

D. folliculitis

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1068. The most superficial skin are:

A paste

B. Ointment

C. gadgets *

D. patch

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1069. What type of topical treatment should be selected when moist skin inflammation:

A. Cream

B. Ointment

C. chatterbox

D. gadgets *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1070. What type of lotions should be selected for the weeping of the infected skin surface:

A. rivanolevuyu *

B. zinc

C. Lead

D. tannic

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1071. What type of external therapy to choose in chronic infiltrative inflammation of the skin:

A zinc paste

B. 5% of Naftalan ointment *

C. the oil mash

D. water mash

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1072. What are the external agents have antipruritic property:

A. Sera

B. tar

C. Menthol *

D. salicylic acid

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1073. Which means external treatment has cauterizing property:

A solution furatsillina

B. A solution of sodium giposulfata

C. The solution rivanola

D. solution podofillina *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1074. For the destruction of the skin are used:

A liquid nitrogen *

B. zinc oxide

C. Potassium permanganate

D. paint Castellane

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1075. The method is suitable for cryoablation treatment:

A. warts *

B. extensive warts

C. plaque psoriasis

D. Limitation neurodermatitis

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1076. If the skin biopsy revealed fusion of epithelial intercellular bridges in the spinous layer of the epidermis. Ttsanka detected cells. Specify the nature of the disease process:

A. granulosa

B. acantholysis *

C. acanthosis

D. parakeratosis

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1077. What factors contribute to the development of pyoderma:

A. UVR exposure

B. gene mutations

C. Microfracture *

D. increase in blood pressure

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1078. What factors contribute to the development of pyoderma:

A violation of keratinization

Hemophilia B.

C. Violations of the fission mechanism epidermotsitov

D. diabetes *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1079. Stafilodermiyam 1079. It includes:

A slit impetigo

B. impetigo nail ridges

C. lichen simplex

D. impetigo Bockhart *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1080. What pyoderma found only in newborns and infants:

A. vezikulopustulez *

B. hydradenitis

C. pemphigus vulgaris

D. chronic ulcerative pyoderma

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1081. What pustular skin diseases do not occur in the newborn:

A. epidemic pemphigus

B. hydradenitis *

C. vezikulopustulez

D. psevdofurunkulez Finger

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1082. What pustular disease does not occur in adults:

A. turniol

B. boils

C. exfoliative dermatitis Ritter *

D. angular stomatitis

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1083. What are the morphological features characteristic of dermatitis Ritter:

A. bumps, crust

B. papules, blisters

C. crust bubbles *

D. lihenifikatsiya bubbles

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1084. What dermatoses in the first place should be differentiated eksfolliativny dermatitis Ritter:

A children's eczema

Dermatitis herpetiformis Duhring B.

C. bullous form strofulyusa

D. epidermolysis bullosa *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1085. Multiple abscesses in children causes:

A calf Donovan

B. streptobatsilla Dyukreya-Petersen

C. Chlamydia

D. Staphylococcus aureus *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1086. Psevdofurunkulez Finger refers to the group:

A. stafilodermy *

B. streptoderma

C. parasitic skin diseases

D. Viral Diseases

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1087. What factors contribute to the development psevdofurunkuleza Finger:

A. overheating of the newborn *

B. old age

C. Violations of the functions of the sebaceous glands

D. endocrinopathies

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1088. What factors contribute to the development of acne:

A. exercise

B. frequent colds

C. Violations of thermoregulation

D. Dysfunction sebaceous glands *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1089. What kind of spots characteristic of the erythematous stage demodekoza:

A. erythema

B. petechiae, roseola

C. ecchymosis, spots

D. telangiectasia, erythema *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1090. "pineal" the nose is typical for:

A vulgar lupus

B. acne vulgaris

C. rosacea *

D. discoid lupus

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1091. What factors are important in the development of seborrhea:

A thyroid dysfunction

B. ekkrinnyh sweat gland dysfunction

C. dysfunction apocrine sweat glands

D. Dysfunction sebaceous glands *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1092. Enter the varieties of oily seborrhea:

A. mukovidnaya

B. viscous

C. liquid *

D. purulent

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1093. Development of dermatosis facilitated by the presence of seborrhea:

A. impetigo

B. trihofitii

C. microsporia

D. baldness *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1094. For a dermatosis characterized by the presence of comedones:

A. vulgaris *

B. Rosacea

C. Limitations of atopic dermatitis

D. psoriasis

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1095. If any skin disease alopecia can be observed:

A. trichophytosis

B. psoriasis

C. hydradenitis

D. planus *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1096. What factors contribute most to the development of alopecia areata:

A. The vitamin deficiency

B. calcium deficiency

C. neuroendocrine abnormalities *

D. C deficiency disease

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1097. What factors contribute to the development of hidradenitis sup-:

A hypersensitivity to iodine

B. hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands

C. Competencies skin contamination

D. sweating *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1098. Enter the location of nodes in the hydradenitis:

A. shin

B. nasal bridge, sky

C. armpits *

D. under the breasts

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1099. Favourite localization rash scabies:

A. Eye

B. interdigital folds of brushes *

C. the skin of the scalp

D. skin of the face, neck,

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1100. For scabies is characterized by:

A peeling

B. polygonal papules

C. sgruppirvannyh small bubbles

D. paired papules vesicular elements *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1101. Specify a rare localization of scabies rash in children:

A scalp *

B. genital skin

C. Leather breast

D. abdominal skin

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1102. syphilis is

A pale treponema *

Coli B. Hansen

C. Koch's bacillus

D. diplokokki

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1103 is a carrier of leishmaniasis

A. flebotomus papatachi *

B. rodents

C. People

D. Leishmania

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1104. The causative agent of leprosy is:

A. Hansen bacillus *

B. pale treponema

C. Koch's bacillus

D. leshmanii

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1105. lupus causes:

A. diplokokki

Coli B. Hansen

C. mycoplasma

D. Koch's bacillus *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1106 in the etiology of multi-colored lichen plays a role

A. trihofiton

Coli B. Hansen

C. Koch's bacillus

D. malacesia furfur *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1107. Enter the transmission path tinea versicolor

A contact-household *

B. sexual

C. airborne

D. alimentary

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1108. wary of any disease is to be a doctor, if the patient is often common recurrent pityriasis versicolor

A. Psoriasis


C. hypertension

D. trichomoniasis

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1109. gidroadenit calls

A. ureaplasma

B. streptococcus

C. aureus *

D. Human Papilloma Virus

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1110. Unlike boil on gidroadenita

A. The presence of redness

B. absence of necrotic rod

C. the presence of pain

D. the presence of necrotic rod *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1111. Which of the following processes among superficial pyoderma:

A. ostiofollikulit *

B. carbuncle

C. boil

D. gidroadenit

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1112 with the causative agent of the disease is considered to be identical to the herpes zoster virus

A. warts

B. molluscum contagiosum

C. genital warts

D. varicella *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1113. predisposing factor for the appearance of youthful warts

A. Psoriasis

B. sweating hands *

C. diabetes

D. vitamins

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1114. symptom of Pospelov determined by

A leprosy

B. psoriasis

C. lupus *

D. pemphigus

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1115. The symptom of asbestos-positive at Hansen

A. leshmanioze

B. dermatitis Duhring

C. pemphigus *

D. molluscum contagiosum

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1116 at which the disease is determined Ttsanka cells and a positive sign of Nikolsky

A. Lyell's syndrome

Dermatitis herpetiformis Duhring B.

C. Stevens-Johnson syndrome

D. pemphigus *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1117. At what disease symptom and not a positive Nikolsky defined cells Ttsanka

A. pemphigus

Dermatitis herpetiformis Duhring B.

C. Stevens-Johnson syndrome

D. Lyell's syndrome *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1118. erythema multiforme exudative determined symptom

A. Pospelov

B. Nikolsky

C. «bird's eye" *

D. fish eggs

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1119. symptom of "fish eggs" is typical for

A. leishmaniasis *

B. Leprosy

C. lupus

D. syphilis

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1120. iodine sample positive for Jadassohn

A. dermatitis herpetiformis Duhring *

B. pemphigus

C. microsporia

D. multi-colored shingles

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1121. What changes in laboratory assays characteristic of dermatitis herpetiformis Duhring

A blood eosinophilia above 20-30% *

B. anemia

C. leukocytosis

D. Improved bilirubin

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1122. who is ill often dry streptoderma


B. Children and women *

C. male

D. No, depending on age

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1123. What layers of the skin are affected in pityriasis versicolor

A basal

B. horny *

C. spinous

D. papillary

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1124. Which of the following layers of the skin to the dermis is

A. spinous

B. basal

C. Net *

D. brilliant

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1125. Which of the following layers of the skin to the dermis is

A. spinous

B. basal

C. papillary *

D. brilliant

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1126. symptom of "necklace of Venus" is observed at

A. psoriasis

B. gonorrhea

C. syphilis *


E. all answer’s are wrong.

1127. symptom of "necklace of Venus" is

A papular eruption in psoriasis on the chest and neck

B. papular eruptions in syphilis in the chest and neck

C. false leucoderma in syphilis in the chest and neck

D. true leucoderma in syphilis in the chest and neck *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1128. The level at which the hair breaks off at mikrosporii

A. 1-2mm

B. 1-4cm

C. 5-8mm *

D. 3-5cm

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1129. The level at which the hair breaks off at trihofitii

A. 5-8mm

B. 1-4cm

C. 1-2mm *

D. 3-5cm

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1130 for characteristic microsporia

A breaking of hair at 1-2mm

B. honeycomb

C. Case consists muftoobrazny around the hair *

D. symptom chips

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1131. "asbestiform" plaque characteristic of

A. trihofitii

B. microsporia *

C. multi-colored lichen

D. athlete

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1132. effective cure for scabies is necessary

A. treat all family members regardless of the presence of clinical signs of scabies *

B. treat only those family members who have a night itching

C. Add to the treatment of immune stimulants

D. add to treatment vitamins

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1133. some of the below listed products used in the treatment of fungal diseases

A. acyclovir

B. spregal

C. griseofulvin *

D. ceftriaxone

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1134. What are the disadvantages has 33% sulfuric ointment in the treatment of scabies

A frequent development allergodermatita *

B. high cost

C. cause skin atrophy

D. addictive

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1135. The number of layers of the epidermis is

3 A.

B. 2

C. 5 *

D. 7

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1136. Mask "St. Anthony" is observed at

A. leprosy *

B. pemphigus

C. Psoriasis

D. syphilis

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1137. For systemic sclerosis is pathognomonic:

A symptom score

B. symptom of ladies heels

C. symptom of falling through the probe

D. CREST - Syndrome

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1138. For systemic lupus erythematosus characterized by all except:

A CREST - Syndrome

B. lupus nephritis

C. lupus carditis

D. arthralgia

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1139. What disease refers to collagen?

A. pemphigus

B. chromomycosis

C. dermatomyositis *

D. skrofuloderma

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1140. What disease refers to collagen

A. pemphigus

B. chromomycosis

C. scleroderma *

D. skrofuloderma

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1141. What disease refers to collagen

A. pemphigus

B. chromomycosis

C. lupus erythematosus *

D. skrofuloderma

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1142. Pathologic process which underlies the symptom Nikolsky

A. spongiosa

B. acanthosis

C. akantolizis *

D. papillomatosis

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1143. Pathologic process which underlies the phenomenon of stearin spot in psoriasis

A. papillomatosis

B. acanthosis

C. spongiosa

D. parakeratosis *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1144. Pathologic process which underlies the phenomenon of the terminal films in psoriasis

A. papillomatosis

B. parakeratosis

C. spongiosa

D. acanthosis *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1145. Pathologic process which underlies the phenomenon of blood dew in psoriasis

A. spongiosa

B. acanthosis

C. papillomatosis *

D. parakeratosis

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1146 a method of diagnosis of syphilis becomes positive after all





E. all answer’s are wrong.

1147. Jarisch -Lukashevicha observed at

A. syphilis *


C. scabies

D. psoriasis

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1148. atypical chancre is

A chancre - amigdolit *

B. bipolar chancre

C. extragenital chancre

D. dwarf chancre

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1149. atypical chancre is

A chancre - felon *

B. bipolar chancre

C. extragenital chancre

D. dwarf chancre

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1150 is atypical chancre

A dwarf chancre

B. bipolar chancre

C. extragenital chancre

D. indurativnyy edema *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1151. What characterizes acute gonorrhea in men

A chancre

B. sharp pain during urination, urethral suppuration *

C. painless ulcer on the penis

D. frothy discharge from the urethra

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1152. The disease is characterized by a loss of sensitivity

A. Tuberculosis

B. leprosy *

C. lupus

D.opoyasyvayuschy zoster

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1153. True eczema differs from other types of eczema

A. asymmetry defeats

B. symmetrical lesions *

C. lack of vesicles

D. the presence of pustules

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1154. in the pathogenesis of the disease plays a role of gluten intolerance

A. Pemphigus

B. dermatitis herpetiformis Duhring *

C. erythema multiforme exudative

D. lupus erythematosus

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1155. What is the drug most often fixed erythema



C. ceftriaxone

D. Biseptol *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1156. "duty plaques" characteristic of

A. psoriasis *

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