Tests on dermatology with 1 correct answer

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D. "ladies' heel" *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1351. What are the laboratory findings are characteristic of SLE (acute form)

A. "LE" - cells *

B. Positive RVs

C. bilirubinemia

D. ketoacidosis

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1352. With what diseases nebhodimo differentiate red


A. Eczema

B. tuberculosis Lupus *

C. pemphigus

D. molluscum contagiosum

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1353. What are the stages are distinguished in the clinical course of scleroderma

A. exudation

B. hyperkeratosis

C. izyazvlenie

D. atrophy *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1354. What dermatitis are at kollagenozov

A. dermatitis Duhring

B. genital warts

C. sklerdermiya *

D. Leishmaniasis

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1355. What are considered benign neoplasms of the skin

A. melanoma

B. bazalioma

C. Paget's disease

D. lipoma *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1356. Enter the malignant skin lesions

A. papilloma

B. lipoma

C. melanoma *

D. lymphangioma

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1357. What are the clinical varieties of acne vulgaris

A. abstsediruyuschie *

B. conical

C. eritemato-squamous

D. erosive and ulcerative

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1358. Enter the current stage of rosacea

A. follicular hyperkeratosis

B. Stage atrophy

C. erythematous *

D. sealing step

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1359. What are the exogenous factors that may cause abnormal

condition in the skin

A. immunodeficiency

B. pathogenic fungi *

C. hypersensitization

D. organic and functional disorders of the nervous system

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1360. Endogenous physiological factors that may cause

vospalitenye include changes in the skin

A. hyperthermia *

B. Chemical

C. physical

D. Bacteria

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1361. Primary morphological elements may be

A. induratum

B. exudative *

C. follicular

D. nefollikulyarnye

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1362. Which of the following applies to exudative lesions

A. unit

B. bubble *

C. tuberkulum

D. papule

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1363. What are the primary elements of infiltrative

A. blister

B. vesicle

C. Bull

D. knot *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1364. The spot is the primary element, resulting from

A. hyperkeratinization

B. Hemorrhage *

C. Changes color as a result of acantholysis

D. Changes in the color due to melanocytes hyperfunction

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1365. What kind of spots are distinguished

A. disgidroticheskie

B. serous

C. melanocytic

D. pigment *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1366. What kinds of vascular patches

A. petechiae

B. lentigo

C. roseola *

D. leucoderma

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1367. What kinds of hemorrhagic spots

A. lentigo

B. chloasma

C. petechiae *

D. telangiectasia

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1368. What are the characteristics of voldyrya

A. is the result of acantholysis

B. is ephemeral (quickly appears and disappears without a trace) *

And C. In the process of the return of the resulting secondary depigmentation

D. Nature for autoimmunnyhzabolevany

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1369. What are the characteristics of a bubble

A. ulceration with ulceration and atrophy

B. is a proliferative element

C. formed by the swelling of papillary dermis

D. exudative is the primary element and contains fluid *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1370. What is different from the bubble of the bubble

A. subjective sensations

B. size - less than 05 cm bubble, the bubble more *

C. contents exudate

D. localization elements

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1371. What are the layers of the epidermis

A. horny *

B. papillary

C. reticular

D. fat

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1372. What applies to the skin appendages

A. subcutaneous fat

B. epidermis

C. nails *

D. dermal papilla

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1373. What are the primary elements of mofologicheskie

A. papule *

B. atrophy

C. vegetation

D. excoriation

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1374. What kinds of pustules you know

A. skrofuloderma

B. excoriation

C. petechiae

D. folliculitis *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1375. As a result, any process can patogistomorfologicheskih

form a bundle

A. anaplasia

B. akantoz *

C. vacuolar degeneration

D. acantholysis

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1376. What kind of papules vary in size

A. lichenoid

B. miliary *

C. dwarf

D. tuberculoid

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1377. What are the characteristics of the nodule

A. is elusive

B. contains serous ekksudat

C. bespolostnoy primary element *

D. infiltrate located in the dermis and hypodermis

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1378. What are the characteristics of the node, and for tubercle

A. refers to the elements of the exudative

B. infiltrate located in the epidermis

C. are bespolostnoy elements *

D. are ephemeral formations

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1379. Please, primary cells and by appropriate them again


A. bubble - atrophy

B. bubble - acantholysis *

C. tuberkulum - secondary depigmentation

D. node - Erosion

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1380. Find a secondary morphological elements

A. papule

D. vegetation *

C. conflicts

D. tuberkulum

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1381. What are the characteristics of lihenifikatsii

A. pronounced skin pattern *

B. hyperhidrosis on the hearth

C. anesthesia on the hearth

D. warty growths on the hearth

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1382. What are the primary elements and their corresponding inverse

the development of secondary cells

A. bubble - erosion *

B. bubble - atrophic changes

C. papule - scar atrophy

D. spot - flaking and crust

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1383. What pyoderma typical of childhood

A. hydradenitis

B. bazalioma

C. epidemic pemphigus *

D. discoid lupus erythematosus

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1384. What are clinical variants of streptococcal impetigo

A. surface felon *

D. centrifugal

C. papules necrotic

D. seborrheic

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1385. What are the main clinical signs of scabies

A. symptom of Pospelov

B. sgruppirovannnye bubbles

C. paired papular or vesicular papules elements *

D. bites itch mites

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1386. What tools are used to treat scabies

A. A solution of chlorhexidine

B. gray mercurial ointment

C. 33 percent sulfuric ointment *

D. kerosene mixed with vegetable oil

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1387. What are the main clinical signs of lice

A. finding nits *

B. finding ticks

C. paired papular elements

D. symptom Gorchakov-Hardy

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1388. With what diseases differentiate scabies

A. Shingles

B. itching *

C. exudative erythema

D. psoriasis

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1389. What a rash characteristic of the lepromatous type of leprosy

A. gummy

B. nodes *

C. vegetating papules

D. pockets lihenifikatsii

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1390. What are the symptoms occur due to various motor

disorders in leprosy

A. "paw" monkey *

B. symptom of "butterfly"

C. honeycomb Celsus

D. staggering gait

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1391. What laboratory and instrumental methods used to

diagnosis of leprosy

A. Mantoux

B. reaction Cana

C. leprominovaya sample *

D. Sample Jadassohn

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1392. Which of the provisions are considered correct

A. type of TB - negative test

B. lepromatous - negative test

C. undifferentiated type - ustochivaya trial

D. lepromatous type - negative *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1393. Enter any skin diseases considered contagious

A. scabies *

B. psoriasis

Pink Gibert C. versicolor

D. dermatitis Duhring

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1394 Specify zveno in the epidemiological chain of the disease Borowski

A. Hansen bacillus

B. Leishmania *

C. Cattle

D. fleas

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1395. Enter the reservoir of infection in the leishmaniasis

A. gophers *

B. mosquitoes and fleas

C. Leishmania

D. cockroaches

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1396. List the basic preventive measures when


A. disinfection of the premises and linen

B. early detection and treatment of patients *

C. destruction of stray dogs

D. immunizations

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1397. What laboratory and instrumental methods of diagnosis

are used for the diagnosis of tuberculosis of the skin

A. Sample Jadassohn

B. smear imprint

C. Research on the LE-cells

D. Sample Pirke *

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1398. Enter the localized forms of tuberculosis of the skin

A. papulonekrotichesky

B. vulgar lupus *

C. indurativnyy

D. miliary

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1399. What are the current stage of psoriasis:

A. latent

B. Incubation

C. Progressive *

D. progredient

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1400. Indicate the most frequent localization of sites on the skin

psoriatic lesions:

A. facial skin

B. extensor surfaces of the lower extremities *

C. flexor surfaces of the upper extremities

D. leather back

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1401. What are clinical variants of psoriasis:

A. papular psoriasis

B. exfoliative psoriasis (leaf-shaped)

C. Dissemination of psoriasis *

D. infiltrative-suppurative form

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1402. What are the clinical types of psoriasis:

A. disgidroticheskaya form

B. papules necrotic form

C. pustular psoriasis *

D. psoriatic lymphadenopathy

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1403. What osobennno psoriatic plaques:

A. in the central part have umbilicated

B. papules covered with silvery-white scales *

C. covered with serous crusts

D. are placed are grouped (herpetiformis location)

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1404. What does the triad Auspittsa:

A. symptom thimble

B. symptom of apple jelly

C. symptom oil stains

D. symptom of terminal films *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1405. Enter the pathognomonic symptoms of psoriasis:

A. symptom Jadassohn

B. symptom of "butterfly"

C. triad Auspittsa *

D. Wickham Grid

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1406. Which nail changes observed in the defeat of their

psoriatic process:

A. symptom of "thimble" *

B. purulent inflammation of the nail ridges

C. cyanotic nail plate

D. affects only the nail plate brushes

E. all answer’s are wrong.
1407. List the clinical manifestations common to psoriasis and lichen planus:

A. acantholysis

B. papules *

C. Education infectious granuloma Langhans cells

D. spongiosa

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1408. With what diseases it is necessary to differentiate psoriasis:

A. papular syphilis *

B. syphilitic roseola

C. Herpes Simplex

D. dermatitis Duhring

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1409. What diseases are characterized by monomorphic eruptions:

A. psoriasis *

B. eczema

C. dermatitis Duhring

Erythema multiforme D. ekssudativeya

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1410. What are the drugs used for the treatment of psoriasis:

A. Sulfuric simple ointment

B. griseofulvin

C. hormonal ointment *

D. anticoagulants

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1411. What a rash characteristic of a simple contact dermatitis:

A. Bugorkova

B. vesicular

C. urticaria

D. erythema with sharp edges *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1412. proliferative histomorphological changes include:

A. karyorrhexis

B. spongiosa

C. akantolizis

D. hyperkeratosis *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1413. There are no sweat glands in the skin;

A red border *

B. armpits

S. palms

D. soles

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1414. There are no sebaceous glands in the skin;

A. nasolabial triangle

B. palms, soles *

C. scalp

D. interscapulum.

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1415. Which element is a kind of blisters:

A conflict *

B. telangiectasia

C. excoriation

D. Bull

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1416. What kind of spots:

A. Acne

B. Rupee

C. roseola *

D. conflict

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1417. What morphological element is characterized by ephemeral:

A pustule

B. papule

C. tuberkulum

D. blister *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1418. Where are the "tizonievye sebaceous glands":

A. The inner layer of the foreskin *

B. red border

C. Leather breast

Dmezhlopatochnoe space

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1419. "Meibomian" sebaceous glands are located:

A. on kozhegrudi

B. By the edge of the eyelids *

C. skin ears

D. on the red border of lips

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1420. In what areas of the skin sebaceous glands open directly into the epidermis:

A. The head of the penis *

B. scalp

C. skin of the nose

D. breast skin

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1421. Akantolizis (acantholysis) is:

A. increased cell proliferation thorny layer

B. narushenieprotsessa keratinization

C. Loss of communication between the cells of the thorny layer *

D. atypical nuclei of epithelial cells priopuholyah

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1422. parakeratosis is incomplete keratinization epidermotsitov accompanied by dystrophy:

A. granular layer *

B. basal layer

C. papillary layer

D. mesh layer

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1423. granulosa is:

A thickening of the granular layer *

B. thinning of the granular layer

C. Structural changes squamous cell

D. intracellular edema

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1424. anaplasia is:

A nuclear atypia of epithelial cells in tumors *

B. zernistosttsitoplazmy cells

C. Loss of communication between the cells of the thorny layer

D. vacuolization of the cytoplasm

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1425. Spongiosis is:

A. intercellular edema vMalpigievom layer *

B. cheesy disintegration of tissues

C. vacuolar degeneration in the Malpighian layer

D. degenerative changes in the dermis

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1426. Acanthosis not properties:

A. scleroderma *

B. lichen planus

C. neurodermatitis

D. psoriasis

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1427. Under what dermatoses marked acantholysis:

A. Eczema

V. contact dermatitis

C. vulgar ecthyma

D. vulgar pemphigus *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1428. Under what dermatoses granulosa notes:

A. lichen planus *

B. turniol

C. lichen simplex

D. genital warts

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1429. What function is not peculiar to the skin:

A suction

V. formation of toxins *

C. thermoregulation

D. sensory organ

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1430. Angular stomatitis is a variation:

* A streptococcal

B. stafilodermii

C. candidiasis

D. pemphigus

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1431. Shankriformnaya pyoderma most often begins:

A. erosion *

V. with spots

C. with the bubble

D. On the nodule

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1432. Which group of dermatoses is shankriformnaya pyoderma:

A disease, sexually transmitted infections

B. pyoderma *

C. cystic dermatosis

D. dermatitis

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1433. Ritter exfoliative dermatitis is a type of:

A streptococcal

V. contact dermatitis

C. toxicoderma

D. stafilodermii *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1434. When exfoliative dermatitis Ritter can be detected positive symptom:

A. Nikolsky *

V. Gorchakov-Hardy

C. Sisto

D. Kebnera

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1435. Who is more common psevdofurunkuleze Finger:

A. neonates and infants *

B. old people

C. teenagers

D. in women

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1436. What factors contribute to the development of acne:

A hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands *

B. frequent colds

C. Violations of thermoregulation

D. exercise

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1437. With a variety of acne supporting factor are mites Zheleznitsa:

A. acne vulgaris

B. rosacea *

C. spherical acne

D. nekroticheskne acne

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1438. What kind of spots characteristic of the erythematous stage demodekoza:

A. telangiectasia *

B. petechiae

C. ecchymosis

D. vibitsess

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1439. For Rosacea is characterized by the absence of:

A. komedonov *

B. follicular papules

C. pustules

D. rhinophyma

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1440. What are the morphological features characteristic of hidradenitis sup-:

A thick, welded to the skin painful nodes *

B. dense, mobile, painless nodes

C. blisters

D. lenticular papules

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1441. With the opening of units hidradenitis stands at:

A gummy exudate opalescent

B. creamy pus mixed with blood *

C. serous fluid

D. purulent necrotic core

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1442. favus called:

A virus filter

B. corynebacteria

C. Chlamydia

D. antropofilnymi fungus *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1443. The typical localization at erythrasma:

A. inguinal folds *

B. scalp

C. okolonogtevogo roller

D. interdigital gaps feet

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1444. What is a symptom characteristic of infiltrative-suppurative trihofitii:

A glow under Wood's lamp

B. bee combs *

C. symptom Pincus

D. Nikolsky sign

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1445. With the laboratory diagnosis of fungal infections is used:

A. microsporia damaged hair and flakes *

B. histological examination

C. fluorescent diagnostics

D. smears from lesions

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1446. What is characteristic of psoriasis:

Net A. Wickham

B. Symptom falling through probe

C. triad Auspittsa *

Sample D. Balzer

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1447. The source of infection with the disease Borowski is urban:


B. Hymenoptera

C. People *

D. cloven-hoofed

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1448. The source of infection with the disease Borowski rural type is:

A. People

B. rodents *

C. wild animals

D. cattle

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1449. Enter the average length of the current urban cutaneous leishmaniasis:

A. 2 weeks

B. 3-4 months

C. for about a year *

D. days

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1450. Enter the average length of the current cutaneous leishmaniasis rural type:

A 2-6 month *

B. a year

C. for several years

D. days

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1451. The source of infection of leprosy is:

A. The wild animals

B. persons *

C. rodents

D. insects

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1452. The material from which the patient is most often found Mycobacterium leprae:

A secret sweat glands

B. urine

C. in sebum

The D. scrapings from leprosy and nasal mucosa *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1453. Which viruses cause genital warts:

A filterable viruses *

B. herpesviruses

C. Herpes Simplex Virus


E. all answer’s are wrong.

1454. Molluscum contagiosum is ...

A. erythema

B. pustule

C. vesicle

D. papule *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1455. Enter variety of true eczema:

A. pruriginous *

B. nummulyarnaya

C. seborrheic

D. varicose

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1456. What is a symptom seen with pink zoster Gibert:

A symptom of chips

Vsimptom "parent" plaque *

C. symptom ladies Heel

D. Koebner phenomenon

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1457. Monomorphic rash may be at:

AB erythema multiforme exudative

B. Microbial eczema

C. dermatitis Duhring

D. psoriasis *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1458. Akantolizis observed at:

A herpes simplex

B. true pemphigus *

C. shingles

D. atopic dermatitis

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1459. Monomorphic papular rash occurs when:

A. lichen planus *

B. urticaria

C. eczema

D. lupus erythematosus

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1460. Acanthosis typical for:

A. lichen planus *

B. turniol

C. lichen simplex

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