Tests on dermatology with 1 correct answer

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D. simple herpes

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1461. hyperkeratosis characteristic of:

Bullous impetigo A.

B. warts *

C. folliculitis

D. demodekoz

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1462. The most superficial skin are:

A. ointment

B. paste

C. patch

D. gadgets *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1463. What type of topical treatment should be selected when moist skin inflammation:

A. ointment

B. chatterbox

C. gadgets *

D. varnishes

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1464. What type of lotions should be selected for the weeping of the infected skin surface:

A zinc

B. rivanolevuyu *

C. tannic

D. boric acid

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1465. What type of external therapy to choose in chronic infiltrative inflammation of the skin:

A zinc paste

B. Oil-mash

C. 5% Naftalan ointment *

D. drying up wet bandage

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1466. What are the external agents have antipruritic property:

A. tar

B. menthol *

C. salicylic acid

D. Zinc

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1467. Which means external treatment has cauterizing property:

A solution of sodium giposulfata

V. solution podofillina *

C. The solution furatsillina

D. methylene blue solution

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1468. For the destruction of the skin are used:

A liquid nitrogen *

B. zinc oxide

C. Potassium permanganate

D. paint Castellane

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1469. The method is suitable for cryoablation treatment:

A broad warts

B. plaque psoriasis

C. Limitations of neurodermatitis

D. In warts *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1470. If the skin biopsy revealed fusion of epithelial intercellular bridges in the spinous layer of the epidermis. Ttsanka detected cells. Specify the nature of the disease process:

A. granulosa

B. acantholysis *

C. parakeratosis

D. papillomatosis

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1471. What factors contribute to the development of pyoderma:

A gene mutations

B. UVR exposure

C. Microfracture *

D. worm infestation

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1472. What factors contribute to the development of pyoderma:

A. diabetes *

Hemophilia B.

C. Violations of the fission mechanism epidermotsitov

D. Violations of keratinization

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1473. It includes Stafilodermiyam:

A. hydradenitis *

B. lichen simplex

S. slit impetigo

D. vulgar ecthyma

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1474. What pyoderma found only in newborns and infants:

A. hydradenitis

B. pemphigus vulgaris

C. Chronic ulcerative pyoderma

D. vezikulopustulez *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1475. What pustular skin diseases do not occur in the newborn:

A. epidemic pemphigus

B. hydradenitis *

C. psevdofurunkulez Finger

D. Ritter dermatitis

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1476. What pustular disease does not occur in adults:

A. boils

B. turniol

C. angular stomatitis

Exfoliative dermatitis D. Ritter *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1477. What are the morphological features characteristic of dermatitis Ritter:

A. papules, blisters

V. bumps, crust

C. crust bubbles *

D. vesicles, papules

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1478. What dermatoses in the first place should be differentiated eksfolliativny dermatitis Ritter:

Dermatitis herpetiformis Duhring A.

B. bullous form strofulyusa

C. epidermolysis bullosa *

D. herpes simplex

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1479. Multiple abscesses in children causes:

A. streptobatsilla Dyukreya-Petersen

V. Staphylococcus aureus *

C. Donovan corpuscles

D. Streptococcus

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1480. Psevdofurunkulez Finger refers to the group:

A. stafilodermy *

B. parasitic skin diseases

C. Viral Diseases

D. complications of scabies

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1481. What factors contribute to the development psevdofurunkuleza Finger:

A. overheating of the newborn *

B. disruption of the sebaceous glands

C. endocrinopathies

D. Pregnancy

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1482. What factors contribute to the development of acne:

A frequent colds

B. Violations of thermoregulation

C. Dysfunction sebaceous glands *

D. Violations of the functions of the sweat glands

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1483. What kind of spots characteristic of the erythematous stage demodekoza:

A. telangiectasia, erythema *

B. ecchymosis, spots

C. erythema

D. roseola, pustules

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1484. pineal "the nose is typical for:

A. acne vulgaris

B. rosacea *

C. discoid lupus

D. leprosy

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1485. What factors are important in the development of seborrhea:

A dysfunction of the sweat glands ekkrinnyh

B. dysfunction apocrine sweat glands

C. thyroid dysfunction

D. Dysfunction sebaceous glands *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1486. ​​Enter the varieties of oily seborrhea:

A. Dry

B. mukovidnaya

C. liquid *

D. the leaf

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1487. Development of dermatosis facilitated by the presence of seborrhea:

A. trihofitii

V. baldness *

C. impetigo

D. pink lichen Gibert

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1488. For a dermatosis characterized by the presence of comedones:

A. Rosacea

V. limited neurodermatitis

C. psoriasis

D. vulgaris *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1489. If any skin disease alopecia can be observed:

A. Psoriasis

B. hydradenitis

C. Lichen planus *

D. erythema nodosum

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1490. What factors contribute most to the development of alopecia areata:

A. neuroendocrine abnormalities *

B. The deficiency disease

C. With vitamin deficiency

D. Improved insolation

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1491. What factors contribute to the development of hidradenitis sup-:

A. sweating *

V. professional skin contamination

C. hypersensitivity to iodine

D. micronutrient deficiencies

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1492. Enter the location of nodes in the hydradenitis:

A bridge of the nose, the sky

B. shin

C. armpits *

D. interscapulum

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1493. Favourite localization rash scabies:

A. interdigital gaps feet

B. interdigital folds of brushes *

C. skin of the face, neck,

D. leather trunk

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1494. For scabies is characterized by:

A pair papules vesicular elements *

B. polygonal papules

C. sgruppirvannyh small bubbles

D. peeling

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1495. Specify a rare localization of scabies rash in children:

A scalp *

B. genital skin

C. Leather breast

D. abdominal skin

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1496. Enter the drug used in the pemphigus vulgaris:

A. prednisolone *

B. dapsone

C. monomitsin

D. Nystatin

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1497. What is the primary morphological element is preceded by erosion:

A papule

B. vesicle *

C. urtika

D. macula

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1498. What disease is not included in the group of dermatophytosis:

A. favus

B. B. rubrofitii

C. trichophytosis

D. chromomycosis *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1499. Enter the drug used in leprosy:

A. norsulfazol

B. monomitsin

C. delagil

D. dapsone *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1500. In the treatment of candidiasis is not used:

A. acyclovir *

B. Nizoral

C. Nystatin

D. Diflucan

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1501. Symptom Nikolsky positive at:

A true pemphigus *

B. skrofuloderma

Dermatitis herpetiformis Duhring C.

D. focal neurodermatitis

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1502. pathognomonic for eczema sprinkler elements are:

A. erythema

B. peel

C. oozing erosion *

D. papules

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1503. What are the main clinical signs are not specific for chronic eczema:

A. infiltration

B. lichenification

C. bright redness, swelling *

D. venous congestion

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1504. If any of these viral diseases of the mucosa of the mouth is not affected:

A. molluscum contagiosum *

B. Chickenpox

C. simple herpes

D. shingles

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1505. What's not affected in rubrofitii:

A. soles

B. hair *

C. nail brushes

D. nails feet

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1506. The method of staining for Ziehl-Nielsen which pathogens are defined by:

A. Chlamydia

B. pale treponema

C. Koch's bacillus *

D. ureaplasma

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1507. Enter the characteristic appearance and location of the rash of pink lichen:

A congested spot on the body *

B. blister

C. vesicle

D. Facial

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1508. Enter the clinic at toxicoderma:

A. syndrome asthenoneurotic

B. Sezary syndrome

C. Cushing's syndrome-Itsengo

D. Lyell's syndrome *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1509. Enter the drug used in psoriasis:

A. blemaren

B. ethambutol

C. Dexamethasone *

D. dithranol

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1510. Enter the symptoms of lupus erythematosus

A symptom Gorchakov -Ardi

B. symptom of asbestos-Hansen

C. symptom Nikolsky

D. symptom Besnier -Mescherskogo *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1511. After some initial elements formed by erosion:

A. abscess *

B. Spot

C. tubercle

D. Node

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1512. What are the phenomena included in psoriatic triad:

A ladies' heel

B. phenomenon apple jelly

C. phenomenon stearin spots *

St. Anthony D. Mask

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1513. Streptococcal pyoderma differentiated with what disease:

A herpes simplex *

B. erythrasma


D. psoriasis

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1514. Deep trichophytosis differentiated c what diseases:

A. erythrosis

B. eczema

C. microsporia *

D. psoriasis

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1515. Which diseases are not observed site:

A leprosy

B. herpes *

C. cutaneous tuberculosis

D. tertiary syphilis

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1516. In the dermis layers are distinguished:

A grainy


C. papillary *

D. basal

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1517. By the atypical chancre include:

A wide warts

B. balanopostit

C. chancre-amygdala *

D. balanitis

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1518. Enter the incorrect statement: primary syphiloma can oslozhnyatsya-

A. orchitis *

B. paraphimosis

C. gangrenizatsiya

D. fagedinizmom

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1519. Enter the incorrect statement: possible causes of simple dermatitov-

A low temperatures

B. High Temperature

C. ingestion of drugs *

D. friction pressure

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1520. For localized scleroderma is uncommon stage:

A. induration

B. nefollikulyarnogo hyperkeratosis *

C. atrophy

D. edema

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1521. In the treatment of candidiasis is not used:

A. Nystatin

B. polkortolon *

C. intrakenazol

D. levorin

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1522. In the treatment of head lice is not used:

A. mikozolon *

B. 10-20% benzyl benzoate emulsion

C. spregal

D. nittifor

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1523. erythrodermic psoriasis can develop after:

A topical ointment 5% salicylic acid

B. Application of UFO patients with psoriasis type summer

C. emotional experiences

D. Designated ACTH *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1524. Enter the secondary elements that are the result of transformation of the node:

A scar atrophy

B. secondary pigmentation *

C. ulcer

D. scar

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1525. Enter the clinical signs are not specific to tertiary syphilis:

A. gumma palate

B. mezaortit

C. nodes

D. A warts *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1526. What are the main clinical signs are not specific for chronic eczema:

A bright redness *

B. infiltration

C. lichenification

D. crack

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1527. Under soak for topical treatment of eczema only apply:

A. creams

B. gadgets *

C. powders

D. powder

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1528. Enter the feature is not characteristic for discoid lupus erythematosus form:

A. Symptom "butterfly".

B. Symptom Besnier-Meshchersky.

C. The symptom of "apple jelly" *

D. follicular hyperkeratosis.

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1529. What disease is not included in the group neyrodermatozov:

A. scrapie

B. urticaria

C. itching

D. allergiichesky dermatitis *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1530. What is not typical in a clinical picture of rosacea:

A. follicular hyperkeratosis *

B. erythema

C. infiltration of the skin of the nose

D. increase in the size of the nose

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1531. Indicate the most characteristic feature of scabies:

A serous well

B. evening and night itching *

C. infiltration lesions

D. polyadenylation

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1532. Enter the following among stafilodermii surface shape:

A boil

B. osteofollikulit *

C. carbuncle

D. hydradenitis

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1533. In the treatment of lichen planus can be used:

A. novopassit *

B. prednisolone

C. androgens

D. All of these

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1534. In the primary period of syphilis patients can meet all of the features krome-

A negative Wasserman

B. lymphangitis

C. chancre

D. non-erosive papules *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1535. Choose the most effective means for the treatment of chlamydial urethritis:

A. penicillin

B. tetracycline *

C. metronidazole

D. retarpen

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1536. Of these clinical signs are not typical of AIDS patients:

A. lymphoma

B. recurrent herpes

C. diarrhea

D. vitiligo *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1537. Enter the drug used in the pemphigus vulgaris:

A. monomitsin

B. orungal

C. prednisolone *

D. dapsone

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1538. Specify the medication used to treat scabies:

A. Vishnevsky ointment

B. 10% ointment sintomitsinovaja

C. Spray Spregal *

D. 2% salicylic ointment

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1539. Enter the drug used in skin candidiasis:

A. orungal *

B. furazolidon

C. Bactrim

D. Biseptol

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1540. Enter the drugs used in the progressive stage of psoriasis:

A 2% ointment salitsilovayay *

B. 10% ointment salitsilovayay

C. ointment dermatol

D. 10% ointment ihtiolovaya

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1541. Enter the phenomena characteristic of lichen planus:

A fish eggs

B. tissue paper

C. Wickham Net *

D. «Ladies' heel"

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1542. Enter the symptoms characteristic of the multi-colored lichen:

A sample Wickham

B. Balzer sample *

C. tissue paper

D. Triad auspices

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1543. Enter the drug that you can not appoint resistant white dermographism:

A sodium thiosulfate

B. Calcium Gluconate *

C. Medicine Pavlova

D. potassium iodide

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1544. Enter the drug used with shingles:

A. delagil

B. dapsone

C. oxoline *

D. prednisolone

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1545. Enter the clinical signs characteristic of sycosis:

A chronic relapsing course *

B. rheumatic pains

C. nodules

D. excessive sweating

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1546. Clinical signs of herpes simplex virus does not apply:

A. keratoconjunctivitis

B. lichen sclerosus *

C. eczema herpeticum

D. meningoencephalitis

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1547. Which of the diseases are not a manifestation of HIV infection:

A. Kaposi's sarcoma

B. diarrhea

C. herpes simplex

D. vitiligo *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1548. What is not typical for psoriasis:

A. may first appear after birth

B. You can call the animals by laboratory *

C. associated with stress

D. in the occurrence of the disease plays a role heredity

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1549. Enter the characteristic sign of a blister:

A. is due to intracellular edema *

V. leaves behind erosion

C. peeling on the surface of the blister

D. Lack of subjective sensations

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1550. What are the clinical manifestations characteristic of secondary recurrent syphilis:

A. parenchymal keratitis

B. indurativnyy swelling

C. fagedenizatsiya

D. leucoderma *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1551. What are the clinical symptoms in patients with primary syphilis:

A. indurativnyy swelling

B. extensive warts *

C. regional lymphangitis

D. ulcerative chancre

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1552. Specify the characteristic signs of uncomplicated chancre:

A. saped edge

B. dense infiltrate the base of the ulcer *

C. treponem absence in the discharge sores

D. purulent discharge

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1553. For patients with chancroid is unusual:

A. The signs of inflammation

B. marked tendency to autoinnokulyatsii

C. solid infiltration *

D. lesions formed after 2-3 days on-site implementation streptobatsill

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1554. In the treatment of bacterial vaginosis is used:

A. penicillin

B. Erythromycin

C. Metronidazole *

D. ampicillin

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1555. For the diagnosis of the disease applied research using Wood's lamp:

A. microsporia *

B. Pink zoster.

C. vitiligo.

D. psoriasis.

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1556. What is the primary morphological element is preceded by erosion:

A. abscess *

B. none of these

C. tubercle

D. Node

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1557. What is the primary morphological element is preceded by an ulcer:

A bubble

B. blister

C. tubercle *

D. None of the above

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1558. Enter the signs typical for uncomplicated chancre:

A. saped edge

B. purulent discharge

C. dense infiltrate the base of the ulcer *

D. signs of inflammation

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1559. What pustular skin diseases do not occur in the newborn:

A. Sycosis *

B. vezikulopustulez

C. psevdofurunkulez Finger

Exfoliative dermatitis D. Ritter

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1560. Enter the varieties of seborrhea:

A leaf-

B. Dry *

C. papulonekroticheskaya

D. scaly

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1561. What is the clinical symptom seen with lupus erythematosus:

A. "ladies' heel" *

B. "blood dew"

C. symptom Pincus

D. grain Trela

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1562. What are the atypical form of psoriasis:

A scalp

B. intertriginoznoy *


D. numulyarny

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1563. Indicate the most severe form of psoriasis:

A. Geography

B. erythrodermic *

C. numulyarny

D. palmoplantar

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1564. What are the elements in the localization of pustular psoriasis Barbera:

A red border

B. soles *

C. Leather body

D. scalp

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1565. What kind of pustular psoriasis:

A. lichenoid

B. psoriasis Tsumbusha *

C. figured

D. erythrosis

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1566. What is the clinical sign characteristic of dermatitis Dühring:

A small focal baldness

B. sclerodactyly

C. esophagitis

D. eosinophilia content bladder *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1567. What are the clinical varieties of cutaneous leishmaniasis you know:

Undifferentiated type A.

B. erythematous-squamous type

C. lepromatous type

D. late-ulcerated type *

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1568. What kinds of clinical disease Borowski:

A city model *

B. undifferentiated

C. infiltrative-suppurative

D. papuzezny

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1569. Which layer is not part of the epidermis:

A grainy

B. papillary *

C. basal

D. horn

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1570. Enter the varieties of seborrhea:

A leaf-

B. fat *

C. vulgar

D. disgidroticheskaya

E. all answer’s are wrong.

1571. What diseases are a group of stafilodermy:

A. epidemic pemphigus *

B. impetigo nail ridges

C. slit ecthyma vulgar impetigo

D. botryomycoma

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