Tests on dermatology with 1 correct answer

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  • No correct answer

    488. Specify the drug used in leprosy:

    1. Norsulfazol

    2. Monomitsinа

    3. Delagil

    4. Dapsone*

    5. No correct answer

    489. In the treatment of candidiasis is not used:

    1. Acyclovir*

    2. Nizoral

    3. Nystatin

    4. Diflucan

    5. No correct answer

    490. In the treatment of candidiasis is not used:

    1. Acyclovir*

    2. Nizoral

    3. Nystatin

    4. Diflucan

    5. No correct answer

    491. Symptom Nikolsky positive at:

    1. Trepemphigus*

    2. Skrofuloderma

    3. Dermatitis herpetiformis Duhring

    4. Focal neurodermatitis

    5. No correct answer

    492. pathognomonic for eczema sprinkler elements are:

    1. erythema

    2. Peel

    3. Oozing erosion*

    4. Papules

    5. No correct answer

    493. What are the main clinical signs are not specific for chronic eczema:

    1. infiltration

    2. Lichenification

    3. Bright redness, swelling*

    4. Venous congestion

    5. No correct answer

    494. If any of these viral diseases oral mucosa are not affected:

    1. Molluscum contagiosum*

    2. chicken pox

    3. Simple herpes

    4. Shingles

    5. No correct answer

    495. What is not affected in rubrofitii:

    1. Soles

    2. Hair*

    3. Nail brush

    4. Nails feet

    5. No correct answer

    496. The method of staining for ZiehlNielsen which pathogens are defined by:

    1. Chlamydia

    2. Pale treponema

    3. Koch's bacillus*

    4. Ureaplasma

    5. No correct answer

    497. Specify the characteristic appearance and location of the rash of pink lichen:

    1. Congested spot on the trunk*

    2. blister

    3. vesicle

    4. on the face

    5. no correct answer

    498. Specify the clinic at toxicoderma:

    1. Syndrome asthenoneurotic

    2. Sezary syndrome

    3. Cushing's syndromeItsengo

    4. Lyell's syndrome*

    5. no correct answer

    499. Specify the drug used in psoriasis:

    1. Blemaren

    2. Ethambutol

    3. Plus dexamethasone*

    4. Dithranol

    5. no correct answer

    500. Specify the symptoms of lupus erythematosus

    1. A symptom Gorchakov Ardi

    2. A symptom of asbestosHansen

    3. A symptom Nikolsky

    1. Sym no correct answer

    1. ptom Besnier Mescherskogo

    501. After some initial elements formed by erosion:

    1. Abscess*

    2. spot

    3. Tubercle

    4. Node

    5. no correct answer

    502. What are the phenomena included in psoriatic triad:

    1. Ladies' heel

    2. The phenomenon of apple jelly

    3. Phenomenon stearin spots*

    4. Mask of St. Anthony

    5. no correct answer

    503. Streptococcal pyoderma differentiated with what disease:

    1. Simple herpes*

    2. Erythrasma

    3. CPL

    4. Psoriasis

    5. no correct answer

    504. Deep trichophytosis differentiated c what diseases:

    1. Erythrosis

    2. eczema

    3. Microsporia

    4. Psoriasis

    5. no correct answer

    505. At what diseases are not observed site:

    1. Leprosy

    2. Herpes*

    3. Cutaneous tuberculosis

    4. Tertiary syphilis

    5. no correct answer

    506. In the dermis layers are distinguished:

    1. grainy

    2. horny

    3. Papillary*

    4. Basal

    5. no correct answer

    507. By the atypical chancre include:

    1. Extensive warts

    2. Balanoposthitis

    3. Chancreamygdala*

    4. Balanit

    5. no correct answer

    508. Choose the wrong statement: primary syphiloma can make complication

    1. Orchitis

    2. Paraphimosis

    3. Gangrenizatsiya

    4. Fagedinizmom

    5. no correct answer

    509. Choose the wrong statement, the possible reason is simple dermatitis

    1. Low temperature

    2. high temperatures

    3. Ingestion of medicines*

    4. Friction pressure

    5. no correct answer

    510. For localized scleroderma is uncommon stage:

    1. Induration

    2. Nonfollicular hyperkeratosis*

    3. Atrophy

    4. Edema

    5. no correct answer

    511. In the treatment of candidiasis is not used:

    1. Nystatin

    2. Polkortolon*

    3. Intrakenazol

    4. no correct answer

    5. Levorin

    512. In the treatment of head lice is not used:

    1. Mikozolon*

    2. 1020% emulsion benzyl

    3. Spregal

    4. Nittifor

    5. no correct answer

    513. erythrodermic psoriasis can develop after:

    1. 5% topical ointment salicylic acid

    2. The use of ultraviolet irradiation in patients with psoriasis type summer

    3. Emotional experiences

    4. Designation ACTH*

    5. no correct answer

    514. Specify the secondary elements that are the result of transformation of the node:

    1. Scar atrophy

    2. A secondary pigmentation*

    3. ulcer

    4. scar

    5. no correct answer

    515. Specify the clinical signs are not specific to tertiary syphilis:

    1. Gumma palate

    2. Mezaortit

    3. Units

    4. Extensive warts*

    5. no correct answer

    516. What are the main clinical signs are not specific for chronic eczema:

    1. Bright hyperemia*

    2. infiltration

    3. Lichenification

    4. Cracks

    5. no correct answer

    517. Under soak for topical treatment of eczema only apply:

    1. Creams

    2. Gadgets*

    3. Powders

    4. Powder

    5. no correct answer

    518. Specify the feature is not characteristic for discoid lupus erythematosus form:

    1. Symptom "butterfly".

    2. Symptom BesnierMeshchersky.

    3. The symptom of "apple jelly"*

    4. Follicular hyperkeratosis.

    5. no correct answer

    519. What disease is not included in the group neyrodermatozov:

    1. Scrapie

    2. hives

    3. Itching

    4. Allergiichesky dermatitis*

    5. no correct answer

    520. What is not typical in a clinical picture of rosacea:

    1. Follicular hyperkeratosis*

    2. erythema

    3. Infiltration of the skin of the nose

    4. An increase in the size of the nose

    5. no correct answer

    521. Specify the most characteristic feature of scabies:

    1. Serous well

    2. Evening and night itching*

    3. Infiltration lesions

    4. Polyadenylation

    5. no correct answer

    522. Choose among the following surface shape stafilodermii:

    1. furuncle

    2. Osteofolliculit*

    3. carbuncle

    4. Hydradenitis

    5. no correct answer

    523. In therapy planus can be used:

    1. Novopassit*

    2. Prednisolone

    3. Androgens

    4. All of the above

    5. no correct answer

    524. In the primary period of syphilis patients can meet all of the features krome

    1. Negative Wasserman

    2. Lymphangitis

    3. Chancre

    4. Nonerosive papules*

    5. no correct answer

    525. Choose the most effective means for the treatment of chlamydial urethritis:

    1. penicillin

    2. Tetracycline*

    3. Metronidazole

    4. Retarpen

    5. no correct answer

    526. Because of the clinical signs are not typical of AIDS patients:

    1. Lymphoma

    2. Recurrent herpes

    3. diarrhea

    4. Vitiligo*

    5. no correct answer

    527. Specify the drug used in the pemphigus vulgaris:

    1. Monomitsin

    2. Orungal

    3. Prednisone*

    4. Dapsone

    5. no correct answer

    528. Specify a drug used to treat scabies:

    1. Vishnevsky ointment

    2. 10% ointment sintomitsinovaja

    3. Aerosol Spregal*

    4. 2% salicylic ointment

    5. no correct answer

    529. Specify the drug used in skin candidiasis:

    1. Orungal*

    2. Furazolidon

    3. Bactrim

    4. Biseptol

    5. no correct answer

    530. Specify the drugs used in the progressive stage of psoriasis:

    1. 2% ointment salicylat

    2. 10% ointment salicylat*

    3. Ointment dermatol

    4. 10% ointment ichtiol

    5. no correct answer

    531. Specify the phenomena characteristic of lichen planus:

    1. Fish roe

    2. cigarette paper

    3. Mesh Wickham*

    4. "Ladies' heel"

    5. no correct answer

    532. Specify the symptoms characteristic of the multicolored lichen:

    1. Sample Wickham

    2. Sample Balzer*

    3. cigarette paper

    4. Triad auspices

    5. no correct answer

    533. Specify the drug that you can not appoint resistant white dermographism:

    1. Sodium thiosulfate

    2. Calcium gluconate*

    3. Medicine Pavlova

    4. Potassium iodide

    5. no correct answer

    534. Specify the drug used with shingles:

    1. Delagil

    2. Dapsone

    3. Oxoline*

    4. Prednisolone

    5. no correct answer

    535. Select the clinical signs characteristic of sycosis:

    1. Chronic relapsing course*

    2. Rheumatic pain

    3. Nodules

    4. Excessive sweating

    5. no correct answer

    536. Clinical signs of herpes simplex virus does not apply:

    1. Keratoconjunctivitis

    2. Lichen sclerosus*

    3. Eczema herpeticum

    4. Meningoencephalitis

    5. no correct answer

    537. Which of the diseases are not a manifestation of HIV infection:

    1. Kaposi's sarcoma

    2. diarrhea

    3. Herpes simplex

    4. Vitiligo*

    5. no correct answer

    538. What is not typical for psoriasis:

    1. May first appear after birth

    2. Can be cause by laboratory animals*

    3. Stressrelated

    4. In the event of the disease plays a role heredity

    5. no correct answer

    539. Specify the characteristic sign of a blister:

    1. Is due to intracellular edema*

    2. Leaves behind erosion

    3. Peeling on the surface of the blister

    4. No subjective sensations

    5. no correct answer

    540. What are the clinical manifestations characteristic of secondary recurrent syphilis:

    1. Parenchymal keratitis

    2. Swelling indurative

    3. Fagedenesation

    4. Leucoderma*

    5. no correct answer

    541. What are the clinical symptoms in patients with primary syphilis:

    1. Swelling indurative

    2. Extensive warts*

    3. Regional lymphangitis

    4. Ulcerative chancre

    5. no correct answer

    542. Specify the characteristic signs of uncomplicated chancre:

    1. Saped edge

    2. Dense infiltrate the base of the ulcer*

    3. Lack of treponemes in the discharge sores

    4. Purulent discharge

    5. no correct answer

    543. For patients with chancroid is unusual:

    1. Signs of inflammation

    2. Noted a tendency to autoinnokulyation

    3. Solid infiltrate*

    4. Lesions are formed after 23 days onsite implementation streptobatsill

    5. no correct answer

    544. In the treatment of bacterial vaginosis is used:

    1. penicillin

    2. Erythromycin

    3. Plus metronidazole

    4. Ampicillin

    5. no correct answer

    545. For the diagnosis of the disease applied research using Wood's lamp:

    1. Microsporia*

    2. Pink zoster.

    3. Vitiligo.

    4. Psoriasis.

    5. no correct answer

    546. What is the primary morphological element is preceded by erosion:

    1. Abscess*

    2. None of the above

    3. Tubercle

    4. Node

    5. no correct answer

    547. What is the primary morphological element is preceded by an ulcer:

    1. bubble

    2. blister

    3. Hump*

    4. None of the above

    5. no correct answer

    548. Specify the characteristic symptoms of uncomplicated chancre:

    1. Saped edge

    2. Purulent discharge

    3. Dense infiltrate the base of the ulcer*

    4. Signs of inflammation

    5. no correct answer

    549. What pustular skin diseases do not occur in the newborn:

    1. Sycosis*

    2. Vezikulopustulosis

    3. Finger psevdofurunkulosis

    4. Exfoliative dermatitis Ritter

    5. no correct answer

    550. Choose varieties of seborrhea:

    1. The leaf

    2. Dry*

    3. Papulonecrotic

    4. Scaly

    5. no correct answer

    551. What clinical symptom seen with lupus erythematosus:

    1. "Ladies' heel"*

    2. "Blood dew"

    3. A symptom Pincus

    4. Grain Trela

    5. no correct answer

    552. Name the atypical form of psoriasis:

    1. Scalp

    2. Intertriginosis*

    3. Coin

    4. Numular

    5. no correct answer

    553. Specify the most severe form of psoriasis:

    1. geographical

    2. Erythrodermic*

    3. Numualr

    4. Handfoot

    5. no correct answer

    554. Name the localization elements in pustular psoriasis Barbera:

    1. Red border

    2. Soles*

    3. Leather body

    4. Scalp

    5. no correct answer

    555. What kind of pustular psoriasis:

    1. Lichenoid

    2. Psoriasis Tsumbusha*

    3. figured

    4. Erythrosis

    5. no correct answer

    556. What clinical symptom characteristic of dermatitis Dühring:

    1. Small focal baldness

    2. Sclerodactyly

    3. Esophagitis

    4. Eosinophilia content bladder*

    5. no correct answer

    557. What clinical varieties of cutaneous leishmaniasis you know:

    1. Undifferentiated type

    2. Erythematoussquamous type

    3. Lepromatous type

    4. Lateulcerated type*

    5. no correct answer

    558. What kinds of clinical disease Borowski:

    1. Urban style*

    2. Undifferentiated

    3. Infiltrative suppurative

    4. Papulosys

    5. no correct answer

    559. Which layer is not part of the epidermis:

    1. grainy

    2. Papillary*

    3. basal

    4. horny

    5. no correct answer

    560. Choose varieties of seborrhea:

    1. The leaf

    2. Fat*

    3. Vulgar

    4. Dyshtdrotic

    5. no correct answer

    561. What diseases are a group of stafilodermy:

    1. Epidemic pemphigus*

    2. Impetigo nail ridges

    3. Slit ecthyma vulgar impetigo

    4. Botryo mycoma

    5. no correct answer

    562. What means have antipruritic property:

    1. tar

    2. Menthol *

    3. sulfur

    4. Ihtiola

    5. no correct answer

    563. What pyoderma found only in newborns and infants:

    1. Hydradenitis

    2. furuncle

    3. Chronic ulcerative pyoderma

    4. Vezikulopustulosis*

    5. no correct answer

    564. What are the morphological features characteristic of dermatitis Ritter:

    1. Papules

    2. Bubbles*

    3. Small bubbles

    4. Blisters

    5. no correct answer

    565. Localization rash scabies:

    1. The skin of the neck

    2. Leather around the navel, inner thighs*

    3. Interdigital gaps feet

    4. Places where sebaceous glands

    5. no correct answer

    566. Name the secondary morphological element:

    1. Vegetation*

    2. Bundle

    3. Abscess

    4. Tubercle

    5. no correct answer

    567. What proliferative morphological element:

    1. Abscess

    2. Vial

    3. Knot*

    4. Bubble

    5. no correct answer

    568. acantholysis is morphological

    1. based on symptoms:

    2. Of asbestos Hansen*

    3. Pospelov

    4. Wickham

    5. Andogsky

    569. What is the clinical evidence harakterendlya dermatitis Dühring:

    1. Cryoglobulinemia

    2. Leukopenia

    3. Eosinophils in the blood*

    4. Leukocytosis

    5. no correct answer

    570. What tests are used for the diagnosis of dermatitis herpetiformis Duhring:

    1. 3 cups of the sample Thompson*

    2. Iodine sample Balzer

    3. Trial Minor

    4. 50% potassium iodide ointment

    5. no correct answer

    571. Which drugs are most effective in dermatitis Dühring:

    1. Biseptol

    2. VAT*

    3. Cytostatic

    4. Antibiotics

    5. no correct answer

    572. Specify papules especially when red zoster:

    1. Excessive flaking

    2. Peeling edge

    3. Umbilicated*

    4. Peripheral roll

    5. no correct answer

    573. What kind of pustular psoriasis:

    1. Psoriasis sarcoma

    2. Lichenoid

    3. Ringed

    4. Psoriasis Barbera*

    5. no correct answer

    574. What are the areas of skin are usually free from lesions in the CPL:

    1. Palms, soles*

    2. Flexor surface of the limbs

    3. Wrist joint

    4. Flexor surface of the forearm

    5. no correct answer

    575. What should be differentiated dermatoses lichen planus:

    1. The artificial dermatitis

    2. Chromophytosis

    3. Psoriasis*

    4. Dermatitis Duhring

    5. no correct answer

    576. Name the localization elements in pustular psoriasis Barbera:

    1. Palms, soles*

    2. Scalp

    3. Red border

    4. Exposed areas of the body

    5. no correct answer

    577. Indicate the true variety of eczema:

    1. Pruriginous, disgidroticheskaya*

    2. Nummular

    3. Seborrheic, varicose

    4. Mycotic

    5. no correct answer

    578. rash of erythema multiforme exudative located:

    1. Grouped along the nerves

    2. Pairs

    3. In the form of rings*

    4. Asymmetrically platform

    5. no correct answer

    579. Specify the characteristic signs of scabies:

    1. Confluent papules

    2. Symptom Gorchakov Hardy*

    3. Grouped vesicles plaque

    4. Net Wickham

    5. no correct answer

    580. What drugs are used to lecheniyachesotki:

    1. 20% benzyl benzoate ointment*

    2. 5% of Naftalan ointment

    3. 5% sulfuric ointment

    4. Hydrofoil

    5. no correct answer

    581. With what diseases should be differentiated scabies:

    1. Atopic dermatitis*

    2. Pink zoster

    3. shingles

    4. Multicolored shingles

    5. no correct answer

    582. What obligate factors for dermatitis:

    1. Gold jewelery

    2. Detergents

    3. Concentrated alkali*

    4. Jewelry made of platinum

    5. no correct answer

    583. Allergic reactions to the medication may occur as:

    1. A symptom Pilnova

    2. A symptom of Jadassohn

    3. Erythema *

    4. A symptom Balzer

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