Republic of Uzbekistan Ministry Higher Education, Innovation Bukhara State University interpretation of the protagonists in the novels by j. Steinbeck and writer's style dissertation work By Durdona Bakhtiyorova Scientific supervisor: dots

Chapter II Literary functioning of the “theory groups" in the works of J.Steinbeck

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Chapter II Literary functioning of the “theory groups" in the works of J.Steinbeck.
2.1 Fundamental importance for Steinbeck's literary practice period
It substantiates the choice of the topic of the dissertation, the main goals and objectives of the study, its relevance are determined and scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance, is given a review of the literature on the problem of the group in creativity J. Steinbeck. In the first chapter of the dissertation "Formation" of the "theory group" in the work of J. Steinbeck" highlights the of fundamental importance for Steinbeck's literary practice period: 30s XX century, when the writer's interest in individual and social characteristics of human behavior and 7 found its expression in the artistic and philosophical constructions created by Steinbeck - the "theory of the group" and "the theory of non-teleological thinking", artistic embodiment which were a collection of short stories "Paradise Pastures", stories "The Tortilla Flat Quarter", "Of Mice and Men", the novels "And Lost 'battle", "Grapes of Wrath". ccording to Steinbeck's "group theory", perceiving the surrounding reality as a single ecological community, based on the idea that the laws of nature, as well as complex processes continuously occurring in the natural and human environment, have a universal character, determined the totality of people as a special "social organism", qualitatively different from each of the individuals that make it up. group theory was used by the writer in the stories "Quarter Tortilla Flat", "About mice and people", the novels "And lost the battle", "The Grapes of Wrath" with explaining the patterns of group behavior of people. "Group theory", in turn, is an organic part of the "non-teleological concept" of the writer, which was formed under a certain influence of the philosophy of positivism.
The essence of the "non-teleological concept", which is important for understanding of the ideological and philosophical content of artistic Steinbeck's work, the writer explains in Chapter 14 of “The Sea of Cortez”, a work in which, according to critics, the writer expressed his views on man, society, nature. "Non-teleological concept", or "theory of non-teleological thinking", is an objective observation of the phenomena empirical reality, includes the fixation of facts without searching for the root causes underlying the phenomena, forming a special scientific approach to the knowledge of reality, which, according to Steinbeck's logic, the most complete, clear and accurate picture of being. According to the provisions of the "theory of non-teleological thinking”, based on empirical data, Steinbeck examines the nature of group unity in Paradise Pastures, "Tortilla Flat Quarter". By focusing on the "mechanism" actions of the group and the individual included in it, the writer developed own, deeply peculiar understanding of this phenomenon. By creating original philosophical and artistic concept, Steinbeck relied on various studies covering the socio-biological nature of society, which include artistic and aesthetic innovations of American romantics (E. Poe, N. Hawthorne), works on psychology by G. Le Bon, 3. Freud, K, Jung, W. MagDougall, W. Trotter sociology, W. biology, 8Ritter, W.S. Alley, and other sciences and humanities sciences. Using the achievements of his predecessors, the writer developed ideas regarding socio-biological "mechanisms" actions of a group of individuals. The work proves that within the framework artistic research undertaken by Steinbeck in collection of short stories "Paradise Pastures", includes various aspects the behavior of the social community, as well as the problems of nature individual and group aggression, mental and biological the sources of its occurrence.
The relationship between personality and group also occupies an important place in the story "Quarter Tortilla Flat", in which Steinbeck postulated the idea of the existence of certain "transpersonal" motives that stimulate the organization of people in group unities, pointing to the ancient origin of these impulses rooted in the unconscious sphere of the human psyche and having an irrational character, and proved this idea on an example of the artistic images of farmers he created in the collection short stories "Paradise Pastures", paisano in the story "Quarter Tortilla Flat". According to the provisions of the "theory of non-teleological thinking”, based on empirical data, Steinbeck examines the nature of group unity in Paradise Pastures, Tortilla Flat Quarter. By focusing on the "mechanism" actions of the group and the individual included in it, the writer developed own, deeply internal understanding of this phenomenon. By creating original philosophical and artistic concept, Steinbeck relied on various studies covering the socio-biological nature of society, which include artistic and aesthetic innovations of American romantics (E. Poe, N. Hawthorne), works on psychology by G. Le Bon, 3. Freud, K, Jung, W. MagDougall, W. Trotter sociology, W. biology, 8Ritter, W.S. Alley, and other sciences and humanities sciences. Using the achievements of his predecessors, the writer developed ideas regarding socio-biological "mechanisms" actions of a group of individuals. The work proves that within the framework art research by Steinbeck in collection of short stories "Paradise Pastures", includes various aspects the behavior of the social community, as well as the problems of nature individual and group aggression, mental and biological the sources of its occurrence. The relationship between personality and group also occupies an important place in the story "Quarter Tortilla Flat", in which Steinbeck postulated the idea of the existence of certain "transpersonal" motives that stimulate the organization of people in group unities, pointing to the ancient origins of these impulses rooted in the unconscious sphere of the human psyche and having an irrational character, and proved this idea on an example of the artistic images of farmers he created in the collection short stories "Paradise Pastures", paisano in the story "Quarter Tortilla Flat".
In correspondence with D. Albee, Steinbeck expresses his views about the essence of the group, or, as he calls it, the phalanx. According to Steinbeck, the phalans have their own memory that stores memories of disasters and great events of the distant past, thus archiving the history of the existence of the group whole.
Moreover, the phalanx has feelings and aspirations that are absent in individual: need for destruction, war, change of place a habitat. The writer insists that such human associations may also experience individual individual emotions: hatred and fear1. In his works, Steinbeck considers a person not in isolation, but in all its richness and diversity relationships with the outside world. Steinbeck's hero as a rule, is part of public education, in turn, which is an integral component of the socio-natural reality within which this community exists. The world and man as a whole are depicted by Steinbeck in "Paradise Pastures" (residents of the village of the same name, being an organic continuation of the surrounding natural and social world), the Tortilla Fiaet Quarter (paisano, their inseparable connection with the Tortilla Flat quarter and, more broadly, with the city of Monterey).
The theme of the group was first "sounded" in an early novel. Steinbeck "The Golden Cup" (1929). The "Golden Cup" already contained individual ideas of "group theory", which have found their continuation in subsequent works of Steinbeck. The writer puts in the novel the problem of the emergence and functioning of the phalanx. Steinbeck consistently shows how, in the process of overcoming difficulties and deprivation spontaneous heterogeneous, many-sided filibuster mass turns into a single whole; assembly, the horde is transformed into a cohesive organism, obsessed with a common desire for all - conquer the city of Panama. Further development of the "group theory" is in the collection novella "Paradise Pastures". A village called Paradise Pastures - sheltered on all sides by mountains, a secluded place, in within which the mechanisms of action are clearly revealed "laws of the group"37 that have equalizing, standardizing, 10 submissive character. Steinbeck's desire to show the universal character of the laws governing the life of the group, determined, in your opinion, the writer's appeal to the image of destinies specific people in their interaction with each other. Steinbeck focusing on one or the other individual consistently shifting the focus of your attention and highlighting individual destinies, presenting them as a slice of the life of the group, showing the dynamics of group change within a particular human fate. Each short story tells about the vicissitudes of life of one or other representative of Paradise pastures, but not as an isolated individual, but as part of the entire society. At the same time, Steinbeck interested not so much in the influence of group members on the group organism, how much the impact of the group on individual individuals. The fate of the central characters of "Paradise Pastures" passed by Steinbeck through the prism of "group theory", and plot collisions are caused by the action of hidden springs of social mutual influences. In all stories, with the possible exception of stories about R. Beiks, the life of the characters is in a difficult depending on the norms of existence in the group: characters freely or unwittingly violate the laws of the group (Tularecito, Junius Maltby, sisters Lopez), or, on the contrary, try to follow the accepted in the group installations (Shark Weeks, John Whiteside), which is the reason dramatic changes in their lives. Study of natural and social conditioning.
The writer continued the actions of the group in the story “Quarter Tortilla Flzt”. Feature of the artistic model of the group represented by in the "Tortilla Flagg Quarter" is that in this story in as the subject of the image, Steinbeck chooses a new social interlayer: unlike the group in the earlier work ("Paradise pastures"), paisano - residents of the city, but in the city structure, they occupy a marginal position. Genetically merged with the natural world, the characters "did not stick" to capitalist shore of modern civilization, but continue live in accordance with "natural", natural laws. The type of phalanx studied in the story is small, spontaneously an emerging community that is temporary in nature and tends to to their informal leader, Deini.
"The concept of the phalanx" in works of art by D. Steinbeck of the second half 1930s." considers the further development of artistic concept of the group in the writer's work. art model group organism, proposed by Steinbeck in short stories 11 "Watchful", "Leader of the people", stories "About mice and people", novels "And Lost the Fight", "The Grapes of Wrath", is based on objective patterns of social behavior of people. The writer puts before oneself the task of investigating both the social psychology of the masses, and the individual psychology of the participants in the depicted events.
In the novel "And Lost the Fight" and in the short story "The Vigilant"Steinbeck is interested in the behavior of the human community as a single whole. The crowd, the artistic image of which is presented extensively and multifaceted, grows to the size of a huge living creature, having its own “reason”, dictating its logic of behavior, and even his "soul" and his "destiny". In the story "About mice and people" the writer focused on the features of behavior individual individuals in society. Central characters - seasonal workers Lenny Hilln and George Milton – being separated from the group, subjected to aggressive influence others, and then also committed aggressive acts, resulting in the death of people. Foreignness of George and Lenny becomes a plot-forming component of the story. In the algorithm "friend or foe", functioning throughout works, the leitmotif is the theme of alienation and loneliness individual outside of society. Exploring the nature of social unity, Steinbeck puts forward the assumption that the individual cannot live outside the group. Biologically determined need to merge the individual with elemental sensual-bodily beginning, as it seems writer group, emphasized by Steinbeck in the above works that, in our opinion, are explicit expression of the invariant idea of the writer about the instinctive the desire of the individual to unite with the mass. Yes, in the novel “Watchful” is precisely the need to become part of a single community prompts Mike to join the racist crowd, and the communists Mac MacLeod and Jim Knolzn from And Lost the Fight, Jody's grandfather Tiflin from The Leader of the People, Casey from The Grapes of Wrath ready to sacrifice their lives for a special feeling of the fullness of being, feelings of spiritual satisfaction, happiness experienced by the characters due to their involvement in the fate of the group whole. As causal motivation of people's desire to integrate into group unity, act in concert with it, and even perish for the sake of interests of the majority, Steinbeck puts forward the existence of a universal natural law, according to which all living beings, including humans, follow the instinct of conservation of the species. Steinbeck, who built his reasoning about fate human society based on the analogy between the animal world organisms and the social universe, repeatedly had to observe the vital activity of sea creatures connected in communities consisting of not one, but several species of living organisms. According to Steinbeck, this is a collection of living beings is the coexistence of different species, based on interdependence in the process of getting food. Writer calls this community of organisms a "survival unit" (unit of survival) and believes that it may be part of an even more large living organism, namely the "life of the whole bay", which, in turn, is part of the vital activity of the entire biosphere.
In his reasoning, Steinbeck proceeds from the fact that if consider a school of fish as a separate animal, it will be found that “certain parts of it are endowed with special functions; more weak individuals may even be eaten by stronger ones for the sake of preservation of the entire community. Seems to be for the living organisms, there is only one commandment: to survive! Various forms, types, associations and groups of living organisms are armed for survival... According to this commandment, death and destruction of the worlds of individuals for the sake of the survival of the species”38. By Steinbeck, one of the functions of a living organism is death "units" for the good of the whole. The writer draws an analogy here with human society, arguing that the death of an individual, perhaps may not matter much if it is useful for preservation of the genus and species. Postulating in the short story "The Leader of the People", in the novels "And lost the battle", "Grapes of Wrath" the existence of an individual instinctive desire to connect with the mass, based on lies a universal biological law, Steinbeck does deeply original conclusion that the main the purpose of religious beliefs is to express involvement of a person in a group, the unity of all things, indivisibility man and the world in which he lives, the inseparability of dynamic connections between a person and his environment.
In a number of works of art created by Steinbeck in the 1930s, the writer artistically depicts cruelty, actually present. Psycho-biological causes aggression that causes destruction and suffering, Steinbeck also justifies the need for the survival of the human race.
Demonstration of the destructive inclinations of the "group man" finds artistic embodiment in some images, created by Steinbeck in the second half of the 1930s. (Mike and band racists in the novel "Vigilant", opposing factions seasonal and "vigilant" in the novels "And lost the fight", "Bunches anger", the cruel, aggressive nature of the group's actions in the story "On mice and humans).
Another important problem posed by Steinbeck in artistic creativity in the process of studying the nature of the social unity, the problem of mutual relations between the individual and group, in the course of which the writer, we believe, identified three possible personality types: an ordinary member of the group, a "herobiologist" and a leader of the group. A detailed analysis of the psychology of the "average" person, the social unit that makes up a group is given by Steinbeck in Pastures of Paradise (Burt Munro, Shark Weeks, Pat Humbert, T. B. Ayalen, Raymond Banks), in the stories "Quarter Tortilla Flat" (artistic images of paisano), "About mice and people" (seasonal workers Carlson, Unt), novels "And lost the battle" (images of workers Dan, Sam and others), "Grapes of Wrath" (family members Joad and many others). What was said above about psychology individual in a group, is true, first of all, in relation to the ordinary community member.
To exist in the artistic system of characters Steinbeck of a special type of personality, the so-called "biologist hero", drew the attention of some critics, such as L. Marx, G, Levant, F. Hoffman. According to researchers, the "hero-biologist" is a person who looks at the world from "non-teleological positions", an individual, preferring to observe the actions of the group from the side, alien to the desire to actively intervene in ongoing events and try to influence their course (Pylon go "Tortilla Flat Quarter", Casey from The Grapes of Wrath and most of all Dr. Burton from "And lost the fight." Indeed, Steinbeck's "hero-biologist" is not tries to influence life processes and does not put before clearly defined goals. However, from our point of view, yet it is not possible to stay away from the activities of the community. "Hero-biologist" is not only a direct participant 14 group actions, but sometimes the victim of having a destructive nature of the actions of members of society. Turning in line with the study of the nature of the group to the topic "leadership" and constructing artistic images of Danny ("Quarter Tortilla Flat"), Mac MacLeod and Jim Nolan ("And Lost fight"), grandfather Jody Tiflin ("Leader of the people"), Tall ("About mice and people"), Casey and Tom Joad ("The Grapes of Wrath"), Steinbeck brought out a series laws inherent in the process of "birth" of the leader of the masses.
According to Steinbeck, the necessary conditions for the nomination of a leader, along with dynamic unity of high mental abilities, extraordinary spirit and waves are the willingness to be organic extension of the group, expressing its needs and ability give up selfish thoughts of personal gain for the sake of public interest care, which is in line with requests social community.

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