I lost my sense of smell four years ago. The doctors told me that it is natural and that it is not a sickness

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case 0235

About two months ago, I started noticing that I was continually sensing a smell that seemed to be part cooking oil, part garlic, part fish oil — all combining to make a somewhat nauseating cheap restaurant smell. Everything I eat takes the same bad smell. Whenever I enter a restaurant, I'm overcome by the same smell, but at a higher intensity. Nothing I eat tastes the way it used to taste (everything I eat tastes bad with the new taste being the same as the new smell). I cannot think of anything that could have triggered the problem.

case 0236

I had two severe colds within short intervals. By the end of the second cold I had lost my sense of smell.

case 0237

I got punched in the head. The result was that I lost my sense of smell and taste. I had a brain scan and it showed nothing wrong with my brain. It was the punches to my head that caused me to lose my senses. I have been told it is permanent because my nerve-endings are damaged.

case 0238

About a month ago I had a bad case of sinus drainage and throat and lung congestion after which I found that I had lost my sense of smell and taste. I had my head x-rayed and my doctor said that nothing showed up. He did not seem concerned. I however am concerned and feel that there should be something that I can do to improve my situation, but do not know where to turn.

case 0239

I completely lost my sense of taste and smell. My sense of smell has slowly returned over the year. At first I could smell nothing, and then I could smell things that were brought close to my nose. After a year I am now beginning to smell environmental smells like popcorn at a movie theater.

case 0240

About a year ago I noticed that I was not able to smell my perfumes and then my son brought a dog home and I was unable to smell when he had an accident or passed gas. I can't smell the odor of my foods when I'm cooking. When I go into a restaurant I can't smell the smell of foods or the fragrances of the room. If I put something close to my nose I can smell a little but it doesn't last.

case 0241

I suffer from allergic rhinitis. I traced the allergy to tea and coffee and got desensitization treatment that worked. I can't smell very much and most of the food I eat now tastes like wet cardboard.

case 0242

I lost my sense of smell step by step when I was 18 years old. At the age of 23, I had lost it completely. One of my brothers also has no sense of smell.

case 0243

I fell and had to be treated in the hospital for almost a month. I realized, in hindsight, that I never could smell the hospital food, the flowers I received or even how I must have smelled due to not being able to take a bath for a couple of weeks. Not until I got home did I realize that my nose was burning very badly and everything I inhaled smelled like something burning, strong smoke, or electrical fire...I didn't even have to inhale. The smell is always there. I still go to smell things forgetting that I cannot. My taste was not affected at all. The rancid smell is not so strong as of recent but I still can't tell bleach from water. I notice when I am fatigued or stressed, I will get a series of a few hour of smelling that horrible smell again. It doesn't change. It is rather depressing because you cannot smell the grass, coffee, or the people you care about. Christmas is here and it will be the first time in my whole life I won't smell people cooking or the tree. This really is no fun. I have no idea if my sense of smell will ever come back, but from what I have read, it is highly unlikely.

case 0244

About two months ago I did catch a cold and used nasal spray. After a while I started to notice that I can't smell well and taste very little. Now, two months later, I still don't have a sense of smell and taste and my nose is congested constantly.

case 0245

About ten days ago I had a mild cold. I didn't have any nasal congestion, but I had developed a slightly sore throat and a cough and used nasal spray. This is when I lost my sense of smell. At this point I'm still hoping that I will get it back. The only things I've been able to smell faintly are lavender soap and fresh cat poop.

case 0246

24 years ago I lost my sense of smell after head trauma as a result of a car accident. I have phantom smells.

case 0247

After a viral illness I have lost my sense of smell. I cannot smell even strong smells such as garlic, lemon etc.

case 0248

Two years ago I had the flu. The symptoms came and went four times over several weeks. I used an unapproved homeopathic product to treat it. After I recovered I had a much suppressed smell function. The taste function has not changed since. I have the sense that my smell is now "black & white" and no longer "in color". Anything strong smelling (skunk, feces, etc.) is just a stronger scent of the same smell... coffee smells slightly like coffee but also slightly like skunk/feces. Weak odors (flowers, perfume, etc.) have no smell to me. Rubbing alcohol smells like it used to.

case 0249

Two months ago I had a cold — not a bad one, but I noticed that my sense of smell did not return, even after the congestion went away. Then a few weeks later I had another bout with viral meningitis. I now smell a slight pungent smell and this is for everything ranging from cookies baking to my cologne. I also have a bad taste in my mouth all the time, even right after brushing my teeth.

case 0250

I am anosmic since birth. Until now I never experienced any odor, not even the smell of a strong perfume or a fart.

case 0251

All of a sudden I can no longer smell aromas, perfume, food, etc. It's really puzzling to me. I've had a cold some time ago.

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