I lost my sense of smell four years ago. The doctors told me that it is natural and that it is not a sickness

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case 0222

About eight weeks ago, I lost my sense of smell and sense of taste. I went to an ear nose throat doctor and was told I have a very tiny cyst in my sinus. He told me that if I can breathe through my nose, I am not a candidate for surgery. Also, the doctor told me that my sense of smell could come back in three months, or six months, and that there is no pill that can make it come back. Finally, the doctor also told me that there is no medical explanation for my loss of smell. I wish I knew how to get my sense of smell and taste back.

case 0223

I cannot pinpoint a date or event when I realized I lost my sense of smell; I would say it was approximately two years ago. I recall walking outside with my sister and she commented on a strong foul smell that I could not smell at all. Now, I only smell something occasionally if I put it to my nose and take a long sniff. These smells pass quickly and I can’t really determine what it is I smelled. Also, sometimes I can smell smoke/burnt smells but they pass fast. I do recall, at bedtime, phantom smells of smoke. I would say that happened fairly frequently but maybe it only lasted a month or two. I haven’t had the phantom smells in the last eight months. I still have a sense of taste. However I think it is starting to diminish. I have not lost my appetite but I am never satisfied either.

case 0224

Four years ago I had a bad cold and used nasal spray. Afterwards, my sense of smell did not fully return. Eventually, I visited an ear nose throat doctor. Tests revealed that I have some limited sense of smell (I can detect some perfumes, incense, floral scents) but I would guess it has diminished by 75% along with the sense of taste.

case 0225

I went on a cruise. For about three weeks afterwards I could experience a strange smell like that of the room I stayed in on the ship. The smell went away and so did most others. Now I can only smell certain things and sometimes I suddenly smell a strange sweet smell that no one else can. I don't know what happened but I am finding the ordeal disturbing.

case 0226

One day, very suddenly (after a flight back from vacation) coffee smelled nasty. Other food did not smell nice either and flowers had no smell at all. The next day I realized that I had a problem and I began to test myself. I could not smell bleach at all. I could only smell a chalkiness and background unpleasantness of any of my perfumes. Chicken and fish taste acceptable. Strong flavors taste "nasty". Frying onions smell revolting. I am normally a good and enthusiastic cook — my sense of taste and smell has always been very acute. I have always cooked, not by measured recipe but by taste. This I am totally unable to do now. The subtle flavors of herbs just are not there or are different. I can taste sweet, and salt but sour isn't the same. I can feel the heat in peppers. Wines taste chemically. I can tell little difference between Brandy, Whiskey or Rum, while Gin and Vodka taste of nothing. A dry Martini tastes okay. Sometimes I think I get the hint of a smell but it does not last. Smells seem to alter too. However, the constant is that nothing smells nice. Life is miserable. My doctor seems to think that I have to learn to live with the problem. He says it is most likely "old age". This I could understand if it had happened slowly over a period of time, but it happened over a period of hours.

case 0227

I have a history of sinusitis and allergy for decades. I had several surgeries and used a variety of medications for this condition. Now I have lost my sense of taste and smell.

case 0228

I fell and hit my head. After the accident I had a hard time breathing and cold air made me cough. It finally got better although now I couldn't smell a thing? I also could barely taste. Now, a year later, I still have migraines and I definitely can't smell a thing...

case 0229

I have bipolar disorder. Sometimes I have olfactory disturbances before an episode or even in a much milder phase of the disease. I use this heightened state of awareness of smell as an indicator for medication to avoid psychotic episodes. The smell of burnt almonds especially bothers me. I am not aware of where it originates in the brain but it is a definite indicator to me to be vigilant.

case 0230

A few years ago I began noticing episodes of smelling something that I can only describe as something dead or rotting. In the beginning this was very rare but it has become more frequent in the past nine months. It is sometimes accompanied by a sense of nasal stuffiness or fullness, but I do not have cold symptoms, headache or facial pain or pressure. Whenever I ask somebody if they can smell the odor, too, the answer I get is "no".

case 0231

I have congenital anosmic and only realized it when I was 16!

case 0232

I had a cold and used nose spray. Even though my cold is over and it's been three weeks I still cannot smell or taste. There are moments when I think I've smelled or tasted something but it is short lived. I love experiencing the flavors in foods so this is very disturbing for my quality of life.

case 0233

I experience a smell of cigarette smoke (I don't smoke nor does anyone in my family or friends). This odor began about five years ago and might last for weeks. I can smell other things but the smell of cigarettes is always with me. It might leave for six months but always comes back. It drives me crazy always having this scent.

case 0234

Recently I noticed certain odors seem to get "trapped" in my sense of smell, and I can't seem to stop smelling the odor of either chemical or certain food odors. The odors make me feel sick and I smell them even after I have gotten away from the smells... I struggle with depression and now this "smell disorder" is really affecting the quality of my life on top of everything else. I thought at first it was all in my head but now I am not so sure anymore.

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