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Ikromjon Rakhmonov, Bakhriddin Kholikhmatov, Makhzuna Korjobova

The problem of using electrodes in the steel melting process 
, Makhzuna 
, Bakhriddin Kholikhmatov

Navruz Uzakov
Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov, 100095, Uzbekistan, Tashkent, University St. 2A 

Karshi Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Technologies of the National Research University, Karshi, Uzbekistan 
This article explores the critical role of electrode technology and energy efficiency in the 
process of electric arc welding for the purpose of melting and shaping steel. It delves into the 
challenges posed by electrodes that directly impact the technology's effectiveness and energy 
consumption. Furthermore, the article conducts an analysis of various electrode types and 
classifications utilized in steel melting processes, emphasizing their efficient utilization in the steel 
production industry. As the demand for steel production continues to rise, so do the requirements for 
electrode strength and durability. However, modern metallurgical processes often encounter the 
recurring issue of electrode degradation and failure. Through comprehensive research, this article 
sheds light on the common problems associated with electrode failure during steel melting operations.
1 Introduction
Electrodes are the main element in the operation of 
steel melting furnaces. Not only electrodes directly affect 
the timely and high-quality melting of the slag but also, 
reducing the consumption of electricity in metal melting 
is one of the most important tasks. Because of the process 
of metal melting is 40-70% of the whole process and the 
consumption of electricity is 60-80%. Acceleration of the 
metal melting as much as possible, the electric arc 
between the electrodes and the metal plays a very 
important role for the quality continuation of the 
technological process. After all, when melting steel, 
electrodes are damaged, broken, and as a result, the arc 
goes out and the melting process is disturbed. So that 
depending on the mechanical and thermal tolerance of 
electrodes and their use in melting processes, the selection 
of their production process, materials, selection of 
electrode types in accordance with the process is one of 
the urgent problems. As well as, high quality melting of 
metal in a specified period time directly depends on the 
electrodes. Today, the use of furnaces is increasing, and 
the demand for electrodes is increasing directly after the 
increase in power. One of the biggest problems in the 
process of metal melting today is damage (breakage) of 
electrodes. In this article, these problems are analyzed and 
solutions are given with a scientific and practical 
approach [1-4]. 
These are scientists who have worked on scientific 
research: In Central Asia [1, 4], in Foreign countries [6, 

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