Theme: therapy. Text: classes in therapy

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Therapy - 302

Text: Classes in therapy

  • In the next class the students learned the methods of examining a patient. Those methods were: questioning a patient, external examination, percussion, auscultation, palpation, taking blood pressure, laboratory examinations, tak­ing electrocardiograms, etc.
  • During their classes the students saw how the doctors made their daily rounds, examined the patients; who were in the hospital 3 and prescribed to them different medicines.
  • The students learned that doctors in charge made their daily rounds of the wards in the morning. Besides doctors on duty made the daily rounds of the wards in the evening. The Head of the Chair and clinic, a professor, made the rounds of the wards together with other doctors on definite days.
  • During their classes at the clinic the students remembered well patient Kamilov. His condition was very рооr. The students were allowed to examine this patient, as they had already acquainted themselves with the method of exami­nation. They questioned the patient, and found out4 that severe pain in the heart and substernal area had begun two days before. He-was still complaining of the pain radiating to the left arm and shoulder. The patient was pale, and his lips were cyanotic. He suffered from breathlessness. The pain and breathlessness increased on the slightest physical exertion. The students determined that the borders of his heart were dilated, heart sounds were dull, and the pulse was irregular at times. They also examined his other inner organs and found out that it was necessary to take the electrocardio­gram, to make the analyses of blood and urine.5 Having got all the subjective and objective findings the students made the initial diagnosis of angina pectoris by themselves. The assistant doctor confirmed their diagnosis
  • The doctor in charge administered the patient a bed re­gime, proper treatment consisting of injections, powders, mixtures, and diet, which the patient had to follow," strict­ly.
  • During the course of treatment the patient's condition, as the students could also observe, gradually became much better regarding all the subjective and objective data. For example, the pain in the heart decreased, breathlessness and weakness subsided, heart sounds became clearer, heart borders and electrocardiogram findings became better. The patient became more cheerful and alert. Тhe whole course of treatment produced a marked effect on the patient. He was discharged from the hospital completely cured 6 having stayed there 35 days.
  • The students understood that dealing with the patients carefully was of great importance.7 There was no doubt that such an attitude to the patients had helped much in their quick recovery.
  • The duty of the doctor is to treat the patient not only with different remedies, but with a kind word and hearty atti­tude.

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