Theme: therapy. Text: classes in therapy

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Therapy - 302


  • 13. to confirm the diagnosis of angina pectoris, to confirm the findings of the experiment, to confirm the blood pressure readings
  • 14. to subside, subsided, the pain subsides, breathlessness subsided gradually, fever will subside completely
  • 15. alert , he is quite alert, the patient was alert and cheerful, the recovering patient becomes alert
  • 16. to discharge a patient from the hospital, to be discharged from the hospital, he is discharged from the hospital, they were discharged from the hospital, she will be discharged from the hospital

Text: Classes in therapy

  • Anvar and his fellow student Sarvar, who had recently recovered from his illness, came to the therapeutic depart­ment of the clinic in Farhad Street to attend the first class­es in Therapy.
  • During the first classes the students acquainted them­selves with the work of the reception ward. There a nurse on duty was receiving those patients who had to be hospital­ized. They had already received the direction from the poly­clinic. The nurse on duty was filling in patients' case his­tories. There she was recording the following data1: their name, age, place of employment, occupation, address and the initial diagnosis made by a district doctor.
  • That day the first patient admitted to the in-patient de­partment was Comrade Baratov. He was a railway worker, 52 years of age, with a bad heart attack. The onset of the disease had been sudden and severe. He had already been confined to bed for three days. He was very pale and weak. It was clear that he was suffering from some serious heart im­pairment.
  • The students saw how the patient was undressed and laid down on a stretcher. The students also saw other patients with different diseases of inner organs. The doctor on duty examined them and gave his instructions to which wards the patients had to be directed.
  • The students and the assistant doctor went to the in­patient department after their work in the reception ward. Here they acquainted themselves with the daily regime2 of the clinic. They were shown the wards, the X-ray rooms, the laboratories and the special room for carrying on differ­ent medical procedures.
  • They could see the work of the nurses on duty, who were taking the patients' temperature, giving them injections, cupping them, applying mustard plasters, and giving med­icines.
  • The same day the students acquainted themselves with the main rules of carrying on a physical examination and making a family history by questioning a patient thoroughly.

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