Teacher: Student: Cavid Asadzade Group: 102a5 Faculty: Transportation engineering Subject: Music MUSİC İN OUR LİFE Music can improve mood, decrease pain and anxiety, and facilitate opportunities for emotional expression. Research suggests that music can benefit our physical and mental health in numerous ways. İt make our heart healthy,elevates mood,stimulate memories, increase work endurance.
MUSİC İN SCHOOL 1.Language skills-Learning a musical instrument also improves how the brain understands human language, which can help students learn a second language.
2. Improved test scores
3. Self-esteem – Music allows students to try something new and develop confidence as they master singing or playing an instrument.
4. Listening skills – Music involves listening to yourself . Musicians need to hear tempos, dynamics, tuning, and harmonies. This helps auditory development in the brain.
5. Math skills
6. Making the brain work harder – Research shows that the brain of a musician works differently than a non-musician.
7. Creativity – Music certainly nurtures kids’ creative side. This can have an impact on their futures.
8. Helping special needs children – Music can have a powerful impact on kids with special needs. It helps them find a way to communicate and open up, which they may struggle with otherwise.
COURSE THAT STUDENTS NEED And now such a question arises. Why don’t we create a course that students need. As we know, every student grew up in a different environment. İf we add genetic factors to this, they have different skills and interests. Music belongs to these interests. However, the economic situation of each family is not enough for students to develop these talents. As a school, we must strive to develop these skills in students. I have an idea for that. Let’s create a music course for each school
ENTRANCE OF MUSİC COURSE The course will include playing lessons guitar, piano and playing lessons of our national musical instruments. Because these tools meet the interest of most students. At the entrance of the course, there will be an honor board displaying the achievements and medals of the students in music competitions. On the walls will be displayed pictures of the achievements of the course in a short period of time.
GUİTAR LESSON İn these lessons, the teacher plays an important role in choosing the right musical instruments, learning the location of notes on the guitar, playing chords, and tuning the guitar. The sooner students who are interested in these classes start, the better their results will be.
PİANO LESSONS Piano is an easier instrument to learn music than other stringed instruments. This instrument is important for the school as we play the note clearly through it. Additionally, there are more students who want to play the piano than others.
NATİONAL MUSİC İNSTRUMENTS Each individual was born with the customs, food, dance and music of his nation. Taking this into account, we should also teach the playing of our national musical instruments in these schools. This also applies to tar, kaval kamancha
RECORDİNG STUDİO 7 ReasonsYou Should Always Record in a Studio:
Top Quality Equipment
Sound Engineers
Decrease Mixing Time
Avoid Noise Disturbances
BuildYour Network
Have More Fun!
It plays an important role in discovering students’ talents.
It promotes the development of these talents.
It creates wide opportunities for the children of economically poor families.
It reduces the stress of students at school
It stimulates the development of other skills of students.