National values and family in uzbekistan

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  • This article focuses on the preservation of our people's centuries-old spiritual values and traditions, traditions and customs, spiritual, educational, cultural heritage. Morality is an integral part of our national values. The issue of educating the younger generation in the spirit of love and respect for their people, their values, traditions, language and culture based on the principles of legality is widely covered.

KEYWORD:young generation, value, traditions, morals, cultural heritage, high morality, emotion, virtue, perfection.

  • KEYWORD:young generation, value, traditions, morals, cultural heritage, high morality, emotion, virtue, perfection.
  • Regarding education, the well-known Uzbek teacher Abdulla Avloni says: “Al-hasil, education for us is a matter of either life or death, or salvation - or disaster, or happiness - or disaster”1. From these thoughts it is clear that personal education is not a private matter, but a public, national one


  • After all, the development of each nation and the power of states largely depend on the upbringing of generations. If we turn to history, then in the holy book of the Zoroastrians - "Avesta" and in the works of our great ancestors - Abu Nasr Farabi, Abu Raykhan Beruni, Abu Ali Ibn Sina, Alisher Navai, the question of family and national values. occupied a central place in the development of high moral qualities of a person. , “Kutadgu Bilig” by Yusuf Khos Khadjib, “Hibbat ul-hakayk” by Ahmed Yungnaki, “Kabusnoma” by Kaykovus, the seven-book “Hidaya” by Burhoniddin Marginani, “Ahlaki Muhsini” by Hussein Waiz Koshifi.


  • His works, which set out in detail the norms of etiquette, have not lost their significance and relevance today. It is known that the Uzbek family preserves the centuries-old spiritual values and traditions of our people, customs and traditions, spiritual, educational, cultural heritage. The culture of behavior formed in the family, characteristic of the Uzbek nation, feelings associated with mores, such as kindness, kindness, care and honor, not only serve the task of education, but also play an important role in the manifestation of universal human values. and qualities, in the formation of a perfect man. Peace and mutual love of parents in the family, worldview, spiritual level, interest, faith, position in society, good manners in a certain sense affect the upbringing of the child. Our main goal is to educate a perfect personality on the basis of national and spiritual values. An ideal person When we say, first of all, we mean responsible and healthy people who have a broad outlook, are patriotic, can think independently, and by their behavior are an example for others. Man becomes perfect only through education.

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