Ministry of higher and secondary special education of the republic of uzbekistan state world languages university

The Enlightenment – its ideals and objectives. Daniel Defoe – his life and work. “Robinson Crusoe”

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The Enlightenment – its ideals and objectives.Daniel Defoe – his life and work. “Robinson Crusoe”.

The Enlightenment – its ideals and objectives. Daniel Defoe – his life and work. “Robinson Crusoe”.



CHAPTER I. The Enlightenment – its ideals and objectives.


1.1 The Age Of Enlightenment


1.2 Enlightenment theories of psychology, ethics, and social organization




CHAPTER 2. Daniel Defoe – his life and work. “Robinson Crusoe”.


2.1 Daniel Defoe and his novel “Robinson Crusoe”


2.2 The source of the “Robinson Crusoe’s Adventures”








The Enlightenment – its ideals and objectives.
This article covers the life of the American Enlightenment and the great personality i.e. Benjamin Franklin, and the work done during this period, the talents, the conclusions drawn from the way of life of great people. We travel from their childhood to observe what commonalities writers in the Enlightenment had in common, such as their extraordinary education at home, their devotion to reading and writing, or their lives that developed mainly in high school. In addition to their biographical information, we see in their works, in addition to their most important features, what the ideas of the Enlightenment were related to, the connection with the historical period in which they lived, and their most important works.
The American Enlightenment was a period of intellectual ferment in the thirteen American colonies in the 18th to nineteenth century, which led to the American Revolution, and the advent of the United States of America. The American Enlightenment used to be influenced by using the 17th-century European Enlightenment and its own native American philosophy. According to James MacGregor Burns, the spirit of the American Enlightenment was once to give Enlightenment beliefs a practical, beneficial form in the existence of the kingdom and its people. The American Enlightenment used to be a direct end result of the Enlightenment in Europe. Consequently, the literature of this time duration was influenced via European intellectuals such as Locke, Rousseau, Bacon, and Newton. A majority of the American Enlightenment literature targeted on authorities and its principles. However, as one will see, no longer all literature established round government. Literary works were supposed to persuade and inform the common man of a specific viewpoint or ideology.
The American Enlightenment was a duration of intellectual ferment in the thirteen American colonies in the 18th to 19th century, which led to the American Revolution, and the introduction of the United States of America. The American Enlightenment was once influenced via the 17th-century European Enlightenment and its personal native American philosophy. According to James MacGregor Burns, the spirit of the American Enlightenment was once to provide Enlightenment ideals a practical, useful shape in the existence of the nation and its people. It promoted non secular tolerance and restored literature, arts, and song as necessary disciplines helpful of study in colleges. A non-denominational ethical philosophy replaced theology in many college curricula. Some schools reformed their curricula to encompass herbal philosophy (science), contemporary astronomy, and mathematics, and "new-model" American fashion faculties had been founded. Politically, the age is special with the aid of an emphasis upon economic liberty, republicanism and religious tolerance, as in reality expressed in the United States Declaration of Independence.
From the second half of the 18th century to the present day, literature, cinematography and art, such phenomenon as Robinsonade. The existence of Robinsonade as a literary genre and phenomenon is due to the creative and philosophical discoveries of the era Enlightenment, and above all the novel by Daniel Defoe (Daniel Defo, 1660-1731) "Robinson Crusoe" (Robinson Crusoe, 1719). The image of Robinson is firmly entrenched in world literature as a collective image of a man of his time, on the one hand, and as a universal image of man for all times, on the other hand. With the category formation process "society" many educators devoted themselves to the study of man as social and natural beings. Many philosophers and thinkers saw in different ways the reasons for the need to unite people in society, restrictions on freedom by state law. The person was considered all sides "both internally and externally, primarily from the position of the cult of his powerful mind, embodied in scientific discoveries, in social structure, government. Robinson Crusoe image interesting in this context, since the line that divides the being in it social and human nature, persists despite a long time stay outside of society on a desert island. Robinsonade as a literary genre is an attempt by the author to create for the hero, exceptional circumstances that shade the "natural" the state of the hero in his agreement or disagreement with the surrounding world. So outstanding writers, following Defoe, isolate their heroes from any public relations, settle them on a desert island, where nature alone reigns, for the purpose of experimenting with nature of modern man.
Robinsonade has long gone beyond the literary incarnation and became a part of reality: following the "Robinsons" of outstanding writers go "to the Robinsons" and the man of our days, of his own free will isolating for a certain time in order to experience relaxation that same life. A popular sphere for the implementation of Robinsonade motifs is cinema. Thus, there is a significant amount adaptations based on the novel by D. Defoe, as well as adaptations dedicated to description of human life far from civilization, human development other "realities".
In the second half of the 20th century, there was an increased interest writers to experiment. Thus, the authors noticeably deviate from the classical canon, experimenting both with the genre and with the hero himself, creating themes most all new variations and modifications of the genre canon robinsonade.
Accordingly, a literary question arises about the nature Robinsonade and its literary modifications, in which it is implemented in different eras influenced by different historical contexts, and about the formation of the canon of Robinsonade itself.
The relevance of this work lies in the lack of knowledge robinsonade genre as a literary phenomenon, as well as in the need classification of a large number of works written in the genre Robinsonade and in imitation of D. Defoe's novel under the influence of the socio-political and ideological circumstances of the modern era.
The purpose of this work is to identify a number of modifications when handling modern authors to the Robinsonade genre and the image of Robinson Crusoe on example of specific works, and thus answer the question of what is a robinsonade for the modern reader.
Structure of the course work: the thesis consists of the introduction, two chapters, the conclusion and the list of references, which includes 24 items. The full volume of the work makes up 30 pages of printed text.
The purpose of the thesis: to identify a number of modifications in terms of contemporary authors referred to the genre of robinsonade and the image of the Robinson Crusoe based on the example of specific works and to give a definition of the robinsonade for the modern reader.
The subject of the research is robinsonade as a literary trend and as a genre in literature in the context of modernity.

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