Lesson 14 Theme: Review lesson: Body, shapes and colours Goals

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Theme: Review lesson: Body, shapes and colours

Content objective:

  • identify what students should know and be able to do at the end of the lesson.

Language objective:

  • lesson objectives that are specifically designed to promote students' language development through all four language domains: reading, writing, speaking and listening.

Pragmatic objective:

  • Students connect to personal experiences, watch a video lesson, take quiz and do a project activity to apply understanding.

Learning objective:

  • a student will learn by the end of a lesson or module.

Length: 40 mins - 1 hour
Curriculum standarts:

  • the entirety of the content that will be delivered in a course and the methods by which teachers will instruct their students


  • textbooks

  • printouts

  • writing utensils

  • paper

  • Flashcards

  • Printables

  • Songs

  • Readers

Key vocabulary: head, shoulders, knees, toes, eyes, ears, mouth, nose, hair, square, circle, triangle, rectangle, 7 colours
Suplemantary materials: development materials, grammar, vocabulary and phonology practice materials, collections of communicative activities, teacher's resources and web materials.
Lesson overview:
Warm up and maintenance:
1. Greetings
2. Name tags
3. Glove puppet greetings
4. Sing “The Hello Song”
5. Homework check
6. Do “Exercise routine” activity
7. Do the “What’s in the bag?” activity

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