Lecture Phonetic stylistic device. Plan

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Degrees of Implicitness.
According to the degree of their significance it's necessary to distinguish 5 types of implicitness: 1). Superficial; 2). Trite; 3). Local; 4). Deep; 5). Dark.
Superficial implicates are language economy in speech, it doesn't need special decoding, the missing parts are easily restored. It embraces all kinds of elliptic utterances Are you going to the cinema? Yes, (1 am is missed but implied. It embraces all kinds of elliptical utterances, unfinished sentences, aposiopesis, and break-in-the-narration,
Trite implicates include trivial SD and EM: dead epithets, metaphors, similes, hyperbole.
Local are rather significant for the correct understanding of the text lexical repetition of the same word serves as an implicate to emphasize some details of the description.
Deep implicates require maximum attention from the reader and its decoding is significant for the understanding of the entire, literary works, its primary theme, the main idea. Such are the implication details-symbol, as symbols of loneliness , homelessness, dissatisfaction.
Dark implicates require from the reader not only the knowledge of the given work but also the acquaintance with the history of its creation, with historic situation, biography of the writer, and other production by the same author.
1.What is the main category of the text?
2.What problems does Informativity embrace?
3.What is the theme (and idea) of the literary text?
4.What are the components of the composition of the literary text?
5.What is a closed and open plot structure?
6.What is the setting of the work in time and space?
7.What are the main levels of expressing thoughts?
8.What are the wide - spread types of implicates? Comment on each of them.
9.Why do we distinguish implicates according to the degree of significance?
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