Systemic scleroderma

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  • eclampsia

  • tromboembolic syndrome

    2749.Diagnostic criteria of nephrotic syndrome are:

    1. proteinuria greater than 3 g/day*

    2. hypoalbuminemia8

    3. hypercholesterolemia

    4. Hyperά2globulinemia.

    2750.Nephrotic syndrome is leaded by:

    1. chronic glomerulonephritis*

    2. amyloidosis*

    3. tuberculosis of the lungs

    4. thrombosis of the renal vein

    2751. Manifestations of acute pyelonephritis:

    1. pain in the lumbar region*

    2. cloudy urine*

    3. loss of appetite

    4. tendency to poliuria.

    2752.What of the values are allowed to be identified with renal ultrasound?

    1. size, shape*

    2. localization of kidneys and pelvicalyceal system*

    3. amount of renal blood flow

    4. amount of renal plasma flow

    2753.Nature of urinary sediment with acute nephrotic syndrome:

    1. hematuria + cylindruria + proteinuria*

    2. hematuria + cylindruria + proteinuria + hyperlipidemia*

    3. hematuria + pyuria

    4. hematuria + cylindruria

    2754. Specify the stage of hepatic coma:

    1. Confusion, stupor, coma itself*

    2. I Stage actually coma

    3. II Stage supor

    4. III Stage a stupor

    2755.Pathomorphology cirrhosis:

    1. Formation of regeneration nodes*.

    2. Zhirovoy Steatosis.

    3. Infringement normal architectonics of the liver*

    4. Mostovidnye Necrosis.

    2756.Leading clinical syndromes, decompensated cirrhosis:

    1. Portal hypertension*

    2. Hepatic encephalopathy*

    3. Pochechnaya Failure.

    4. Bolevoy.

    2757.Biochemical markers second stage of primary biliary cirrhosis:

    1. Total Bilirubin.

    2. Alaninovaya Transaminase.

    3. Alkaline phosphatase*

    4. Gammaglyutamiltransferaza*

    2758.Indicators cholestasis:

    1. Bilirubin.

    2. Transaminazy.

    3. Alkaline phosphatase.*

    4. γ - glutamyl.*

    2759.The clinical picture of cirrhosis with minimal activity:

    1. Bleeding gums.*

    2. Dark urine after intercurrent infection.*

    3. Astsit.

    4. "Vascular asterisks".

    2760.Hepatocellular function in liver cirrhosis is evaluated in terms of:

    1. Bilirubin.*

    2. Transaminaz.

    3. Albumin.

    4. Schelochnoy Phosphatase.

    2761.A disease in which the study identifies the cornea KayserFleischer ring:

    1. Tsirroz Liver viral etiology.

    2. Wilson's disease.*

    3. Bacterial endocarditis.*

    4. Gemohromatoz.

    2762.The clinical picture of cirrhosis of the liver with the activity of:.

    1. Itching skin.*

    2. Otryzhka Sour.

    3. Jaundice.*

    4. Acidification

    2763.The clinical manifestations of the third stage of primary biliary cirrhosis:

    1. Hepatomegaly.*

    2. Polimiozit.

    3. Xanthomas and xanthelasma.*

    4. Dizartriya.

    2764.The clinical picture of alcoholic cirrhosis in the terminal stage:

    1. Ascites.*

    2. Pielonefrit.

    3. Obesity.

    4. Hemorrhagic syndrome.*

    2765.An objective examination of patients with liver cirrhosis:

    1. Increase and seal liver.*

    2. Ikterichnost sclera.*

    3. Koltsevidnaya Erythema.

    4. Uzelki Osler.

    2766.Biochemical analysis of blood with active liver cirrhosis:

    1. Alanine transaminase level increased. *

    2. Level increased aspartate transaminase.*

    3. Contents Albumin increased.

    4. Active γ glutamyltransferase reduced.

    2767.I stage of hepatic coma 2 includes the following features:

    1. confusion*

    2. apathy, lethargy, alternating excitation*

    3. is a positive Babinski

    4. Record acetone breath

    2768.II stage of hepatic coma includes 2 main features:

    1. soporous state*

    2. muscle twitching*

    3. Record acetone breath

    4. ikterichnost sclera

    2769.The main ways to combat hepatic coma consists of 2 stages:

    1. eliminate complicating factors (bleeding, infection, etc.)*

    2. elimination of vitamin deficiency*

    3. removal of hyperglycemia

    4. removal hyperenzymemia

    2770.List 2 main complaints of patients with portal cirrhosis stage subkompenchatsii:

    1. loss of appetite*

    2. decreased performance*

    3. Increase appetite

    4. haroshaya tolerability of fatty foods

    2771.2 Describe the clinical manifestations of portal cirrhosis decompensated:

    1. Increase the abdomen*

    2. nosebleeds*

    3. reduction abdomen

    4. Varicose veins

    2772.2 What are the clinical signs of portal cirrhosis:

    1. spider veins*

    2. palmar erythema*

    3. rozeoleznye rashes

    4. gipoholesterinemiya

    2773.List 2 somatic and neurologic manifestations of alcoholism in the portal liver cirrhosis:

    1. testicular atrophy*

    2. Increase the parotid glands*

    3. gipertrofiya testicles

    4. gipotrofiya parotid glands

    2774.2 Specify the main features of physical examination in the process of sub or decompensation in cirrhosis:

    1. unexpressed jaundice*

    2. significant weight loss*

    3. vyrazhennaya jaundice

    4. varikoznoe veins of shins

    2775.2 Describe changes in the biochemical study of blood with decompensated liver cirrhosis portal:

    1. hypocholesterolemia*

    2. moderate increase in transaminases*

    3. negative sediment samples

    4. giperfibrinogenemiya

    2776.List 2 main morphological changes leading to cirrhosis of the liver:

    1. hepatocyte necrosis*

    2. connective tissue activating*

    3. Kupffer cells distrofiya

    4. gipotrofiya liver cells

    2777.2 Determine the main factors for the development of ascites:

    1. portal hypertension*

    2. hypoalbuminemia*

    3. portalnaya hypotension

    4. giperalbuminemiya

    2778.2 Specify the major complications of cirrhosis:

    1. bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract*

    2. hepatic coma*

    3. nosovye bleeding

    4. krovoizliyaniya brain

    2779.The clinical picture of severe ulcerative colitis:

    1. Jaundice.

    2. Diarrhea.*

    3. Swelling of Feet.

    4. Anemia.*

    2780.2 indications for surgical treatment of ulcerative colitis:

    1. Perforation. *

    2. Toxic dilation.*

    3. Erosion.

    4. Fissure of Mucosa.

    2781.Ulcerative colitis in the 2 clinical course:

    1. Septic.

    2. Acute. *

    3. Chronic.*

    4. Pseudo tumor

    2782. 2 Name of morphological features of hepatic coma:

    1. massive necrosis of liver cells*

    2. microcirculation disturbance to thrombus*

    3. Kupffer cells proliferatsiya

    4. periportalny sclerosis

    2783.Describe the three concepts included in the definition of systemic sclerosis

    1. is a systemic disease of the connective tissue and small vessels*

    2. is characterized by common fibrosclerotic skin changes*

    3. stromal internal organs*

    4. characterizable symptoms of obliterating endarteritis

    5. system disease mainly affecting the joints

    6. characterizable symptomatic nodular periarthritis

    2784.What 3 factors do provoke SSD

    1. Vibration*

    2. contact with the chemical action*

    3. longterm cooling*

    4. sedentary lifestyle

    5. abuse table salt

    6. smoking

    2785.Which 3 types of the SSc classifications are characterized by NT Gusev

    1. Acute*

    2. sub acute*

    3. chronic*

    4. fulminant

    5. a slowlyprogressing

    6. a fast progressing

    2786.3 features are characterized of sub acute SSD

    1. relapsing arthritis, polymyositis less*

    2. polyserositis*

    3. visceritis*

    4. relapsing arthralgia, arthritis less

    5. tendovaginit

    6. teleangioektazia

    2787.Describe the three stages of the current SSD classification by NGGusevoy

    1. I stage initial manifestations (mostly joints)*

    2. II stage the generalization of working processes (polysindrom lesions)*

    3. III stage an advanced changes (endstage)*

    4. I Stage initial manifestations (mostly joints)

    5. III Stage initial manifestations (mostly joints)

    6. II Stage an advanced changes (endstage) sclerotic and degenerative processes

    2788.Describe the three powers of the activity SSD

    1. I degree a minimum (often with chronic and sub acute*

    2. II degree moderate (in sub acute and chronic course of an exacerbation)*

    3. III degree the maximum (acute and sub acute)*

    4. III Degree the minimum (often with chronic and sub acute

    5. I Degree moderate (in sub acute and chronic course of an exacerbation)

    6. II Degree the maximum (acute and sub acute)

    2789.Raynaud's syndrome is one of the early and constant signs and SSc is characterized by a threephase vasospastic reaction after cooling, excitement, etc

    1. Blanching*

    2. Cyanosis*

    3. Hyperemia*

    4. parasitize

    5. ulcerous

    6. calcinosis

    2790.Name of the 3 stages, characteristics of scleroderma skin lesions

    1. Stage dense edema*

    2. stage of induration*

    3. stage atrophy*

    4. stage of loosing edema

    5. stage of ulcer

    6. stage of calcification

    2791.What 3 characteristics has stage of induration of the skin with the SSD

    1. change of skin color*

    2. distinctiveness vascular pattern*

    3. the presence of telangiectasias on the face and chest*

    4. roseolous rashes

    5. no vascular pattern

    6. hemorragic rash on the feet

    2792.Describe the 3 concepts which incorporated in CRESTsyndrome in SSc

    1. Calcification*

    2. Raynaud's syndrome*

    3. Esophagitis*

    4. duodenitis

    5. diverticulitis of esophagus

    6. pnevmonit

    2793.Mark clinical manifestations are not characteristic of CREST syndrome

    1. Fenomen Reynaud

    2. angiotelectasis

    3. Kidney*

    4. Pulmonary hypertension*

    5. The defeat of the intestine*

    6. Hard swelling

    2794.Cutaneous syndrome in dermatomyositis is characterized by

    1. Purplepurple erythema on the face and neck*

    2. Erythema nodosum*

    3. Upper eyelid erythema (paroorbital edema)*

    4. ring shaped Erythema

    5. rash

    6. The lower extremities

    2795.Balloon angioplasty in aortic stenosis is indicated in

    1. severe aortic stenosis in pregnancy*

    2. when aortic stenosis due to congenital valve changes*

    3. patients refuse radical surgery*

    4. arthralgia

    5. headache

    6. generalized weakness

    2796.List 3 auscultatory signs of rheumatic heart disease

    1. weakened I tone*

    2. appearance of III tone*

    3. systolic murmur*

    4. intense I tone

    5. systolic clicks

    6. diastolic murmur at the apex

    2797.3 Name the ways of suppression of secretion of the pancreas

    1. designation hunger*

    2. constant pumping of gastric juice through a nasal gastric tube *

    3. designation cold on epigastric*

    4. naznachenie warmer at epigastrium

    5. naznachenie enzyme preparations

    6. naznachenie gastric juice

    2798.Which of the following clinical symptoms occur in chronic pancreatitis

    1. Pain*

    2. Jaundice*

    3. Steatorrhea*

    4. Anemia

    5. Obesity

    6. cough

    2799.Which of the following techniques can be used in the treatment of pancreatic ascites

    1. Parenteral nutrition*

    2. Laparocentesis*

    3. Diuretics

    4. Propranolol

    5. Surgery*

    6. penicillin

    2800.3 What are the clinical forms of Pancreatitis

    1. chronic relapsing pancreatitis

    2. chronic pancreatitis with constant pain

    3. chronic pancreatitis painless

    4. hronichesky persistent pancreatitis

    5. active chronic pancreatitis

    6. hronichesky pancreatitis with cholestasis

    2801.3 What are the main syndrome in Pancreatitis

    1. Inflammatorydestructive*

    2. deficit disorder exocrine*

    3. syndrome endocrine disorders*

    4. vospalitelnoproliferative

    5. DVS Syndrome

    6. gemorragichesky syndrome

    2802.3 What are the symptoms of the destructive inflammatory syndrome in pancreatitis

    1. Pain*

    2. pancreatic hyperenzymemia and giperamilazuriya*

    3. increase in nonspecific acute phase of laboratory parameters*

    4. dizuriya

    5. nikturiya

    6. enuresis

    2803.3 What are the main clinical and morphological laboratrnyh and violations of external secretion of pancreatitis

    1. weakness, weight loss*

    2. change the skin and its derivatives*

    3. with symptoms of intestinal dyspepsia kaprologic signs*

    4. increasing food

    5. bulemiya

    6. gipoglikemiya

    2804.3 What are characteristic syndrome of internal secretion of pancreatitis

    1. glucose intolerance*

    2. Diabetes*

    3. decrease in the secretion of insulin and glucagon*

    4. Violation fructose intolerance

    5. nesaharny diabetes

    6. increasing the secretion of insulin and glucagon

    2805.3 What are the signs of mechanical (liver), jaundice Pseudotumor pancreatitis

    1. jaundice

    2. dark urine

    3. stool discoloration

    4. ksantomy

    5. giperpigmentatsiya

    6. vitiligo

    2806.3 What objective evidence of exacerbation of Mts pancreatitis, determined by palpation

    1. tenderness in the projection of the pancreas*

    2. Positive symptom relief mesentery*

    3. symptom of the "tail" (pokalachivanie rear left, along the long axis of the gland leads to increased pain)*

    4. is a positive sign ShchetkinaBlumberg

    5. Vasilenko is a positive symptomOrtner

    6. is a positive sign of Boas

    2807.3 What are the specific instrumental methods of the pancreas

    1. computed tomography*

    2. endoscopic retrograde holangiopankreatikografiya*

    3. Angiography*

    4. venokavagrafiya

    5. spirografiya

    6. ventrikulografiya

    2808.3 What are the indicators defined in the duodenal sounding before and after intravenous secretin stimulation of the pancreas and pancreozymin

    1. volume of juice (duodenal content)*

    2. Amylase*

    3. Trypsin*

    4. is the volume of the gallbladder bile

    5. gastrin

    6. histamine

    2809.3 Name of major complications Pancreatitis

    1. Bleeding*

    2. Pleurisy*

    3. Arthritis*

    4. pneumonia

    5. pericarditis

    6. gipoglikemiya

    2810.3 What are the causes of bleeding in the cartilage pancreatitis

    1. compression enlarged pancreas portal and splenic veins causes varicose veins of the esophagus and stomach*

    2. gap pseudocysts*

    3. erosion and ulceration of the gastrointestinal mucosa when developing violation clotting*

    4. gipofibrinogenemiya

    5. trombotsitopeniya

    6. trombotsitopatiya

    2811.3 What are characteristic clinical signs chronic pancreatitis

    1. pain of a certain character, localization and irradiation*

    2. violations digestion of fats and proteins (steatorrhea, kreatoreya, intestinal dyspepsia, SORT)*

    3. glucose intolerance*

    4. headache

    5. golovokruzheniya

    6. Increase appetite

    2812.3 Name the ways of suppression of secretion of the pancreas

    1. designation antacids*

    2. Manticholinergics*

    3. H2 blockers gistaminoretseptorov*

    4. dieta rich in protein

    5. naznachenie warmer at epigastrium

    6. naznachenie gastric juice

    2813. For Shegren's disease is characterized by three symptoms

    1. Arthritis*

    2. high titers of rheumatoid factor in the serum*

    3. Leukopenia*

    4. Increase language

    5. leykotsitoz

    6. low titers of rheumatoid factor in the serum

    2814. 3 Mark characteristic feature of Wegener's granulomatosis

    1. development of the disease before the age of 10 years

    2. development of the disease before the age of 30 years

    3. purulent sinusitis*

    4. pulmonary infiltrates*

    5. detection of antibodies to neutrophils*

    6. Discover antinuclear factor

    2815. 3 What are the mechanism of occurrence of vasculitis are granulomatous

    1. Gigantokletony arteritis*

    2. Takayasu's arteritis*

    3. Wegener's granulomatosis*

    4. Uzelkovy Nodosa

    5. Diseases Kavavsaki

    6. Purpura Henoch Genoha

    2816. 3 What are the mechanism of occurrence of vasculitis related to immune complex

    1. Periarteritis nodosa*

    2. Disease Kavavsaki*

    3. Henoch Genoha*

    4. Gigantokletony Arteritis

    5. Arteriit Takayasu

    6. Granulematoz Wegener

    2817. 3 For what vasculitis affects mostly small caliber vessels

    1. Diseases Burger

    2. uzelkovy nodosa

    3. Wegener's granulomatosis*

    4. arteriit Takayasu

    5. vasculitis Churg Strauss*

    6. hyperergic vasculitis*

    2818. Erythema nodosum is typical for these 3 diseases

    1. to iersinioza*

    2. to sarcoidosis*

    3. to Behcet's syndrome*

    4. for rheumatism

    5. for ankylosing spondylitis

    6. for osteoarthritis

    2819. List 3 atypical variant of acute myocardial infarction

    1. Asthmatic*

    2. Abdominal*

    3. Cerebral*

    4. chronic

    5. anginoz

    6. peripheral

    2820.List the three main drug for the treatment of arrhythmia extrasystolic

    1. Lidocaine*

    2. etmozin (etatsizin)*

    3. Bblockers*

    4. verapamil

    5. nifedipin

    6. heart glycosides

    2821.List 3 clinical forms of angina pectoris

    1. voltage (denova, stable and progressive)*

    2. horizontal position (de cubitas)*

    3. X syndrome

    4. variant (Prinzmetal)*

    5. Sports angina

    6. diffuse cardiosclerosis

    2822. In the pathogenesis of BE distinguish the following three phases

    1. Infectioustoxic*

    2. Immunoinflammatory*

    3. Dystrophic*

    4. Infectiousallergic

    5. Uremic

    6. Necrotic

    2823. Manifestation of EB can be represented by the following syndromes

    1. Syndrome thromboembolic changes*

    2. Valve syndrome of defeat*

    3. Lesions syndrome of immune organs and systems*

    4. Nephrotic syndrome

    5. Asthenicneurotic syndrome

    6. Uremic syndrome

    2824. For stage I BE characterized by the following symptoms of laboratory

    1. Increase in ESR*

    2. Leukocytosis with a shift to the left*

    3. Increase of fibrinogen*

    4. Slowing the ESR

    5. Leukopenia

    6. Lymphocytosis

    2825. For stage II EB 3 characterized by the following feature of laboratory

    1. Leukopenia*

    2. Anemia*

    3. Thrombocytopenia sharp increase in gamma globulin*

    4. Leukocytosis

    5. Polycythemia

    6. Thrombocytosis

    2826. Manifestation of infective endocarditis can be represented by the following 3 syndromes

    1. Syndrome thromboembolic changes*

    2. Valve syndrome of defeat*

    3. Lesions syndrome of immune organs and systems*

    4. Nephritic syndrome

    5. Asthenicneurotic syndrome

    6. uremic syndrome

    2827. For stage II infective endocarditis 3 characterized by the following feature of laboratory

    1. Leukopenia*

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