Department of commercialization of scientific and innovative developments management and control

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The word "style" is Greek, and at first it was used in the sense of ink written on a blackboard, and later "writing". At this point, it can be said that the leadership style is a "record" in the manager's activity. A leadership style is a system of methods that you always use.

If we give a more precise definition, the style of the leader is a relatively solid system of methods, methods and forms in the activity of the manager.
In addition, management style is understood as the behavior and behavior of the manager during the implementation and preparation of the management decision.
The management style is understood as the sum of the ways, methods, work style used by the manager in his activities.
Management style is the personal ability of the leader, such as the ways and methods used in his relationship with the employee.
Management style is derived from management method. Management method means a set of ways and methods by which we perform management activities. The method is an objective criterion, that is, certain or several methods are selected in the management of the organization. Management style and method are mutually dependent as a LECTUREive criterion. In this case, the management style is determined by the following individual characteristics: ethics of interaction in the team, entrepreneurship, striving for innovation, optimism, etc.
The management style is created in the process of communication between the leader and the workers. In this case, the work of the leader will have the main character. Firstly, the top leader, secondly, his relationship with the workers, and thirdly, his relationship with his peers. These three effects determine that effective management style becomes ineffective.


At the beginning, most researchers in the study of the leadership factor focused on the character, special characteristics of a good leader.
or tried to observe personality traits. But they could not determine the relationship between the sum of special personal characteristics and the ability in the work they manage. We have shown practical work. The luck of the voluntary individual in the leader depends on the state of his activity. Nevertheless, researchers have come to some interesting conclusions about leadership.
Traditional views associate the leader with the following activities:
1) mobilizing workers to work at the intended level;
2) the structure of clearly defined tasks and positions of workersmake up;
3) establishing the right communication in rewarding the worker for achieving the goal. This traditional approach is known as managerial leadership.
Controlled (controlled) leadership — traditional management functions, mobilization of workers to the intended level, organization of workers' roles and tasks, and establishment of incentives.
But effective leadership is not limited to the traditional approach. Good employees are motivated to perform better than expected, encourage employees to take initiative and build confidence in them. Such an approach is called reconstructed leadership, and it certainly includes such qualities as charisma, individual approach, and intellectual ability. In order to manage effectively, a manager must have both management skills and creative abilities.
Classification of leadership styles.
Different leaders are found in management practice. Each of them can use different methods and methods in management. In this regard, there are three main types of leaders in mental sociology: autocratic, democratic and liberal styles. Let's take a look at these management styles.
Autocratic style. Autocracy means sole proprietorship, that is, the government is exercised and controlled by one person. He is characterized by the methods of making decisions on his own, giving orders, interfering in the work of employees. An autocratic leader is the center of attention of the activities of the group he leads.
All governance should belong to him without residue, everything from small to big matters
he solves himself. His decisions to employees are short, firm, and threatening. In his opinion, workers are too passive, lazy and always in need of orders. If he sometimes has to listen to the opinion of the workers, then he thinks that these workers threaten his authority. An autocrat has a close relationship with his employees. An autocratic leader rarely smiles, and pays attention to the fact that his face shows that he is very busy. Its main characteristics are liked by workers who know little, if weak, and obedient. The negative characteristics of the leader are manifested in the lack of organizational skills, management skills, and professional training. Such a leader, who has lost control over himself, becomes arbitrary and tyrannical, touches the ego of the workers.
As we have seen above, this method has many negative sides. But at the same time, we can see their positive side: they are energetic and quickly overcome difficulties. They make decisions quickly and fearlessly, and achieve their implementation even if by force. They believe in themselves and do not hesitate in their ability to lead a team, etc. It should be said that in this way the work is done quickly.
Democratic style. "Demos" means the people. So democracy means people's power. If we talk about the democratic style, this relationship between "leader and worker" is built on the basis of mutual respect and trust. This is the opinion of the workers.
What are the signs of a democratic style?
1. The issue will be resolved with the team.
2. Trying to explain to the workers the need to implement the decision.
3. Arousing and using initiative in employees.
4. The leader is a democrat, before making a decision, he tries to discuss it widely with the employees. He informs the employees about their work activities, and does not hide from the employees either luck or difficulties.
5. A democrat takes criticism directed at his side and never shows his superiority to the workers.
6. Employees do not avoid responsibility for mistakes made and decisions made, praise or reprimand if necessary.
7. Works as needed, does not try to pretend to be busy.
Democratic style develops initiative in employees, creates comfortable conditions. In such a management team, high respect for the leader is observed
Liberal style. The word "liberal" actually means kind, generous, having a good attitude towards something. This style is characterized by the following: the leader does not flaunt his position. He allows events to develop in their own way, does not interfere as much as possible. He treats workers politely, often uses words such as "please", "please". He can listen to the opinion of employees, get useful ideas from their suggestions, and try to implement them in life. He does not show off because of his shyness or modesty. Of course, such qualities of a leader instill confidence in workers. But these positive qualities do not always lead to good. Such qualities of a liberal leader include:
1. Slow activity at work.
2. Non-interference in business activities.
3. Quick to be influenced by others, ready to reverse a recent decision.
4. Due to his lack of courage, he suffers due to his lack of principles and consistent qualities in complex situations.
5. He does not want to spoil relations with workers, avoids drastic measures and actions.
Evaluating the above three methods, we can say that the democratic method is preferable, because at present our main task is the democratization of production and social relations. If we talk about management, then we mean the democratization of the management system.
Authoritarian style (autocratic) is characterized by centralized power in the hands of one person, in which case he demands to be informed about everything. This style of management is characterized by formalism and not allowing to conclude contracts with workers. Such a manager makes decisions alone, does not allow workers to take initiative, and deals blindly with people. Always commands, demands, but never begs. In a word, the main content of its management activities consists of orders and laws.

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Means of communication between managers and workers

Leadership styles





decision making

He solves the questions alone

Workers are consulted before making a decision

Awaits instructions from management or board


Methods of delivering the decision to the executors

He commands, directs, gives orders

Offers, requests

He begs, begs


Distribution of responsibility

He imposes on himself or his employees


Removes all responsibility from himself


initiative-attitude to blindness

Roaddoes not put


The initiativehands over to workers


Relation to personnel selection

Afraid of skilled workers

Selects hard-working, literate workers

Does not engage in personnel selection


Attitude towards lack of own knowledge

He knows and can do everything

He constantly improves his skills

He fills his knowledge


Handling style

Maintains balance, not invasive


He is afraid of communication


Relations with workers

He works according to his mood

He is disciplined, always in control of himself

Soft, cheerful


Discipline attitude

Supporter of official strict discipline

Advocate of mental discipline

Requires formal discipline


In workersattitude to spiritual influence

He believes that reprimanding is the main method of motivation

Various methods of stimulation are always used

It works the same way


Leadership style

authoritarian (directive)


"Credo", principle

The leader-ruler is ruled - subordinate

Leader-coordinator; controlled - partner


By profession (official)

By work (real)

Level of organization

Full organization of work execution

Organization of a flexible way of doing work

Type of decision

Individual decision making

Collective decision-making

Order type



Distribution of authority

The task to be performed and the responsibility before them are divided

A common issue and common responsibilities are shared

Type of control

Performance control

Control the result

As we have seen above, methods and ways of influencing workers are different in autocratic and democratic style. In a democratic style, management has relatively less control and is only effective if the workers are truly good at their jobs. But it also has a weakness: the team comes to a common solution rather slowly, and the management can completely or partially lose control over the workers. This style is now widespread.

In a liberal style, management almost never interferes with the work of the team. It gives full independence to workers, allows individual and collective creativity. Such a leader is always polite with employees, can quickly return from the decisions made. Liberals can't take initiative. They distribute work mainly by request and persuasion. In performing the management function, it is passive, it can be said that it floats along the current. A liberal manager is afraid of disagreements, mostly agrees with the opinion of the workers.
His gentleness with people prevents him from gaining a real reputation. One employee demands that he side with them. As a result, there may be confusion. This leads to the disappearance of the "distance" between the leader and the worker. After all, the liberal style leader shows no organizational skills at all. He controls the work of workers poorly, and his management is ineffective.
Non-interference style - a leader who adheres to the non-interference style takes a position in the style of a consultant, he himself is engaged in implementing the ideas of workers. He speaks his thoughts and views only when asked. This approach supports team members to express themselves creatively.
In the end, everything leads to the technology of management decision-making, in particular, the manager:
1. Alone, he makes a decision and explains it ("a true autocrat").
2. It "absorbs" the decision.
3. He expresses his ideas, thoughts and offers to ask questions.
4. Proposes an investigation decision.
5. Explains the content of the problem, gives orders, evaluates proposals, makes a decision ("real").
6. Sets limits and asks employees to make decisions.
7. Allows workers to move without restrictions (true non-interference style).
It should be said that each of the above styles is extremely rare in its own right. This is also the flexibility of the leader, that is, the advantages of each style are used in the necessary cases.
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