5-theme: Contrasting the Lexical systems of the Languages

Contrasting the Phraseological systems of English & Uzbek

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5-seminar Ch.T.

Contrasting the Phraseological systems of English & Uzbek.
In linguistics, phraseology is the study of set or fixed expressions, such as idioms, phrasal verbs, and other types of multi-word lexical units (often collectively referred to as phrasemes), in which the component parts of the expression take on a meaning more specific than or otherwise not predictable from the sum of their meanings when used independently. For example, ‘Dutch auction’ is composed of the words Dutch ‘of or pertaining to the Netherlands’ and auction ‘a public sale in which goods are sold to the highest bidder’, but its meaning is not ‘a sale in the Netherlands where goods are sold to the highest bidder’. Instead, the phrase has a conventionalized meaning referring to any auction where, instead of rising, the prices fall.
The basic units of analysis in phraseology are often referred to as phrasemes or phraseological units. Phraseological units are (according to Prof. Kunin A.V.) stable word-groups with partially or fully transferred meanings ("to kick the bucket", “Greek gift”, “drink till all's blue”, “drunk as a fiddler (drunk as a lord, as a boiled owl)”, “as mad as a hatter (as a march hare)”).
Phraseology is closely connected with the culture of the nation i.e cultural concepts of each nation, therefore they reflect the cultural peculiarities of nations. Nevertheless sometimes phraseological units of the contrasted language coincide with their counterparts in other language. E.g.:
To laugh on the wrong side of the mouth – от смеха прейти к слезам; огорчиться, опечалится после веселья;
Charity begins at home – Если облагодетельствовать весь мир, то начинай со своего дома. – Хайр-эҳсонни ўз остонангдан бошла.

to be in the seventh heaven - быть на седьмом небе - етти қават осмонга кўтарилмоқ;

to play with fire – играть с огнем - ўт билан ўйнашмоқ;
to roll back the wheel of history - повернуть назад колесо истории – тарих ғилдирагини ортга бурмоқ ;
body and soul – душой и телом – жон дили билан( ба жону дил);
in the dead of the night – глубокой ночью – тун қоронғусида;
in the broad daylight - среди бела дня – куппа- кундузи;
to give a free hand – дать свободу действия – эркинлик бермоқ;

Sometimes we have partly to change the lexical and grammatical character of the phraseological unit.

in the dead of the night – глубокой ночью – тун оғушида (ярим кечада);
in broad daylight – средь бела дня – куппа–кундузи (ҳамманинг кўз ўнгида);
to give a free hand – предоставить свободу действий, развязать руки – эркинлик бермоқ, озод қилмоқ;
to have the news at first hand – узнать новость из первых рук – динг қулоқ (янгиликни биринчилар қатори эшитмоқ, ҳамма нарсадан бохабар бўлмоқ);
Sometimes we have to change (to compensate) the praseological unit fully by another counterpart in the other language. E.g.:
to take smb. for a ride – высмеивать, дурачить кого-либо, поднять на смех – бировни масхара қилмоқ, кулгига қолдирмоқ);
to throw up the sponge – бросить губку, махнуть рукой, сдаваться – таслим бўлмоқ, ниятдан воз кечмоқ;
a skeleton in the cupboard (in the closet) –семейная тайна, скрываемая от посторонних – бировлардан яшириладиган оилавий сир;
at sixes and sevens –находиться в беспорядке – тоғдан гапирса, боғдан келмоқ;
to talk nineteen to the dozen- расходится во мнениях (вкусах); – фикрлар (дид) ҳар–хиллиги;

1 The example has been borrowed from У.К. Юсупов Теоретические основы сопоставительной лингвистики., Т., 2007, стр.61.

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