1 Medical psychology Exam Questions Tashkent medical academy

-question. Alprazolam will increase the dose every few days

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337-question. Alprazolam will increase the dose every few days. 


A. Every day 

B. Every 10 days 

C. Every 3-4 * 

D. Every 14 days 

E. After a month 


338-question. Alprazolamni, which can be from the age? 


A. The baby's age 

After the age of 50 B. 

After the age of 18 C. * 

D. Early Childhood 

E. The period of old age 


339-question. Alprazolamni therapeutic dose (5 mg per day), making a sudden stop what 

allows you to reach? 


A. Will be held in various cardiovascular disorders 

B. In rare cases, seizures observed 

C. Fear and anxiety may rise again 

D. There is apathy and depression 

E. All jvoblar * 


340-question. What is recommended in case of alprazolam? 


A. Cardiovascular disorder is manifested by fear and anxiety 

B. Panis symptoms of insomnia and severe fobiyalar 

C. Psixovegetativ quickly to resolve the crisis 

D. Epilepsy and seizures, especially mezotemporal epilepsy 

E. All correct answers * 


341-question. Alprazolam is not recommended any cases? 


A. Concerns associated with the physiological fatigue 

B. Obsessive-compulsive disorders 

C. schizophrenia and bipolar stable 

D. prone to suicide endogenous depression 

E. All correct answers * 


342-question. Alprazolam overdose and how to divide his daily dose of carrying satisfied? 


A. 0.25 or 0.5 mg 2-3 times a day * 

B. therapeutic dose for a moment in the morning 

C. therapeutic dose in the evening in a moment 

D. therapeutic doses lunch time 

E. Please cider drink 


343-question. Alprazolamni mon'elik circumstances to recommend the website. 




A. Glaucoma, miasteniya chronic psychosis 

B. acute lung failure 

C. sleep apnea and severe snoring 

D. severe liver disease 

E. All correct answers * 


344-question. Alprazolamni to recommend any necessary precautions? 


A. Diazepam, ketilept azaleptol, not drugs, such as sanopaks 

B. avoid consumption of alcoholic beverages 

C. Depression is manifested by severe psychosomatic disorders effective 

D. therapeutic effectiveness is reflected in a week 

E. All correct answers * 


345-question. Alprazolamning have any flaws? 


A. Just like other benzodiazepines have learned * 

B. stay the same as other antidepressants 

C. stay the same as other antikonvulsantlar 

D. does not stay the same as other psychostimulants. 

E. Useless anxiety and phobia syndrome 


346-question. Benzodiazepines can not recommend any? 


A. Concerns associated with the physiological fatigue 

B. Obsessive-compulsive disorders 

C. schizophrenia and bipolar stable 

D. prone to suicide endogenous depression 

E. All correct answers * 


347-question. Benzodiazepines divided into 3 groups? 


A. We have Anksiolitik 

B. anticonvulsant effects 

C. a strong sedative-hypnotic effect 

D. Antixolinesteraz effect 

E. A, B, C * correct answer 


348-question. Anksiolitik strong influence of benzodiazepines List 


A. Alprazolam pills, gidazepam 

B. Nozepam (oksazepam), lorazepam 

C. Diazepam, tofizopam medazepam 

D. Clonazepam (rivotril), sibazon (diazepam), xlozepid (elenium) 

E. A, B, C * correct answer 


349-question. List a strong sedative-hypnotic effects of benzodiazepines 


A. Tofizopam, diazepam, gidazepam 

B. Nitrazepam, flunitrazepam, flurazepam 

C. triazoles, midazolam, estazolam 

D. Fluoxetine treatment, Pax, iksel 



E. V, S * correct answer 


350-question. Powerful anticonvulsant effects of benzodiazepines List 


A. Clonazepam (rivotril), diazepam (sibazon) 

B. Alprazolam, triozalam tofizopam 

C. Diazepam, tofizopam medazipam 

D. Depakin konvuleks, topiramate 

E. Carbamazepine, levetiratsetam lamotrijin 


351-question. List trankvilizatorlarni day. 


A. Clonazepam (rivotril), diazepam (sibazon) 

B. Alprazolam, triozalam tofizopam 

C. Diazepam, tofizopam medazipam 

D. Depakin konvuleks, topiramate 

E. Tofizopam medozipam * 


352-question. Miorelaksant strong influence of benzodiazepines. 


A. Xlordiazepoksid, diazepam, lorazepam, tetrazepam * 

B. Alprazolam, triozalam tofizopam 

C. Midokalm sirdalud tsiklodol 

D. Depakin konvuleks, topiramate 

E. Iksel, Pax, fluval reksetin 


353-question. Meprobamat (meprotan) doses produced? 


A. 0.2 g * 

B. 0.001 g 

C. 0.4 g 

D. 0.15 g 

E. 0.05 g 


354-question. Meprobamat any features? 


A. Sedative 

B. sleep 

C. Miorelaksatsiya 

D. reducing seizures 

E. A, B, C * correct answer 


355-question. Meprobamat which is included in a group of drugs? 


A. Neyroleptiklar 

B. Rohypnol * 

S. Antixolinesteraz devices 

D. Antikonvulsantlar 

E. Psychostimulants 


356-question. Meprobamatning therapeutic effect when you start to learn? 




A. After 5-7 days 

B. from the date received * 

C. Three days later 

After 30 days D. 


357-question. Meprobamatning starting dose 


A. 0.2 g * 

B. 0.75 g 

C. 0.25 g 

D.0,5 g 

E. 0.001 g 


358-question. Meprobamat advised what time of day do you start? 


A. In the first half of the day 

B. In the second half of the day 

C. In the evening before going to sleep 

D. Early nahorda 

E. A, B, C * correct answer 


359-question. Meprobamatning daily therapeutic dose. 


A. 4 mg * 

B. 60 mg 

C. 80 mg 

D. 0,25mg 

E. 75 mg 


360-question. Meprobamatning the maximum daily dose. 


A. 10 g 

B. 3 g * 

C. 0, 8 g 

D. 0.25 g 

E. 0.75 g 


361-question. Meprobamatni several times a day can be recommended? 


A. 2-3 times a day * 

B. 1 time in the morning 

C. In the evening before going to sleep 

D. Obed 1 times 

E. A correct answer and S 


362-question. Meprobamat being recommended for children? 


A. Low doses (0.1 g) is recommended for children over the age of 5 * 

B. is not recommended for young children 

C. can not be under the age of 18 

D. baby 

E. It is recommended only during adolescence 




364-question. Meprobamat any case, it is recommended? 


A. Basically, depression 

B. Basically, neurosis and sleep disorders * 

C. Miasteniyada 

D. Epilepsy and seizures 

E. Sexual abuse 


365-question. For more information about Meprobamat, you know? 


A. Currently, these drugs are less 

B. Cars can not drive 

C. antidepressant effect 

D. inefficient acute psychotic disorders 

E. All correct answers * 





366-question. What is the main purpose of the use of psychotropic drugs? 


A. The treatment of mental disorders * 

B. treatment of extrapyramidal disorders 

C. Neyropsixologik treatment failures 

D. Psevdonevrologik syndrome treatment 

E. Psixodinamik to therapy 


367-question. The synthesis of psychotropic drugs? 


A. 20 years of the twentieth century 

B. 40 years of the twentieth century 

C. 50 years of the twentieth century * 

D. 70 years of the twentieth century 

E. 80 years of the twentieth century 


368-question. The initial stages of psychotropic drugs recommended by the WHO? 


A. 1926 

B. in 1946 

In 1966, C. * 

In 1986, D. 

E. In 1996 


369-question. WHO organization divided into groups of psychotropic drugs? 


A. Neyroleptiklar, Rohypnol, antidepressants, sedative drugs, psychostimulants, nootroplar * 

B. Neyrostimulyatorlar antiparkinsoniklar antikonvulsantlar 

C. Gomeopat vegetotroplar drugs, bromides 

D. drugs, air and its analogues 

E. Antiepileptiklar antinevrotiklar somnogen drugs 




370-question. Neyroleptiklar any drugs? 


A. Schizophrenia and similar drugs used in pathological syndrome * 

B. widely used drugs, depression 

C. antipsychotic drugs that prevent the syndrome 

D. parkinsonism effective drugs 

E. Extrapyramidal disorders pills 


371-question. Neyroleptiklar term was never offered? 


A. 1927 

B. in 1947 

In 1967, C. * 

In 1987, D. 

E. In 1997 


372-question. Initially, the synthesis of antipsychotic this: 


A. Aminazin * 

B. Galoperidol 

C. Triftazin 

D. Tizertsin 

E. Frenolon 


373-question. Neyroleptiklar 2 groups? 


A. Sedatives and Rohypnol 

B. typical and atypical neyroleptiklar * 

C. antidepressant and antikonvulsantlar 

D. Neyro- and psychostimulants 

E. Vegetotorop and anksiolitiklar 


374-question. What are the typical neyroleptiklarga? 


A. Sulpiride, rispolept olanzapine, clozapine 

B. Serokvel, aripiprazole ziprazidon 

C. Moditen etaperazin majeptil frenolon 

D. Aminazin galoperidol triftazin tizertsin 

E. Answers C and D * 


375-question. What is atypical neyroleptiklarga? 


A. Sulpiride, rispolept olanzapine, clozapine 

B. Serokvel, aripiprazole ziprazidon 

C. Moditen etaperazin majeptil frenolon 

D. Aminazin galoperidol triftazin tizertsin 

E. A correct answer and V * 


376-question. Typical neyroleptiklar eliminate any distortions? 


A. Severe psychotic and affective disorders 

B. hallucinations, distortions illusion 



C. psychomotor excitement and automatism 

D. epileptic attacks and depression 

E. A, B, C * correct answer 


377-question. All neyroleptiklarga typical side effects typical of this? 


A. Psevdonevrologik failure 

B. increase in depression 

C. psychomotor excitement 

D. extrapyramidal disorders * 

E. Epileptic attacks 


378-question. Typical neyroleptiklar serious complication of treatment with this? 


A. Antipsychotic syndrome * 

B. epileptic syndrome 

C. suicide 

D. vegetative crisis 

E. Sopot, coma and collapse 


379-question. Antipsychotic've syndrome symptoms 


A. All muscle stiffness, febrilitet 

B. severe cardiovascular and autonomic disturbances 

C. epileptic attacks, katopleksiya miopatiya 

D. Mioplegiya kubomaniya klinofiliya katafaziya 

E. A correct answer and V * 


380-question. Antipsychotic syndrome are prone to these cases? 


A. Early age, disability, liver and kidney failure * 

B. gebefreniya schizophrenia, maniakal-depressive psychosis 

C. Epilepsy and epileptic syndromes 

D. Parkinsonism and gepatolentikulyar degeneration 

E. Those of antipsychotic syndrome fobiyasi 


381-question. Neyroleptiklarning the main mechanism of action of the website? 


A. Large hemispheres of the brain brakes 

B. extrapyramidal structures brakes 

C. activates the reticular formation 

D. affects the reticular formation brakes * 

E. This increases the amount of adrenaline in the synapses. 


382-question. Neyroleptiklar mechanisms provided by the effect? 


A. Adrenergic dofaminergik, cholinergic 

B. Serotoninergik Coach Ergin 

C. pathogenetic, symptomatic, homeopathic 

D. antipyretic analeptik neurotrophic 

E. A correct answer and V * 




383-question. Neyroleptiklar is reflected in the treatment of extrapyramidal disorders with 

3 different views. Go to identify them. 


A. Gipokinetik failure 

B. hyperkinesis 

C. dyskinesia 

D. Depression, epilepsy, apathy 

E. A, B, C * correct answer 


384-question. Neyroleptiklar observed in the treatment of extrapyramidal disorders List 


A. Gipokineziya oligokineziya, the muscles in the neck 

B. Speech and opinions morning, Do not sit down in a quiet place 

C. fingers, lips and tongue chill 

D. Horan and atetoid hyperkinesis, dystonic spasms 

E. All correct answers * 


385-question. Tell types of antipsychotic syndrome 


A. Early and late developing dyskinesia and dystonia 

B. akathisia and stereotypes 

C. akinetik-rigid syndrome 

D. dangerous antipsychotic syndrome 

E. All correct answers * 


386-question. Antipsychotic syndrome and other complications website 


A. Arterial hypotensive, a lot of sweating, dry mouth 

B. accommodation disorders, urinary retention or frequent urination 

C. agranulocytosis, leukopenia 

D. dermatitis and allergic reactions 

E. All correct answers * 


387-question. Neyroleptiklarni consumer acute dystonic spasms occur when large doses, 

what do you call it? 


A. Chronic akinesia 

B. Early dyskinesia * 

C. Late dyskinesia 

D. Stereotypes 

E. Parkinsonism 


388-question. Acute dystonic spasm, usually develops within a few days? 


A. After a month 

B. Three months later, 

C. After a week 

D. in 1-2 days * 

E. After five days 


389-question. Aminazin or galoperidolni have received a large dose of the patient's mouth 

twisted suddenly stopped disputing his face and neck muscles. What is this syndrome? 




A. Akinetik chronic syndrome 

B. Early diskinetik syndrome * 

C. Late diskinetik syndrome 

D. Katotonik stupor 

E. Parkinsonian syndrome 


390-question. Early diskinetik syndrome is growing over how to give this drug to a patient? 


A. Neuroma 

B. sertraline 

C. Sibazon 

D. Tsiklodol * 

E. Rispolept 


391-question. Galoperidol doses produced? 


A. 1.5 mg, 5 mg tablet. 1 mL of 0.5% (5mg) ampoule * 

B. 2.5 mg, 7.5 mg tablet. 0.2% 2 ml (10 mg) ampoule 

C., 50 mg, 75 mg tablet. 1.5% 10 ml (50 mg) ampoule 

D. 25 mg, 55 mg tablet. 0.8% 100 ml (500 mg) vial 

E. Not Galoperidolning injection 


392-question. Galoperidol have any reaction? 


A. Antipsychotic 

B. sedative-somnogen 

C. analgesic drugs 

D. anticonvulsant 

E. A, B, C * correct answer 


393-question. Galoperidol which is included in a group of drugs? 


A. Neyroleptiklar * 

B. sedative drugs 

S. Benzodiazepines 

D. Antikonvulsantlar 

E. Psychostimulants 


394-question. Galoperidol back to overcome? 


A. No 

B. Yes, of course * 

C. Slightly reduced 

D. On the contrary, strengthens 


395-question. Galoperidolning starting dose for adults 


A. 1.5-2 mg * 

B. 7.5 -15 mg 

C. 0.25 mg 

D. 5-10 mg 



E. 25-50 mg 


396-question. Galoperidol advised what time of day do you start? 


A. In the first half of the day 

B. In the second half of the day 

C. In the evening before going to sleep 

D. Early nahorda 

E. Depending on the situation at any time * 


397-question. Galoperidolning daily therapeutic dose. 


A. 10-15 mg (mild cases) 

B. 20-40 mg (shizofreniyada) 

C. 1,5-3 mg (mild cases) 

D. 2-4 mg (shizofreniyada) 

E. A correct answer and V * 


398-question. Galoperidol dose of psychomotor excitement. 


A. 3 ml (15mg) administered intramuscularly 

B.5 ml (25 mg) administered intramuscularly 

C. 10 ml (50 mg) administered intramuscularly 

D. 04-1 ml (2-5 mg) intramuscularly * 

E. Galoperidol is the only intravenous 


399-question. Galoperidol what can eliminate? 


A. Bradykinesia and oligokineziyani 

B.Turli hyperkinesis * 

C. antipsychotic syndrome 

D. epileptic attacks 

E. Cognitive impairment 


400-question. Children accompanied by hyperkinesis neyrodegeneratsiyalarda galoperidol 

what dose and for how long. 


A. A few months 0.5-1 mg * 

B. 5-15 mg for a few days 

C. 25-50 mg for two weeks 

D. 100-150 mg in a few months 

E. Children are not galoperidol 


401-question. Galoperidolning children will be given a daily dose? 


A. 0,15-0,25 mg 5 years 

B. 6-10 years 0,25-0 5 mg 

C. 1.5-2.5 mg 5 years 

D. 6-10 years 2,5-5 mg 

E. A correct answer and V * 




402-question. Acute alcohol deliriya psixosomotor excitement and visual hallucinations 

observed if the patient galoperidol 1 ml intramuscular what will happen? 


A. This excitement will cease * 

B. This is the severity of the excitement 

C. develops in the patient's antipsychotic syndrome 

D. stop breathing will die 

E. Delirioz syndrome galoperidol apply. 


403-question. Galoperidol any case, it is recommended again? 


A. Vomiting different etiology 

B. Alcohol is so advanced delirioz 

C. Persistent hyperkinesis 

D. visuals of any etiology 

E. All correct answers * 


404-question. Galoperidolni circumstances which prevent the website to recommend? 


A. Heavy organic diseases of the central nervous system 

B. Acute paralysis of the central and stable 

C. Parkinsonism 

D. severe heart and kidney diseases 

E. All correct answers * 


405-question. Galoperidolni a long period of time acceptable to agree on how to divide his 

daily dose of the patient? 


A. The same dose throughout the day * 

B. therapeutic dose for a moment in the morning 

C. therapeutic dose in the evening in a moment 

D. therapeutic doses lunch time 

E. Please cider drink 


406-question. Galoperidolni which drugs are not recommended in combination with 



A. Opiates 

B. strong character with pills 

C. Other typical neyroleptiklar 

D. antidepressants 

E. A, B, C * correct answer 


407-question. Galoperidolning have any flaws? 


A. Parkinsonism, akathisia, dystonic call * 

B. increase of epileptic attacks 

C. Fazmofobiya, abstinence, adipic calls 

D. Aktsentuatsiya Eventually, the call ginekofiliya 

E. Increase patient and vomiting hiccup 


408-question. Triftazin doses produced? 




A. 1 mg, 5 mg and 10 mg tablet. 0.2% 1 ml ampoule * 

B. 2 mg and 7 mg tablet. 0.2% 2 ml ampoule 

C. 20 mg, 35 mg tablet. 1.5% 5 ml ampoule 

D. 25 mg, 75 mg tablet. 0.5% 10 ml ampoule 

E. B, C, D answers 


409-question. Triftazin have any effect? 


A. Antipsychotic 

B. sedative-somnogen 

C. analgesic drugs 

D. anticonvulsant 

E. A, B, C * correct answer 


410-question. Triftazin which is included in a group of drugs? 


A. Neyroleptiklar * 

B. sedative drugs 

S. Benzodiazepines 

D. Antikonvulsantlar 

E. Psychostimulants 


411-question. Triftazin back to overcome? 


A. No 

B. Yes, of course * 

C. Slightly reduced 

D. On the contrary, strengthens 


412-question. Triftazinning starting dose for adults 


A. 5 mg * 

B. 1 mg 

C. 10 mg 

D. 25 mg 

E. 50 mg 


413-question. Triftazin advised what time of day do you start? 


A. In the first half of the day 

B. In the second half of the day 

C. In the evening before going to sleep 

D. Early nahorda 

E. Depending on the situation at any time * 


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